2020-05-08 15:59:15 -04:00

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post Tweets from 05/04 to 05/08 2020-05-08 15:58:54-0400 media
Tweets for the Week of May 04th, 2020 /blog/assets/CLM_14456_71r_detail.png

As [discussed previously]({% post_url 2019-12-31-new-year %}), this is my weekly Twitter roundup. Note that tweets of articles generally include header images from the articles, which are not included here unless they happen to be available under a free license. Most are not. But I now add most of my commentary here, where I'm not restricted by the message length.

diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week

I also don't generally attach pictures to posts with quotations.

9:02 -- Mon 04 May 2020

Poorer people have a harder time recovering from disasters from Futurity

...they hope experts in hurricanes, tornados, floods, and other disasters will also adopt the new economic and sociological measures in order to give policymakers new tools to plan for disasters.

12:05 -- Mon 04 May 2020

After all I have no nationality and am not anxious to claim any. Individuality is more than nationality. "You are you and I am I," says Confucius.

Sui Sin Far

9:05 -- Tue 05 May 2020

As bailout funds evaporate, minority-owned businesses say theyve been shut out from Fast Company

...at least 90% of businesses owned by people of color have been or will likely be shut out of the PPP.

Related: The Corporate Right Is Giving Us Two Choices: Go Back to Work, or Starve from The Intercept

Money for state and local governments so they're not forced to lay off massive numbers of teacher and firefighters? Hazard pay for doctors and nurses? Help for people paying rent? Sorry, no. "Until we can begin to open up the economy," McConnell said, "we can't spend enough money to solve the problem."

12:01 -- Tue 05 May 2020

I love the saintly chant of the winds touching their odorous fingers to the harp of the angel, spring.

Yone Noguchi

9:03 -- Wed 06 May 2020

The Government Must Decide If It Wants Pedestrians to Die or Not from VICE Motherboard

Despite signing international agreements to implement regulations and rating systems geared to protect people outside of cars, the NHTSA simply hasnt done it, even as more and more people die on American roads.

12:04 -- Wed 06 May 2020

Now even the rows of flat houses and dingy tall buildings seemed to take on a sturdy and friendly beauty.

Onoto Watanna

9:01 -- Thu 07 May 2020

Anti-Union Operative Warns Business of Historic Rise in Labor Activism from The Intercept

The rise in digital organizing and the unprecedented stress the pandemic has imposed on workers in a range of service-sector jobs also coincide with polls that show rising support for organized labor among the 18-to-34-year-old demographic.

Speaking of: Amazon, Whole Foods, Instacart Workers Organize a Historic Mass Strike from VICE Motherboard

...a leaked memo from an internal meeting of Amazon leadership, which described a campaign to smear the fired warehouse organizer Smalls...

12:03 -- Thu 07 May 2020

[Woman suffrage] is nothing more than a wider application of our ideas of justice and equality. We all believe in the idea of democracy.

Mabel Lee

9:04 -- Fri 08 May 2020

Whether the Ballot You Mail Is Counted May Depend on Where You Vote from ProPublica

Magney said the state did not track how many ballots missing postmarks were accepted or rejected.

I forgot to note it at the time, but the United States also just happens to have a new Postmaster General, who has donated well over a million dollars to the Trump campaign alone.

12:02 -- Fri 08 May 2020

I never knew that rats and dogs were good to eat until I learned it from Americans.

Wong Chin Foo


Because it accidentally became a tradition early on in the life of the blog, here's a sixth article that didn't fit into the week, but too weird to not mention.

.ORG Domain Registry Sale to Ethos Capital Rejected in Stunning Victory for Public Interest Internet from Electronic Frontier Foundation

ICANN said rejecting the deal was the right thing to do because it lacked a meaningful plan to protect the interests of nonprofits and NGOs that rely on the .ORG registry to exist on the Internet and connect with the people they serve.

Credits: Header image is Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week from a manuscript drafted during the Carolingian Dynasty.