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;;; matlab-scan.el --- Tools for contextually scanning a MATLAB buffer
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Eric Ludlam
;; Author: <eludlam@mathworks.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
;;; Commentary:
;; Handle all the scanning and computing for MATLAB files.
;; * Regular expressions for finding different kinds of syntax
;; * Systems for detecting what is on a line
;; * Systems for computing indentation
(require 'matlab-syntax)
;;; Code:
;;; Keyword and REGEX constants
(defconst matlab-block-keyword-list '(("end" . end)
("function" . decl)
("classdef" . decl)
("arguments" . args)
("properties" . mcos)
("methods" . mcos)
("events" . mcos)
("enumeration" . mcos)
("if" . ctrl)
("else" . mid)
("ifelse" . mid)
("for" . ctrl)
("parfor" . ctrl)
("while" . ctrl)
("switch" . ctrl)
("case" . case)
("otherwise" . case)
("try" . ctrl)
("catch" . mid)
"List of keywords that are part of code blocks.")
(defconst matlab-keyword-table
(let ((ans (obarray-make 23)))
(mapc (lambda (elt) (set (intern (car elt) ans) (cdr elt)))
"Keyword table for fast lookups of different keywords and their purpose.")
;;; Context Parsing
;; Find some fast ways to identify the context for a given line.
;; Use tricks to derive multiple pieces of information and do lookups
;; as quickly as possible.
(defun matlab-compute-line-context (level)
"Compute and return the line context for the current line of MATLAB code.
LEVEL indicates how much information to return.
LEVEL of 1 is the most primitive / simplest data.
This function caches compuated context onto the line it is for, and will
return the cache if it finds it."
(cond ((= level 1)
(let ((ctxt (matlab-scan-cache-get 1)))
(unless ctxt
(setq ctxt (matlab-compute-line-context-lvl-1))
(matlab-scan-cache-put ctxt 1))
(defconst mlf-ltype 0)
(defconst mlf-stype 1)
(defconst mlf-indent 2)
(defconst mlf-paren-depth 3)
(defconst mlf-paren-char 4)
(defconst mlf-paren-col 5)
(defconst mlf-paren-delta 6)
(defconst mlf-end-comment-type 7)
(defconst mlf-end-comment-col 8)
(defun matlab-compute-line-context-lvl-1 ()
"Compute and return the level1 context for the current line of MATLAB code.
Level 1 contexts are things quickly derived from `syntax-ppss'
and other simple states.
Computes multiple styles of line by checking for multiple types of context
in a single call using fastest methods.
Return list has these fields:
0 - Primary line type
1 - Secondary line type
2 - Indentation
3 - Parenthisis depth
4 - Char for innermost beginning paren
5 - Column of innermost beginning paren
6 - Parenthisis depth change on this line
7 - End Comment type (ellipsis, comment, or nil)
8 - End Comment start column
(let* ((ppsend (save-excursion (syntax-ppss (point-at-eol))))
(pps (syntax-ppss (point)))
(ltype 'empty)
(stype nil)
(cc 0)
(paren-depth (nth 0 pps))
(paren-char nil)
(paren-col nil)
(paren-delta (- (car pps) (car ppsend)))
(ec-type nil)
(ec-col nil)
;; This means we are somewhere inside a cell, array, or arg list.
;; Find out the kind of list we are in.
;; Being in a multi-line list is valid for all other states like
;; empty lines, and block comments
(when (> (nth 0 pps) 0)
(goto-char (car (last (nth 9 pps))))
(setq paren-char (char-after (point))
paren-col (current-column))))
;; For comments - We can only ever be inside a block comment, so
;; check for that.
;; 4 is comment flag. 7 is '2' if block comment
((and (nth 4 pps) (eq (nth 7 pps) 2))
(setq ltype 'comment
stype (cond ((looking-at "%}\\s-*$")
((looking-at "%")
(t 'block-body))))
;; If indentation lands on end of line, this is an empty line
;; so nothing left to do. Keep after block-comment-body check
;; since empty lines in a block comment are valid.
;; Looking at a % means one of the various comment flavors.
((eq (char-after (point)) ?\%)
(setq ltype 'comment
stype (cond ((looking-at "%{\\s-*$")
((looking-at "%%")
((looking-at "% \\$\\$\\$")
(t nil))))
;; Looking at word constituent. If so, identify if it is one of our
;; special identifiers.
((looking-at "\\w+\\>")
(if (/= paren-depth 0)
(setq ltype 'code)
;; If not in parens, this might be a keyword.
;; Look up our various keywords.
(let* ((word (match-string-no-properties 0))
(sym (intern-soft word matlab-keyword-table))
(if sym
(if (eq (symbol-value sym) 'end)
;; Special end keyword is in a class all it's own
(setq ltype 'end)
;; If we found this in our keyword table, then it is a start
;; of a block with a subtype.
(setq ltype 'block-start
stype (symbol-value sym)))
;; Else - not a sym - just some random code.
(setq ltype 'code)
;; Looking at a close paren.
((and (< 0 paren-depth) (looking-at "\\s)"))
(setq ltype 'close-paren))
;; Last stand - drop in 'code' to say - yea, just some code.
(t (setq ltype 'code))
;; NEXT - Check context at the end of this line, and determine special
;; stuff about it.
;; When the line ends with a comment.
;; Also tells us about continuations and comment start for lining up tail comments.
(let ((csc (nth 8 ppsend)))
(when (and (not csc) (eq stype 'block-end))
;; block comment end lines must end in a comment, so record
;; the beginning of that block comment instead.
(setq csc (nth 8 pps)) )
;; If we have something, record what it is.
(when csc
(setq ec-col csc
ec-type (if (= (char-after csc) ?\%) 'comment 'ellipsis))) ;; type
(list ltype stype cc paren-depth paren-char paren-col paren-delta ec-type ec-col)
(defun matlab-compute-line-context-lvl-2 (lvl1)
"Compute level 2 line contexts for indentation.
These are more expensive checks queued off of a lvl1 context."
;; matlab-ltype-help-comm
;; block start
;; block end
;; change in # blocks on this line.
;;; Accessor Utilities
;; Use these to query a context for a piece of data
(defsubst matlab-line-empty-p (lvl1)
"Return t if the current line is empty based on LVL1 cache."
(eq (car lvl1) 'empty))
;; Comments
(defsubst matlab-line-comment-p (lvl1)
"Return t if the current line is a comment based on LVL1 cache."
(eq (car lvl1) 'comment))
(defsubst matlab-line-comment-ignore-p (lvl1)
"Return t if the current line is a comment based on LVL1 cache."
(and (matlab-line-comment-p lvl1) (eq (nth mlf-stype lvl1) 'indent-ignore)))
(defsubst matlab-line-comment-style (lvl1)
"Return type type of comment on this line."
(and (matlab-line-comment-p lvl1) (nth mlf-stype lvl1)))
(defsubst matlab-line-end-comment-column (lvl1)
"Return column of comment on line, or nil if no comment.
All lines that start with a comment end with a comment."
(when (eq (nth mlf-end-comment-type lvl1) 'comment)
(goto-char (nth mlf-end-comment-col lvl1))
(defsubst matlab-line-ellipsis-p (lvl1)
"Return if this line ends with a comment.
All lines that start with a comment end with a comment."
(eq (nth mlf-end-comment-type lvl1) 'ellipsis))
;; Code and Declarations
(defsubst matlab-line-block-start-keyword-p (lvl1)
"Return t if the current line starts with block keyword."
(eq (car lvl1) 'block-start))
(defsubst matlab-line-declaration-p (lvl1)
"If the current line is a declaration, return the column it starts on.
Declarations are things like function or classdef."
(and (matlab-line-block-start-keyword-p lvl1) (eq (nth mlf-stype lvl1) 'decl)))
(defsubst matlab-line-end-p (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with an end."
(eq (car lvl1) 'end))
(defsubst matlab-line-block-middle-p (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with a middle block keyword.
These are keywords like `else' or `catch'."
(and (eq (car lvl1) 'block-start) (eq (nth 1 lvl1) 'mid)))
(defsubst matlab-line-block-case-p (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with a middle block keyword.
These are keywords like `else' or `catch'."
(and (eq (car lvl1) 'block-start) (eq (nth 1 lvl1) 'case)))
;; Parenthetical blocks
(defsubst matlab-line-close-paren-p (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with closing paren (any type.)"
(eq (car lvl1) 'close-paren))
(defsubst matlab-line-close-paren-char (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with closing paren (any type.)"
(nth mlf-paren-char lvl1))
(defsubst matlab-line-close-paren-col (lvl1)
"Non nil If the current line starts with closing paren (any type.)"
(nth mlf-paren-col lvl1))
;;; Scanning Accessor utilities
;; some utilities require some level of buffer scanning to get the answer.
;; Keep those separate so they can depend on the earlier decls.
(defun matlab-line-comment-help-p (lvl1)
"Return declaration column if the current line is part of a help comment.
Declarations are things like functions and classdefs.
Indentation a help comment depends on the column of the declaration."
(and (matlab-line-comment-p lvl1)
(forward-comment -100000)
(let ((c-lvl1 (matlab-compute-line-context 1)))
(when (matlab-line-declaration-p c-lvl1)
;;; Caching
(defvar matlab-scan-temporal-cache nil
"Cache of recently computed line contexts.
Used to speed up repeated queries on the same set of lines.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'matlab-scan-temporal-cache)
(defun matlab-scan-cache-get (level)
"Get a cached context at level."
(defun matlab-scan-cache-put (ctxt level)
"Get a cached context at level."
(defun matlab-scan-after-change-fcn (start end length)
"Function run in after change hooks."
(setq matlab-scan-temporal-cache nil))
(defun matlab-scan-setup ()
"Setup use of the indent cache for the current buffer."
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'matlab-scan-after-change-fcn t)
(defun matlab-scan-disable ()
"Setup use of the indent cache for the current buffer."
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'matlab-scan-after-change-fcn t)
;;; Debugging and Querying
(defun matlab-describe-line-indent-context ()
"Describe the indentation context for the current line."
(let* ((lvl1 (matlab-compute-line-context 1))
(paren-char (nth mlf-paren-char lvl1))
(open (format "%c" (or paren-char ?\()))
(close (format "%c"
(cond ((not paren-char) ?\))
((= paren-char ?\() ?\))
((= paren-char ?\[) ?\])
((= paren-char ?\{) ?\})
(t ??))))
(extraopen "")
(extraclose "")
(when (= (nth mlf-paren-depth lvl1) 0)
(setq open (propertize open 'face 'shadow)
close (propertize close 'face 'shadow)))
(if (< (nth mlf-paren-delta lvl1) 0)
(setq extraopen (format "<%d" (abs (nth mlf-paren-delta lvl1))))
(when (> (nth mlf-paren-delta lvl1) 0)
(setq extraclose (format "%d>" (nth mlf-paren-delta lvl1)))))
(message "%s%s %s%s%d%s%s %s %s" (nth mlf-ltype lvl1)
(format " %s" (or (nth mlf-stype lvl1) ""))
;; paren system
(nth mlf-paren-depth lvl1)
(cond ((eq (nth mlf-end-comment-type lvl1) 'comment) "%")
((eq (nth mlf-end-comment-type lvl1) 'ellipsis) "...")
(t ""))
(if (matlab-line-end-comment-column lvl1)
(format " %d" (matlab-line-end-comment-column lvl1))
(provide 'matlab-scan)
;;; matlab-indent.el ends here