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2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
;;; semantic-matlab.el --- Semantic details for MATLAB files
;;; Copyright (C) 2004-2013, 2019 Eric M. Ludlam: The Mathworks, Inc
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eludlam@mathworks.com>
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Parse a MATLAB M file for use w/ CEDET/Semantic
;; The MATLAB language is pretty simple from a functional standpoint in that
;; you can only declare functions. In addition, the language itself is not
;; expressable in a yacc style grammar. It is therefore more expedient
;; to scan for regular expressions.
(require 'mode-local)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(require 'semantic)
(condition-case nil
(require 'semantic-format)
(error (require 'semantic/format)))
(condition-case nil
(require 'semantic-dep)
(error (require 'semantic/dep)))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(require 'matlab)
(require 'matlab-shell)
(require 'semanticdb-matlab)
;;; Code:
;;; Utilities
;; These functions wrap behavior provided by semantic for use in parts of matlab mode
;; that need them. Take care of users who don't have cedet/semantic enabled by default.
(defun matlab-semantic-get-local-functions-for-script (&optional buffer)
"Return the list of functions (as semantic tags) for BuFFER.
If semantic-mode is not enabled, do something hacky to make it work."
(when buffer (set-buffer buffer))
(let ((tags (save-excursion
(semantic-find-tags-by-class 'function (current-buffer)))))
(when (and (not tags) (not semantic-mode))
;; We got no tags, and semantic isn't enabled.
;; Lets fake it.
;; call the parse region function. It won't be cached, so we have to do the work every
;; time, but hopefully it is fast enough for matlab-shell and cell scripts.
(setq tags (semantic-matlab-parse-region))
(defun matlab-semantic-tag-text (tag buffer)
"Return the text string for TAG."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(buffer-substring-no-properties (semantic-tag-start tag)
(semantic-tag-end tag))))
;;; Configuration
(defvar semantic-matlab-system-paths-include '("toolbox/matlab/funfun" "toolbox/matlab/general")
"List of include paths under `semantic-matlab-root-directory'.
These paths will be parsed recursively by semantic. Class and
private directories will be omitted here.")
(defvar semantic-matlab-root-directory (matlab-mode-determine-matlabroot)
"Root directory of MATLAB installation.
Use `semantic-matlab-system-paths-include' to let semantic know
which system directories you would like to include when doing
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-matlab-root-directory ()
"Calculate the current MATLAB root directory."
(if (matlab-shell-active-p)
;;; File type detection
(defvar semantic-matlab-match-filetype-re
"Regexp to identify if a file represents a class or a function.")
(defun semantic-matlab-guess-buffer-type (&optional buffer)
"Guess what kind of MATLAB content BUFFER contains.
Looks @ first declaration to determine if it is a class or function."
(if buffer (set-buffer buffer))
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (re-search-forward semantic-matlab-match-filetype-re nil t)
(let ((key (match-string 1)))
(cond ((string= key "classdef")
((string= key "function")
;; CLASS Defintions
(defvar semantic-matlab-match-classdef-re
"Expression to match a class definition start")
(defun semantic-matlab-class-tags (&optional buffer)
"Find the MATLAB class tag, and all methods (functions) in BUFFER.
Return argument is:
(if buffer (set-buffer buffer))
(let ((re semantic-matlab-match-classdef-re)
start cn end doc base meth
(taglist nil)
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward re nil t)
(setq start (match-beginning 0)
cn (buffer-substring-no-properties
(match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
base (save-excursion
(let ((tmp nil))
(while (looking-at "\\s-*[<&]\\s-*\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\.\\)+\\)")
(setq tmp (cons (match-string-no-properties 1) tmp))
(goto-char (match-end 0)))
(nreverse tmp)))
doc (save-excursion
;; snarf doc string
;; Mathworks standard
((looking-at "%[A-Z0-9_]+\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\s-*$")
(match-string-no-properties 1))
;; lookfor string
((looking-at "%\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\s-*$")
(match-string-no-properties 1))
;; otherwise simply snarf first line of
;; comments under function declaration
(re-search-forward "[^[:blank:][:cntrl:]]" nil t)
(if (looking-at "%\\s-+\\(.*\\)")
(match-string-no-properties 1)
end (save-excursion
(goto-char start)
(if matlab-functions-have-end
(condition-case nil
;; If we get a failure, we should at least
;; return whatever we got so far.
(error (point-max)))
meth (semantic-matlab-sort-raw-function-tags (semantic-matlab-function-tags)
(semantic-matlab-methods-update-tags (car meth) start end)
(setq taglist
(cons (list start end
(car meth)
(semantic-matlab-properties-tags start end)
(car (semantic-matlab-sort-raw-function-tags (car (cdr meth)) (point-max)))
(nreverse taglist))))
(defvar semantic-matlab-match-methods-block-re
"Regular expression for matching the start of a properties block.")
(defun semantic-matlab-methods-update-tags (rawtags start end)
"Create a tags list out of properties found between START and END."
(goto-char start)
(let ((taglist nil)
(tmpend nil)
(attrs nil)
(while (re-search-forward semantic-matlab-match-methods-block-re nil end)
(save-excursion ;; find end of properties block
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(matlab-forward-sexp nil nil)
(setq tmpend (point)))
(setq attrs (semantic-matlab-parse-attributes-and-move))
(while (and rawtags (< (nth 5 (car rawtags)) tmpend))
(while attrs
(semantic-tag-put-attribute (car rawtags) (car attrs) (car (cdr attrs)))
(setq attrs (cdr (cdr attrs))))
(setq rawtags (cdr rawtags))))
(goto-char tmpend)
(defvar semantic-matlab-match-properties-block-re
"Regular expression for matching the start of a properties block.")
(defun semantic-matlab-properties-tags (start end)
"Create a tags list out of properties found between START and END."
(goto-char start)
(let ((taglist nil)
(tmpend nil)
(attrs nil)
(while (re-search-forward semantic-matlab-match-properties-block-re nil end)
(setq attrs (semantic-matlab-parse-attributes-and-move))
(save-excursion ;; find end of properties block
(matlab-forward-sexp nil t)
(setq tmpend (point)))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\(\\w+\\)\\>" tmpend t)
(setq taglist (cons
(apply #'semantic-tag-new-variable (match-string-no-properties 1)
nil nil
(list (match-beginning 1) (point-at-eol)))
(goto-char tmpend)
(nreverse taglist)
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-attributes-and-move ()
"Parse the properties or method attributes block, and move cursor to end of list."
(when (looking-at "\\s-*(")
(let ((end (save-excursion
(attrs nil)
(case-fold-search t)
;; Protection
(when (re-search-forward "\\<Access=['\"]\\(\\w+\\)['\"]" end t)
(setq attrs (append (list :protection (match-string-no-properties 1))
;; Add next attr here
(goto-char end)
;; FUNCTION Definitions
;; The version of this variable in MATLAB.el is not a condusive to extracting
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
;; the information we need.
(defvar semantic-matlab-match-function-re
"\\(^\\s-*function\\b[ \t\n.]*\\)\\(\\[[^]]+\\]\\s-*=\\|\\w+\\s-*=\\|\\)\\s-*\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\>"
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
"Expression to match a function start line.")
(defun semantic-matlab-function-tags (&optional buffer)
"Find all MATLAB function tags in BUFFER.
Return argument is:
Note that builtin functions from MATLAB will always return
START=END=0 and no arguments or return values."
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(if buffer (set-buffer buffer))
(let ((re semantic-matlab-match-function-re)
start ret fn arg end doc
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(taglist nil)
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (and (string-match (format "^%s" (semantic-matlab-root-directory))
(looking-at "%\\([A-Z0-9_]+\\)\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\s-*$"))
;; This is a builtin function, ie there's no function line.
;; Hence we must use function name from the doc string.
;; How can we get function arguments/return vals for builtin func's?
(setq taglist
(cons (list 0 0 nil (downcase (match-string-no-properties 1))
nil (match-string-no-properties 2) t
;; this is a either not builtin or a user function
(while (re-search-forward re nil t)
(setq start (match-beginning 0)
ret (buffer-substring-no-properties
(match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
fn (buffer-substring-no-properties
(match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))
arg (buffer-substring-no-properties
(match-end 3) (save-excursion
doc (save-excursion
;; snarf doc string
;; Mathworks standard
((looking-at "%[A-Z0-9_]+\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\s-*$")
(match-string-no-properties 1))
;; lookfor string
((looking-at "%\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\s-*$")
(match-string-no-properties 1))
;; otherwise simply snarf first line of
;; comments under function declaration
(re-search-forward "[^[:blank:][:cntrl:]]" nil t)
(if (looking-at "%\\s-+\\(.*\\)")
(match-string-no-properties 1)
end (save-excursion
(goto-char start)
(if matlab-functions-have-end
(condition-case nil
;; If we get a failure, we should at least
;; return whatever we got so far.
(error (point-max)))
(setq taglist
(cons (list start end
(split-string ret "[][,=. \t\n]+" t)
(split-string arg "[(), \n\t.]+" t)
(nreverse taglist))))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
;; TODO - commented out the below. See if anything breaks, then delete.
;; (defun semantic-matlab-parse-oldstyle-class (tags &optional buffer)
;; "Check if BUFFER with current TAGS is the constructor of a class.
;; If this is the case, retrieve attributes from the buffer and scan
;; the whole directory for methods. The function returns a single tag
;; describing the class. This means that in semantic-matlab, the
;; old-style MATLAB classes are linked to the constructor file."
;; (let* ((name (buffer-file-name buffer))
;; class method methods retval attributes)
;; (when (string-match ".*/@\\(.*?\\)/\\(.*?\\)\\.m" name)
;; ;; this buffer is part of a class - check
;; (setq class (match-string 1 name))
;; (setq method (match-string 2 name))
;; (when (string= class method) ; is this the constructor?
;; ;; get attributes of the class
;; ;; TODO - we blindly assume the constructor is correctly defined
;; (setq retval (semantic-tag-get-attribute (car tags) :return))
;; (goto-char (point-min))
;; ;; search for attributes
;; (while (re-search-forward
;; (concat "^\\s-*" (car retval)
;; "\\.\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)\\s-*=\\s-*\\(.+\\);")
;; nil t)
;; (push (list (match-string-no-properties 1) ; name
;; (match-string-no-properties 2)) ; default value
;; attributes))
;; ;; now scan the methods
;; (dolist (cur (delete class
;; (nthcdr 2
;; (assoc class semanticdb-matlab-user-class-cache))))
;; (push
;; (semantic-tag-put-attribute
;; (car (semanticdb-file-stream
;; (concat
;; (file-name-directory name)
;; cur ".m")))
;; :typemodifiers '("public"))
;; methods))
;; ;; generate tag
;; (semantic-tag-new-type
;; class
;; "class"
;; (append
;; (mapcar (lambda (cur)
;; (semantic-tag-new-variable
;; (car cur) nil (cdr cur)
;; :typemodifiers '("public")))
;; attributes)
;; methods)
;; nil
;; :typemodifiers '("public"))))))
;; (defun semantic-matlab-find-oldstyle-classes (files)
;; "Scan FILES for old-style Matlab class system.
;; Returns an alist with elements (CLASSNAME LOCATION METHODS)."
;; (let (classes temp tags)
;; (dolist (cur files)
;; ;; scan file path for @-directory
;; (when (string-match "\\(.*\\)/@\\(.*?\\)/\\(.*?\\)\\.m" cur)
;; (if (setq temp
;; (assoc (match-string 2 cur) classes))
;; (nconc temp `(,(match-string 3 cur)))
;; (push `( ,(match-string 2 cur) ,(match-string 1 cur)
;; ,(match-string 3 cur)) classes))))
;; classes))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-region (&rest ignore)
"Parse the current MATLAB buffer for function definitions.
IGNORE any arguments which specify a subregion to parse.
Each tag returned is a semantic FUNCTION tag. See
(let* ((bt (semantic-matlab-guess-buffer-type))
(raw (condition-case nil
;; Errors from here ought not to be propagated.
(cond ((eq bt 'class)
((eq bt 'function)
(t nil))
(error nil)))
tags ctags)
(setq tags (mapcar 'semantic-matlab-expand-tag raw))
;; check if this is a class constructor
;; (setq ctags (list (semantic-matlab-parse-oldstyle-class tags)))
;;(if (car ctags) ctags
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-changes ()
"Parse all changes for the current MATLAB buffer."
;; NOTE: For now, just schedule a full reparse.
;; To be implemented later.
(define-mode-local-override semantic-tag-components-with-overlays
matlab-mode (tag)
"Return the list of subfunctions, or class members in TAG."
(semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :members)
(semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :subfunctions)))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-matlab-expand-tag (tag)
"Expand the MATLAB function tag TAG."
(let ((chil (semantic-tag-components-with-overlays tag)))
(if chil
tag :members (mapcar 'semantic-matlab-expand-tag chil)))
(car (semantic--tag-expand tag))))
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-class (&optional limit)
"Pase the class from the current MATLAB buffer."
(semantic-matlab-sort-raw-class-tags (semantic-matlab-class-tags)))
(defun semantic-matlab-sort-raw-class-tags (tag-list)
"Return a split list of tags from TAG-LIST before END."
(let ((newlist nil))
(dolist (tag tag-list)
(let ((start (car tag))
(end (nth 1 tag))
(name (nth 2 tag))
(base (nth 3 tag))
(doc (nth 4 tag))
(meth (nth 5 tag))
(props (nth 6 tag))
(local (nth 7 tag)))
(setq newlist
(cons (append
(semantic-tag-new-type name
(append props meth)
(list base)
:documentation doc)
(list start end))
(setq newlist (append newlist local))
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-functions (&optional limit)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
"Parse all functions from the current MATLAB buffer."
(semantic-matlab-sort-raw-function-tags (semantic-matlab-function-tags)
(or limit (point-max)))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-matlab-sort-raw-function-tags (tag-list &optional end)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
"Return a split list of tags from TAG-LIST before END.
Return list is:
(let ((newlist nil)
(rest tag-list))
;; Loop until there are no more tags, or no tags before END.
(while (and tag-list (> end (car (car tag-list))))
(let* ((tag (car tag-list))
(start (car tag))
(end (nth 1 tag))
(ret (nth 2 tag))
(name (nth 3 tag))
(args (nth 4 tag))
(doc (nth 5 tag))
(builtin (nth 6 tag))
(parts (semantic-matlab-sort-raw-function-tags (cdr tag-list) end))
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(chil (car parts)))
(setq rest (car (cdr parts)))
(setq newlist
(cons (append
(semantic-tag-new-function name nil args
:return ret
:subfunctions chil
:documentation doc
:builtin builtin)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(list start end))
(setq tag-list rest)))
(list (nreverse newlist) tag-list)))
;; The following function tries to parse MATLAB variable
;; assignments. There are only three categories of types: doubles,
;; structs, and classes. It returns a list with elements
;; (NAME TYPE ATTRIBUTES), for example:
;; ("astruct" "struct" "field1" "field2" "field3")
;; ("aclass" "class" "exampleclass")
;; ("anumber" "double" "1356")
;; Of course we can't parse things we don't know, e.g.
;; if (a==5) variable=aclass; else variable=anotherclass;
;; In these cases, the latter assignment counts.
;; Also, we don't know return types of functions (yet...) - the parser
;; will always think it's "double". You can override the
;; parser with a special comment, like: %type% avariable = aclass
;; One day we might use a grammar for this...?
(defconst semantic-matlab-type-hint-string "%type%"
"Comment string which prefixes a type hint for the parser.")
(defun semantic-matlab-parse-assignments ()
"Parse assignments in current buffer.
This function starts at current point and goes backwards, until
it reaches a function declaration or the beginning of the buffer.
It returns a list of variable assignments (NAME TYPE ATTRIBUTES),
where NAME is unique."
(let ((limit (or (save-excursion
(if (re-search-backward semantic-matlab-match-function-re nil t)
(forward-line 1)
;; don't parse current line
(while (re-search-backward (concat "^\\(" (regexp-quote semantic-matlab-type-hint-string)
"\\)?\\([^%]*[^=><~]\\)=\\([^=].*\\)$") limit t)
(let ((left (match-string-no-properties 2))
(right (match-string-no-properties 3))
;; first we have to deal with elipsis...
(while (string-match
(concat "\\(.*\\)"
(regexp-quote matlab-elipsis-string) "\\s-*$")
(forward-line 1)
(setq right
(match-string 1 right)
(progn (looking-at "^.*$")
(match-string-no-properties 0))))))
(while (and (not (bobp))
(forward-line -1)
(concat "\\(.*\\)"
(regexp-quote matlab-elipsis-string) "\\s-*$"))))
(setq left
(concat (match-string-no-properties 1) left))))
;; remove bracket expressions and beginning/trailing whitespaces on left-hand side
(while (or (string-match "\\((.*)\\|{.*}\\)" left)
(string-match "^\\(\\s-+\\)" left)
(string-match "\\(\\s-+\\)$" left))
(setq left (replace-match "" t t left)))
;; deal with right-hand side
;; special case: a = set(class,attribute,value)
((string-match "\\s-*set(\\s-*\\([A-Za-z_0-9 ]+\\)\\s-*," right)
(setq right (match-string 1 right)))
;; method call which returns same class: class=method(class [,args])
((and (string-match "\\s-*[A-Za-z_0-9 ]+\\s-*(\\s-*\\([A-Za-z_0-9 ]+\\)\\s-*\\(,\\|)\\)" right)
(string= left (match-string 1 right)))
(setq right (match-string 1 right)))
;; otherwise reduce right-hand side to first symbol
(string-match "[[({ ]*\\([A-Za-z_0-9]*\\)" right)
(setq right (match-string 1 right))))
;; multiple assignment, e.g. [a,b]=size(A);
((string-match "\\[\\(.*\\)\\]" left)
(dolist (cur (split-string (match-string 1 left) ","))
(string-match "\\s-*\\([A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)\\s-*" cur)
(setq cur (match-string 1 cur))
(unless (assoc cur vars)
;; since we don't know any return types, we just say it's double
(push (list cur "double" "") vars))))
;; (nested) structure
((string-match "\\([A-Za-z_0-9.]+\\)\\.\\([A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)" left)
(while (string-match "\\([A-Za-z_0-9.]+\\)\\.\\([A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)" left)
(let ((name (match-string 1 left))
(field (match-string 2 left)))
(if (setq temp (assoc name vars))
(unless (member field temp)
(nconc temp (list field)))
(push (list name "struct" field)
(setq left name))))
;; class
((assoc right semanticdb-matlab-user-class-cache)
(string-match "\\([A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)\\s-*$" left)
(setq left (match-string 1 left))
(if (and (setq temp (assoc left vars))
(string= (nth 1 temp) "struct"))
;; we first thought it's a structure, but it's probably a
;; new-style class
(setcdr temp `("class" ,right))
(unless temp
(push `(,left "class" ,right) vars))))
;; default is double
(string-match "\\([A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)\\s-*$" left)
(setq left (match-string 1 left))
(unless (or (assoc left vars)
(string= left right)) ; self assignment
(push `(,left "double" ,right) vars)))
(define-mode-local-override semantic-get-local-variables
matlab-mode (&optional point)
"Return a list of local variables for POINT."
(let ((vars (semantic-matlab-parse-assignments))
knowntypes tags)
(dolist (cur vars)
;; check right-hand side for known types which might be
;; assigned this variable
(if (string= (nth 1 cur) "double")
(when (member (nth 2 cur) knowntypes)
(setcdr cur (cdr (assoc (nth 2 cur) vars))))
(push (nth 0 cur) knowntypes))
;; generate the tag
(car cur)
;; structures
((string= (cadr cur) "struct")
;; this is just a placeholder
(concat (car cur) "_struct")
(lambda (x)
nil nil :typemodifiers '("public") ))
(nthcdr 2 cur))
;; classes
((string= (cadr cur) "class")
;; include tags from class constructor
;; (contains whole class, including methods)
(car (semanticdb-file-stream
(nth 1 (assoc (nth 2 cur) semanticdb-matlab-user-class-cache))
"/@" (nth 2 cur) "/" (nth 2 cur) ".m"))))
(define-mode-local-override semantic-format-tag-prototype matlab-mode
(tag &optional parent color)
"Return a prototype string describing tag.
For MATLAB, we have to mark builtin functions, since we currently
cannot derive an argument list for them."
(let ((class (semantic-tag-class tag))
(name (semantic-format-tag-name tag parent color))
(if (eq class 'function)
(let* ((args (semantic-tag-function-arguments tag))
(argstr (semantic--format-tag-arguments args
(builtin (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :builtin))
(doc (semantic-tag-docstring tag)))
(if builtin
(if color
(setq builtin (semantic--format-colorize-text " [builtin] " 'keyword)
argstr (semantic--format-colorize-text " arguments unavailable" 'label))
(setq builtin " [builtin] "
argstr " arguments unavailable"))
(setq builtin ""))
(concat name builtin "(" (if args " " "")
" )"))
(semantic-format-tag-prototype-default tag parent color))))
(defun semantic-idle-summary-format-matlab-mode (tag &optional parent color)
"Describe TAG and display corresponding MATLAB 'lookfor' doc-string."
(let* ((proto (semantic-format-tag-prototype-matlab-mode tag nil color))
(doc (semantic-tag-docstring tag)))
(concat proto " (" doc ")")))
matlab-mode semantic-matlab-dependency-system-include-path
(when (and semantic-matlab-root-directory
(file-exists-p semantic-matlab-root-directory))
(let ((path nil))
(mapcar (lambda (cur)
(let ((tmp (expand-file-name
cur semantic-matlab-root-directory)))
(when (file-exists-p tmp)
(push tmp path))))
"The system include paths from MATLAB.")
(defvar semantic-idle-summary-function) ;; quiet compiler warning (not sure where this is defined)
(defvar-mode-local matlab-mode semantic-idle-summary-function
"Function to use when displaying tag information during idle time.")
(defvar semantic-matlab-display-docstring t
"Flag if function documentation should be displayed after completion.")
(define-mode-local-override semantic-ia-insert-tag
matlab-mode (tag)
"Insert TAG into the current buffer based on completion."
(insert (semantic-tag-name tag))
(let ((name (semantic-tag-name tag))
(tt (semantic-tag-class tag))
(args (semantic-tag-function-arguments tag))
(doc (semantic-tag-docstring tag)))
(when (and (eq tt 'function)
(not (looking-at "\\s-*(")))
(insert "("))
;; delete trailing whitespaces when completing class methods
(when (looking-at "\\(\\s-+\\)(")
(delete-char (length (match-string 1))))
(when semantic-matlab-display-docstring
(if (fboundp 'fame-message-nolog)
(semantic-idle-summary-format-matlab-mode tag nil t))))))
(define-mode-local-override semantic-ctxt-current-symbol
matlab-mode (&optional point)
"Return the current symbol the cursor is on at point in a list.
This will include a list of type/field names when applicable."
(let* ((case-fold-search semantic-case-fold)
(with-syntax-table semantic-lex-syntax-table
(when point (goto-char point))
;; go to beginning of symbol
(skip-syntax-backward "w_")
(setq sym (if (looking-at "[a-zA-Z_0-9]+")
(match-string-no-properties 0)
(if sym
;; method call: var = method(class,args)
(and (looking-back "[^=><~]=\\s-*" nil)
(looking-at "[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\s-*(\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\),?")))
(list (match-string-no-properties 1) sym))
;; class properties: var = get(class,'attribute')
((looking-back "\\(get\\|set\\)(\\s-*\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\),'" nil)
(list (match-string-no-properties 2) sym))
;; (nested) structures or new-style classes
((looking-back "[^A-Za-z_0-9.]\\([A-Za-z_0-9.]+\\)\\." nil)
(list (match-string-no-properties 1) sym))
(list sym)))
(define-mode-local-override semantic-ctxt-current-symbol-and-bounds
matlab-mode (&optional point)
"Return the current symbol and bounds the cursor is on at POINT.
Uses `semantic-ctxt-current-symbol' to calculate the symbol.
(let ((sym (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol-matlab-mode point))
bounds endsym)
(when point (goto-char point))
(when sym
;; go to beginning of symbol
(skip-syntax-backward "w_")
(setq endsym (progn (looking-at "[a-zA-Z_0-9]+")
(match-string-no-properties 0)))
(setq bounds (cons
(match-beginning 0)
(match-end 0)))
(list sym endsym bounds)))))
(defvar semantic-imenu-bucketize-type-members) ;; quiet compiler warning
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(defun semantic-default-matlab-setup ()
"Set up a buffer for parsing of MATLAB files."
;; This will use our parser.
'((parse-region . semantic-matlab-parse-region)
(parse-changes . semantic-matlab-parse-changes)))
(setq semantic-parser-name "MATLAB"
;; Setup a dummy parser table to enable parsing!
semantic--parse-table t
imenu-create-index-function 'semantic-create-imenu-index
;; semantic-command-separation-character "."
semantic-type-relation-separator-character '(".")
semantic-symbol->name-assoc-list '((function . "Function")
(type . "Class")
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
semantic-imenu-expandable-tag-classes '(function type)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
semantic-imenu-bucketize-file nil
semantic-imenu-bucketize-type-members nil
senator-step-at-start-end-tag-classes '(function)
semantic-stickyfunc-sticky-classes '(function type)
2008-05-19 21:24:04 +02:00
(provide 'semantic-matlab)
;;; semantic-matlab.el ends here