matlab and org mode example

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John Ciolfi 2023-04-10 16:05:31 -04:00
parent bda900fd75
commit b7007223bd
6 changed files with 3974 additions and 0 deletions

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/* additional languages in org.el's org-babel-load-languages alist */
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/* additional language identifiers per "defun org-babel-execute"
in ob-*.el */
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pre.src-abc:before { content: 'ABC'; }
pre.src-coq:before { content: 'Coq'; }
pre.src-groovy:before { content: 'Groovy'; }
/* additional language identifiers from org-babel-shell-names in
ob-shell.el: ob-shell is the only babel language using a lambda to put
the execution function name together. */
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<div id="content">
<div id="outline-container-org43e8363" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org43e8363"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> Overview</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
<a href="">Org-mode</a> and <a href="">matlab-mode</a> provide a very efficient and effective system for creating scientific
documents which contain MATLAB code and/or Simulink models along with the results of these. The
results of running MATLAB code or simulating Simulink models is placed into the org-mode file by
org-mode using org babel. <a href="">Org babel</a> is org-mode's ability to execute source code within org-mode
files and optionally insert the results back in to the org-mode file. You define source code in code
blocks, e.g.
<pre class="example">
#+begin_src LANGUAGE &lt;OPTIONS&gt;
<div id="outline-container-orgb568991" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgb568991"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> Example</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">
With org-mode you can embed semantically colored code such as MATLAB within your document and
semantically edit it using "Org -&gt; Editing -&gt; Edit Source Example" menu or <code>C-c '</code>. For example,
here's a MATLAB <a href="">enumeration class</a>:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-matlab"><span style="color: #a020f0;">classdef</span> <span style="color: #0000ff;">WeekDays</span>
<span style="color: #a020f0;">enumeration</span>
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
<span style="color: #a020f0;">end</span>
<span style="color: #a020f0;">end</span>
You can use org-mode babel to evaluate MATLAB code blocks. For example, if you type <code>C-c C-c</code> in the
code block, org-mode will evaluate the code in the <code>*MATLAB*</code> session and insert the value of <code>ans</code>
just below the code block.
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-matlab">a=1<span style="color: #483d8b;">+</span>3<span style="color: #483d8b;">+</span>5<span style="color: #483d8b;">+</span>7;
<span style="color: #008b8b; font-style: italic;">ans</span>=a
<pre class="example">
You can also use org-mode babel evaluate MATLAB code blocks to plot and insert figures back in
to this file. For example:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-matlab">t=[0<span style="color: #483d8b;">:</span>.1<span style="color: #483d8b;">:</span>2<span style="color: #483d8b;">*</span><span style="color: #008b8b; font-style: italic;">pi</span>];
<span style="color: #483d8b;">plot</span>(t,y);
<div class="figure">
<p><img src="sinewave.png" alt="sinewave.png" />
<div id="outline-container-org16c84e6" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org16c84e6"><span class="section-number-2">3</span> HTML Export</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
You need the htmlize package to get coloring in HTML.
We set the "#+html_head_extra" properties above to configure CSS. We used <code>M-x
org-html-htmlize-generate-css</code> to create ./css/styles-from-org.css and added our customizations in
<div id="outline-container-orgd802330" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgd802330"><span class="section-number-2">4</span> Setup</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
The following is known to work with Emacs 27 which includes org-mode 9.3. It is also know to work
with Emacs 27 and org-mode 9.6.1.
To use matlab-mode with org-mode, you need to configure org-mode for matlab-mode. See <a href="../../README.html"></a> to
install matlab-mode.
We configure matlab-mode to use buffer name <code>*MATLAB*</code> and we alter org-mode to use this buffer by
adding the following to your <code>~/.emacs</code>.
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-emacs-lisp"><span style="color: #b22222;">;;</span><span style="color: #b22222;">-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;;</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">org babel for matlab - make all matlab code blocks execute in the same *MATLAB* session ;;</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;;</span><span style="color: #b22222;">-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;;</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">A better approach to setting org-babel-load-languages is to customize it:</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">M-x customize-variable RET org-babel-load-languages RET</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">However, we are doing this here to illustrate how matlab interacts with org</span>
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">setq</span> org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t)
(matlab . t)))
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">setq</span> org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '((<span style="color: #483d8b;">:session</span> . <span style="color: #8b2252;">"*MATLAB*"</span>)))
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">defun</span> <span style="color: #0000ff;">matlab-org-session-advice</span> (orig-fun <span style="color: #228b22;">&amp;rest</span> args)
<span style="color: #8b2252;">"Advice for org to reuse the *MATLAB* buffer"</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">ob-octave.el leverages both org-babel-matlab-emacs-link-wrapper-method and</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">org-babel-octave-wrapper-method when interacting with the *MATLAB* buffer.</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">Here we fix a couple items such as adding cd default-directory:</span>
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">setq</span> org-babel-matlab-emacs-link-wrapper-method
(concat <span style="color: #8b2252;">"\</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> cd('"</span> default-directory <span style="color: #8b2252;">"');</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> %s</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> if ~exist('ans','var') ans=''; end</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> if ischar(ans), fid = fopen('%s', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%%s\\n', ans); fclose(fid);</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> else, save -ascii %s ans</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> end</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> delete('%s')</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> "</span>))
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">setq</span> org-babel-octave-wrapper-method
(concat <span style="color: #8b2252;">"\</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> cd('"</span> default-directory <span style="color: #8b2252;">"');</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> %s</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> if ~exist('ans','var') ans=''; end</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> if ischar(ans) || isstring(ans), fid = fopen('%s', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%%s\\n', ans); fclose(fid);</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> else, dlmwrite('%s', ans, '\\t')</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;"> end"</span>))
(apply orig-fun args))
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">defun</span> <span style="color: #0000ff;">matlab-org-fixup-print</span> (orig-fun session body result-type <span style="color: #228b22;">&amp;optional</span> matlabp)
<span style="color: #8b2252;">"Fixup figure print to make it work with MATLAB"</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">org 9.3 correctly does: print -dpng figure.png</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">org 9.6.1 incorrectly does: print -dpng "figure.png"</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">and thus 9.6.1 creates on disk a file name containing quotes which is incorrect, so this</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">advice fixes that.</span>
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">setq</span> body (replace-regexp-in-string <span style="color: #8b2252;">"^</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">\\</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">(</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">print -dpng </span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">\\</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">)</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">\"</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">\\</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">(</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">[</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">^</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">\"]+</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">\\</span><span style="color: #8b2252; font-weight: bold;">)</span><span style="color: #8b2252;">\""</span> <span style="color: #8b2252;">"\\1\\2"</span> body t))
(funcall orig-fun session body result-type matlabp))
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">defun</span> <span style="color: #0000ff;">org-export-dispatch-no-babel-advice</span> (orig-fun <span style="color: #228b22;">&amp;rest</span> args)
<span style="color: #8b2252;">"Instruct babel to not evaluate code blocks (and hence no</span>
<span style="color: #8b2252;">prompt) during export, e.g. conversion of org to say html."</span>
(<span style="color: #a020f0;">let*</span> ((org-babel-default-header-args
(cons '(<span style="color: #483d8b;">:eval</span> . <span style="color: #8b2252;">"never-export"</span>) org-babel-default-header-args))
(result (apply orig-fun args)))
(eval-after-load 'ox
'(<span style="color: #a020f0;">progn</span>
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">Make C-c C-e `</span><span style="color: #008b8b;">org-export-dispatch</span><span style="color: #b22222;">' work without prompting to evaluate code blocks</span>
(advice-add 'org-export-dispatch <span style="color: #483d8b;">:around</span> #'org-export-dispatch-no-babel-advice)))
<span style="color: #b22222;">;; </span><span style="color: #b22222;">org babel for matlab - make all matlab code blocks execute in the same *MATLAB* session</span>
(eval-after-load <span style="color: #8b2252;">"org"</span>
'(<span style="color: #a020f0;">progn</span>
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate-external-process <span style="color: #483d8b;">:around</span> #'matlab-org-session-advice)
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate-session <span style="color: #483d8b;">:around</span> #'matlab-org-session-advice)
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate <span style="color: #483d8b;">:around</span> #'matlab-org-fixup-print)))
To try this using "stock" emacs, place the above in org-matlab-setup.el and use:
<pre class="example">
emacs -q -L /path/to/matlab-mode -l /path/to/matlab-load.el -l org-matlab-setup.el
<div id="postamble" class="status">
<p class="author">Author: John Ciolfi</p>
<p class="date">Created: 2023-04-10 Mon 15:58</p>
<p class="validation"><a href="">Validate</a></p>

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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# // File: matlab-emacs-src/examples/matlab-and-org-mode/
# // Abstract:
# // Use this as a template for creating org-files with MATLAB and other language code blocks
#+startup: showall
#+startup: inlineimages // C-c C-x C-v to toggle, C-c C-x C-M-v to redisplay
#+startup: latexpreview // C-c C-x C-l to toggle
#+html_head_extra: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles-from-org.css"/>
#+html_head_extra: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css"/>
#+options: ^:{}
#+options: toc:nil
#+latex_header: \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{parskip}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{tocloft}
#+latex_header: \advance\cftsecnumwidth 0.5em\relax
#+latex_header: \advance\cftsubsecindent 0.5em\relax
#+latex_header: \advance\cftsubsecnumwidth 0.5em\relax
* Overview
[[][Org-mode]] and [[][matlab-mode]] provide an efficient and effective system for creating scientific documents
which contain MATLAB code and/or Simulink models along with the results of these. The results of
running MATLAB code or simulating Simulink models is placed into the org-mode file by org-mode using
org babel. [[][Org babel]] is org-mode's ability to execute source code within org-mode files and
optionally insert the results back in to the org-mode file. You define source code in code blocks,
: #+begin_src LANGUAGE <OPTIONS>
: <CODE>
: #+end_src
* Example
With org-mode you can embed semantically colored code such as MATLAB within your document and
semantically edit it using "Org -> Editing -> Edit Source Example" menu or =C-c '=. For example,
here's a MATLAB [[][enumeration class]]:
#+begin_src matlab
classdef WeekDays
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
You can use org-mode babel to evaluate MATLAB code blocks. For example, if you type =C-c C-c= in the
following code block, org-mode will evaluate the code in the =*MATLAB*= session and insert the value
of =ans= just below the code block.
#+begin_src matlab :exports both :results verbatim
: 16
You can also use org-mode babel evaluate MATLAB code blocks to plot and insert figures back in to
this file. For example:
#+begin_src matlab :file sinewave.png :exports both :results file graphics
* Export to HTML, PDF, etc.
You need the htmlize package to get coloring.
For HTML export we set the "#+html_head_extra" properties above to configure CSS. We used ~M-x
org-html-htmlize-generate-css~ to create ./css/styles-from-org.css and added our customizations in
For PDF export we configured several "#+latex_header" properties above.
After this setup, you can use the "Org -> Export/Publish" or ~C-c C-e~ to export to HTML, PDF, etc.
See the example *.html in this directory.
* Setup
The following is known to work with Emacs 27 which includes org-mode 9.3. It is also know to work
with Emacs 27 and org-mode 9.6.1.
To use matlab-mode with org-mode, you need to configure org-mode for matlab-mode. See [[file:../../][]] to
install matlab-mode.
We configure matlab-mode to use buffer name =*MATLAB*= and we alter org-mode to use this buffer by
adding the following to your =~/.emacs=.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; org babel for matlab - make all matlab code blocks execute in the same *MATLAB* session ;;
;; A better approach to setting org-babel-load-languages is to customize it:
;; M-x customize-variable RET org-babel-load-languages RET
;; However, we are doing this here to illustrate how matlab interacts with org
(setq org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t)
(matlab . t)))
(setq org-babel-default-header-args:matlab '((:session . "*MATLAB*")))
(defun matlab-org-session-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
"Advice for org to reuse the *MATLAB* buffer"
;; ob-octave.el leverages both org-babel-matlab-emacs-link-wrapper-method and
;; org-babel-octave-wrapper-method when interacting with the *MATLAB* buffer.
;; Here we fix a couple items such as adding cd default-directory:
(setq org-babel-matlab-emacs-link-wrapper-method
(concat "\
cd('" default-directory "');
if ~exist('ans','var') ans=''; end
if ischar(ans), fid = fopen('%s', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%%s\\n', ans); fclose(fid);
else, save -ascii %s ans
(setq org-babel-octave-wrapper-method
(concat "\
cd('" default-directory "');
if ~exist('ans','var') ans=''; end
if ischar(ans) || isstring(ans), fid = fopen('%s', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%%s\\n', ans); fclose(fid);
else, dlmwrite('%s', ans, '\\t')
(apply orig-fun args))
(defun matlab-org-fixup-print (orig-fun session body result-type &optional matlabp)
"Fixup figure print to make it work with MATLAB"
;; org 9.3 correctly does: print -dpng figure.png
;; org 9.6.1 incorrectly does: print -dpng "figure.png"
;; and thus 9.6.1 creates on disk a file name containing quotes which is incorrect, so this
;; advice fixes that.
(setq body (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\(print -dpng \\)\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" "\\1\\2" body t))
(funcall orig-fun session body result-type matlabp))
(defun org-export-dispatch-no-babel-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
"Instruct babel to not evaluate code blocks (and hence no
prompt) during export, e.g. conversion of org to say html."
(let* ((org-babel-default-header-args
(cons '(:eval . "never-export") org-babel-default-header-args))
(result (apply orig-fun args)))
(eval-after-load 'ox
;; Make C-c C-e `org-export-dispatch' work without prompting to evaluate code blocks
(advice-add 'org-export-dispatch :around #'org-export-dispatch-no-babel-advice)))
;; org babel for matlab - make all matlab code blocks execute in the same *MATLAB* session
(eval-after-load "org"
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate-external-process :around #'matlab-org-session-advice)
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate-session :around #'matlab-org-session-advice)
(advice-add 'org-babel-octave-evaluate :around #'matlab-org-fixup-print)))
To try this using "stock" emacs, place the above in org-matlab-setup.el and use:
: emacs -q -L /path/to/matlab-mode -l /path/to/matlab-load.el -l org-matlab-setup.el
# LocalWords: showall inlineimages latexpreview usepackage parskip tocloft cftsecnumwidth sinewave
# LocalWords: cftsubsecindent cftsubsecnumwidth setq defun isstring fixup matlabp dpng funcall
# LocalWords: progn htmlize

Binary file not shown.


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