function dl_emacs_support(varargin) % Download MATLAB support files for Emacs % % DL_EMACS_SUPPRT - download all Emacs support files into the % current directory. % % DL_EMACS_SUPPORT(FILESET) - download a FILESET of Emacs support. % Sets are: % dl - Download a new version of this download script. % core - Just the core MATLAB support files. % tlc - Just the core MATLAB/TLC support files. % cedet - Core, plus additional support for MATLAB using CEDET support. % Learn more about CEDET at: % support - Just the build files and READMEs for compiling. % all - All files % % DL_EMACS_SUPPORT(FILESET,DEST) - download FILESET and save in % destination directory DEST % % For the most reliable refresh of the repository, run these two % commands, the frist will make sure the downloader is current. % % dl_emacs_support dl % dl_emacs_support % % On unix, you can then execute: % % !make % % to compile. po = inputParser; addOptional(po, 'fileset', 'all', @ischar) addOptional(po, 'destination', pwd, @ischar) po.parse(varargin{:}); stuff = po.Results; if exist(stuff.destination,'dir') ~= 7 error(['The folder: ''',stuff.destination, ''', does not exist.']); end downloader = { 'dl_emacs_support.m' }; coreFiles = { 'matlab-load.el' 'matlab.el' 'mlint.el' ... 'matlab-publish.el' 'company-matlab-shell.el' ... 'linemark.el' ... 'toolbox/emacsinit.m' 'toolbox/opentoline.m' 'toolbox/emacsdocomplete.m' }; tlcFiles = { 'tlc.el' }; cedetFiles = { 'cedet-matlab.el' 'semantic-matlab.el' ... 'semanticdb-matlab.el' 'srecode-matlab.el' ... 'templates/' }; supportFiles = { '' 'INSTALL' 'ChangeLog' ... 'Project.ede' 'Makefile' ... 'toolbox/Project.ede' 'toolbox/Makefile' ... 'templates/Project.ede' 'templates/Makefile'}; switch stuff.fileset case 'dl' getfiles(downloader); case 'core' mktoolboxdir getfiles(coreFiles); case 'tlc' mktoolboxdir getfiles(coreFiles); getfiles(tlcFiles); case 'cedet' mktoolboxdir getfiles(coreFiles); mktemplatedir; getfiles(cedetFiles); case 'support' mktemplatedir; getfiles(supportFiles); case 'all' mktoolboxdir getfiles(coreFiles); getfiles(tlcFiles); mktemplatedir; getfiles(cedetFiles); getfiles(supportFiles); otherwise error('Unknown fileset %s.', stuff.fileset); end function mktemplatedir templateDir = fullfile(stuff.destination,'templates'); if ~exist(templateDir,'dir') mkdir(templateDir); end end function mktoolboxdir toolboxDir = fullfile(stuff.destination,'toolbox'); if ~exist(toolboxDir,'dir') mkdir(toolboxDir); end end function getfiles(fList) for i = 1:length(fList) file = fList{i}; destFullFile = fullfile(stuff.destination,file); [ contents status ] = ... urlread(['',... file,'?revision=HEAD']); if ~status fprintf('Unable to download %s.\n', file); else fid = fopen(destFullFile,'w'); fwrite(fid,contents); fclose(fid); fprintf('Successfully downloaded and created: ''%s''.\n',... destFullFile); end end end end