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;;; matlab-publish.el --- Utilities for editing MATLAB files for publishing
;; Copyright (C) 2009 Uwe Brauer
;; Author: Uwe Brauer oub@mat.ucm.es
;; Maintainer: Uwe Brauer oub@mat.ucm.es
;; Created: 25 Feb 2009
;; Version: 1.0
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained from this
;; program's author (send electronic mail to oub@mat.ucm.es) or from
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
;; 02139, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'matlab)
;; Variables
(defvar matlab-temp-region-file "region.m"
"*Variable for the file which saves the region for publishing.")
(defvar matlab-show-matlab-shell t
"* t means the matlab buffer shell is shown when running matlab.")
;; Functions
(defun matlab-select-publish-form (ch)
"This function allows to publish the m file, either as in LaTeX or in
HTML format."
(interactive "c1: LaTeX, 2: HTML ")
(setq ch (downcase ch))
(call-interactively (cond ((eql ch ?1) #'matlab-publish-file-latex)
((eql ch ?2) #'matlab-publish-file-html)
(t (error 'args-out-of-range '(1 2 ch))))))
(defun matlab-publish-file-latex ()
"Publish a matlab file in the LaTeX format."
(let ((pub (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
(matlab-shell-run-command (format "publish('%s','latex')" pub)))
(if matlab-show-matlab-shell
(defun matlab-publish-file-html ()
"Publish a matlab file in the html format."
(let ((pub (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
(matlab-shell-run-command (format "publish('%s','html')" pub)))
(if matlab-show-matlab-shell
(defun matlab-select-environment (ch)
"This functions inserts structured text, which results for example
in LaTeX mode in title, sections, description, boldified text, unnumbered equations and bullet list."
(interactive "c1: title, 2: section, 3:descrip, 4:boldify, 5:equation, 6:list ")
(setq ch (downcase ch))
(call-interactively (cond ((eql ch ?1) #'matlab-insert-title)
((eql ch ?2) #'matlab-insert-section)
((eql ch ?3) #'matlab-insert-description-text)
((eql ch ?4) #'matlab-boldify)
((eql ch ?5) #'matlab-insert-equation)
((eql ch ?6) #'matlab-insert-bullet-list)
(t (error 'args-out-of-range '(1 2 3 5 6 ch))))))
(defun matlab-insert-title ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(insert "%% TITLE\n")
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 3))
(defun matlab-insert-section ()
(insert "%% Section\n")
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 3))
(defun matlab-insert-description-text ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "% DESCRIPTIVE TEXT\n")
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 2))
(defun matlab-boldify ()
"Insert either \%\%\\n \% \*BOLD TEXT\*\\n or, when mark is active,
surrounds region by * *."
(if (or (and (boundp 'zmacs-region-active-p) zmacs-region-active-p)
(and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode) transient-mark-mode mark-active))
(goto-char (point))
(insert "*")
(goto-char (mark))
(insert "*"))
(insert "\n%%\n")
(insert "% *BOLD TEXT*\n")
(backward-char 2)))
(defun matlab-insert-bold-text ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "% *BOLD TEXT*\n")
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 2))
(defun matlab-insert-monospaces-text ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "% |MONOSPACED TEXT|\n")
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 2))
(defun matlab-insert-preformated-text ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "%\n")
(insert "% PREFORMATTED\n")
(insert "% TEXT\n")
(insert "% \n")
(forward-line -3)
(forward-char 3))
(defun matlab-insert-equation ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "% \n")
(insert "% $$e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0$$\n")
(insert "% \n")
(forward-line -2)
(forward-char 4))
(defun matlab-insert-bullet-list ()
(insert "%%\n")
(insert "% \n")
(insert "% * ITEM1\n")
(insert "% * ITEM2\n")
(insert "% \n")
(forward-line -3)
(forward-char 4))
(defun matlab-write-region (start end)
(interactive "r")
(write-region start end (expand-file-name matlab-temp-region-file) nil nil nil nil)
(find-file matlab-temp-region-file))
(defun matlab-write-region-novisit (start end)
(interactive "r")
(write-region start end (expand-file-name matlab-temp-region-file) nil nil nil nil))
(defun matlab-publish-region (start end ch)
(interactive "r\nc1: LaTeX, 2: HTML ")
(setq ch (downcase ch))
(write-region start end (expand-file-name matlab-temp-region-file) nil nil nil nil)
(call-interactively (cond ((eql ch ?1) #'matlab-publish-region-latex)
((eql ch ?2) #'matlab-publish-region-html)
(t (error 'args-out-of-range '(1 2 ch))))))
(defun matlab-publish-region-latex ()
(matlab-shell-run-command (format "publish('%s','latex')" matlab-temp-region-file))
(if matlab-show-matlab-shell
(defun matlab-publish-region-html ()
(matlab-shell-run-command (format "publish('%s','html')" matlab-temp-region-file))
(if matlab-show-matlab-shell
(provide 'matlab-publish)
;;{{{Change log:
;; $Id$
;; $Log$
;; Revision 1.1 2009-07-06 19:59:10 zappo
;; Utilities for editing MATLAB files for publishing
;; Revision 1.9 2009/03/08 09:38:31 oub
;; * matlab-publish.el (matlab-select-environment): change function
;; slightly
;; (matlab-insert-section): new function
;; Revision 1.8 2009/03/07 13:54:57 oub
;; (matlab-write-region-novisit): New function
;; (matlab-publish-region-old): new function
;; (matlab-publish-region): New function
;; (matlab-publish-region-latex): new function
;; (matlab-publish-region-html): new function
;; Revision 1.7 2009/03/07 13:26:55 oub
;; (matlab-show-matlab-shell): New variable
;; (matlab-publish-file-latex): add
;; (if matlab-show-matlab-shell
;; (matlab-show-matlab-shell-buffer)))
;; Revision 1.6 2009/03/07 11:00:04 oub
;; * matlab-publish.el (matlab-boldify): Modify the function.
;; Revision 1.5 2009/03/06 14:24:47 oub
;; * matlab-publish.el (matlab-temp-region-file): new variable
;; (matlab-write-region): New function
;; Revision 1.4 2009/02/26 16:18:23 oub
;; modifiy the insert functions in order that the jump to the text where
;; new stuff has to be inserted.
;; Revision 1.3 2009/02/26 16:06:08 oub
;; (defun matlab-select-environment (ch)
;; (interactive "c1: title, 2: descr, 3: bold:, 4:mono, 5:pre, 6:equation, 7:list ")
;; (setq ch (downcase ch))
;; (call-interactively (cond ((eql ch ?1) #'matlab-insert-title)
;; ((eql ch ?2) #'matlab-insert-description-text)
;; ((eql ch ?3) #'matlab-insert-bold-text)
;; ((eql ch ?4) #'matlab-insert-monospaces-text)
;; ((eql ch ?5) #'matlab-insert-preformated-text)
;; ((eql ch ?6) #'matlab-insert-equation)
;; ((eql ch ?7) #'matlab-insert-bullet-list)
;; (t (error 'args-out-of-range '(1 2 3 5 6 7 ch))))))
;; Revision 1.2 2009/02/26 11:24:17 oub
;; New functions
;; (defun matlab-insert-title ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-description-text ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-bold-text ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-monospaces-text ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-preformated-text ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-equation ()
;; (defun matlab-insert-bullet-list ()
;; Revision 1.1 2009/02/26 11:15:02 oub
;; Initial revision