Eric Ludlam e620ab40a5 matlab-shell-gud.el:
Make compatible with Emacs 24.
2019-12-12 19:05:26 -05:00

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;;; matlab-shell-gud.el --- GUD support in matlab-shell.
;; Copyright (C) 2019 Eric Ludlam
;; Author: Eric Ludlam <eludlam@emacsvm>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
;;; Commentary:
;; GUD (grand unified debugger) support for MATLAB shell.
;; Includes setting up gud mode in the shell, and all filters, etc specific
;; to supporting gud.
(require 'matlab-shell)
(require 'gud)
(require 'eieio)
;;; Code:
(defcustom matlab-shell-debug-tooltips-p nil
"*Enable tooltips displaying data values when at the K>> prompt.
Disable this option if the tooltips are too slow in your setup."
:group 'matlab-shell
:type 'boolean)
(defvar gud-matlab-debug-active nil
"Non-nil if MATLAB has a K>> prompt up.")
(defvar gud-matlab-debug-activate-hook nil
"Hooks run when MATLAB detects a K>> prompt after a >> prompt")
(defvar gud-matlab-debug-deactivate-hook nil
"Hooks run when MATLAB detects a >> prompt after a K>> prompt")
(defvar gud-matlab-tool-bar-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(dolist (x '((gud-break . "gud/break")
(gud-remove . "gud/remove")
(gud-cont . "gud/cont")
(gud-next . "gud/next")
(gud-step . "gud/step")
(gud-stop-subjob . "gud/stop")
(gud-finish . "gud/finish")
(gud-up . "gud/up")
(gud-down . "gud/down"))
(car x) (cdr x) map gud-minor-mode-map))))
(declare-function matlab-netshell-eval "matlab-netshell" (mode))
(defmacro matlab-at-fcn (cmd)
"Define FUNC to be a GUD command that works w/ shell or netshell."
;; Note `arg' comes from gud-def declaration
`(if (matlab-shell-active-p)
(gud-call ,cmd arg)
(if (matlab-netshell-active-p)
(matlab-netshell-eval (gud-format-command ,cmd arg))
(error "No MATLAB shell active."))))
(defmacro matlab-gud-fcn (cmd)
"Define CMD forms to be sent to a MATLAB shell."
;; Note `arg' comes from gud-def declaration
`(if gud-matlab-debug-active
(matlab-at-fcn ,cmd)
(error "MATLAB debugging not active")))
(defun matlab-shell-mode-gud-enable-bindings ()
"Enable GUD features for `matlab-shell' in the current buffer."
;; Make sure this is safe to use gud to debug MATLAB
(when (not (fboundp 'gud-def))
(error "Your emacs is missing `gud-def' which means matlab-shell won't work correctly. Stopping"))
(gud-def gud-break (matlab-at-fcn "ebstop in %d%f at %l") "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
(gud-def gud-remove (matlab-at-fcn "ebclear in %d%f at %l") "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line.")
(gud-def gud-step (matlab-gud-fcn "dbstep in") "\C-s" "Step one source line, possibly into a function.")
(gud-def gud-next (matlab-gud-fcn "dbstep %p") "\C-n" "Step over one source line.")
(gud-def gud-cont (matlab-gud-fcn "dbcont") "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
(gud-def gud-stop-subjob (matlab-gud-fcn "dbquit") nil "Quit debugging.") ;; gud toolbar stop
(gud-def gud-finish (matlab-gud-fcn "dbquit") "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
(gud-def gud-up (matlab-gud-fcn "dbup") "<" "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
(gud-def gud-down (matlab-gud-fcn "dbdown") ">" "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
;; using (gud-def gud-print "%e" "\C-p" "Eval expression at point") fails
;; (gud-def gud-print "% gud-print not available" "\C-p" "gud-print not available.")
(if (fboundp 'gud-make-debug-menu)
(when (boundp 'tool-bar-map) ; not --without-x
(kill-local-variable 'tool-bar-map))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-startup ()
"Configure GUD when a new `matlab-shell' is initialized."
;; type of gud mode
(setq gud-minor-mode 'matlab)
;; This starts us supporting gud tooltips.
(add-to-list 'gud-tooltip-modes 'matlab-mode)
(make-local-variable 'gud-marker-filter)
(setq gud-marker-filter 'gud-matlab-marker-filter)
(make-local-variable 'gud-find-file)
(setq gud-find-file 'gud-matlab-find-file)
;; XEmacs doesn't seem to have this concept already. Oh well.
(make-local-variable 'gud-marker-acc)
(setq gud-marker-acc nil)
;; Setup our debug tracker.
(add-hook 'matlab-shell-prompt-appears-hook #'gud-matlab-debug-tracker)
;;; GUD Functions
(defun gud-matlab-massage-args (file args)
"Argument message for starting matlab file.
I don't think I have to do anything, but I'm not sure.
FILE is ignored, and ARGS is returned."
(defun gud-matlab-find-file (f)
"Find file F when debugging frames in MATLAB."
(let* ((realfname (if (string-match "\\.\\(p\\)$" f)
(aset f (match-beginning 1) ?m)
(buf (find-file-noselect realfname t)))
(set-buffer buf)
(if (fboundp 'gud-make-debug-menu)
;;; GUD Filter Function
;; MATLAB's process filter handles output from the MATLAB process and
;; interprets it for formatting text, and for running the debugger.
(defvar gud-matlab-marker-regexp-plain-prompt "^K?>>"
"Regular expression for finding a prompt.")
(defvar gud-matlab-marker-regexp-K>> "^K>>"
"Regular expression for finding a file line-number.")
(defvar gud-matlab-marker-regexp->> "^>>"
"Regular expression for finding a file line-number.")
(defvar gud-matlab-dbhotlink nil
"Track if we've sent a dbhotlink request.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'gud-matlab-dbhotlink)
(defun gud-matlab-marker-filter (string)
"Filters STRING for the Unified Debugger based on MATLAB output."
(setq gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string))
(let ((output "") (frame nil))
;; Newer MATLAB's wrap error text in {^H }^H characters.
;; Convert into something COMINT won't delete so we can scan them.
(while (string-match "{" gud-marker-acc)
(setq gud-marker-acc (replace-match matlab-shell-errortext-start-text t t gud-marker-acc 0)))
(while (string-match "}" gud-marker-acc)
(setq gud-marker-acc (replace-match matlab-shell-errortext-end-text t t gud-marker-acc 0)))
(when (string-match gud-matlab-marker-regexp-K>> gud-marker-acc)
;; Look for any frames for case of a debug prompt.
(let ((url gud-marker-acc)
ef el)
;; We use dbhotlinks to create the below syntax. If we see it we have a frame,
;; and should tell gud to go there.
(when (string-match "opentoline('\\([^']+\\)',\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\))" url)
(setq ef (substring url (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
el (substring url (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
(setq frame (cons ef (string-to-number el)))))
;; Newer MATLAB's don't print useful info. We'll have to
;; search backward for the previous line to see if a frame was
;; displayed.
(when (and (not frame) (not gud-matlab-dbhotlink))
(let ((dbhlcmd (if matlab-shell-echoes
;; If no echo, force an echo
"disp(['dbhotlink()%%%' newline]);dbhotlink();\n")))
;;(when matlab-shell-io-testing (message "!!> [%s]" dbhlcmd))
(process-send-string (get-buffer-process gud-comint-buffer) dbhlcmd)
(setq gud-matlab-dbhotlink t)
;; If we're forced to ask for a stack hotlink, we will see it come in via the
;; process output. Don't output anything until a K prompt is seen after the display
;; of the dbhotlink command.
(when gud-matlab-dbhotlink
(let ((start (string-match "dbhotlink()%%%" gud-marker-acc))
(endprompt nil))
(if start
(setq output (substring gud-marker-acc 0 start)
gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc start))
;; The hotlink text will persist until we see the K prompt.
(when (string-match gud-matlab-marker-regexp-plain-prompt gud-marker-acc)
(setq endprompt (match-end 0))
;; (when matlab-shell-io-testing (message "!!xx [%s]" (substring gud-marker-acc 0 endprompt)))
;; We're done with the text! Remove it from the accumulator.
(setq gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc endprompt))
;; If we got all this at the same time, push output back onto the accumulator for
;; the next code bit to push it out.
(setq gud-marker-acc (concat output gud-marker-acc)
output ""
gud-matlab-dbhotlink nil)
;; Else, waiting for a link, but hasn't shown up yet.
;; TODO - what can I do here to fix var setting if it gets
;; locked?
(when (string-match gud-matlab-marker-regexp->> gud-marker-acc)
;; A non-k prompt showed up. We're not going to get out request.
(setq gud-matlab-dbhotlink nil))
;; This if makes sure that the entirety of an error output is brought in
;; so that matlab-shell-mode doesn't try to display a file that only partially
;; exists in the buffer. Thus, if MATLAB output:
;; error: /home/me/my/mo/mello.m,10,12
;; All of that is in the buffer, and it goes to mello.m, not just
;; the first half of that file name.
;; The below used to match against the prompt, not \n, but then text that
;; had error: in it for some other reason wouldn't display at all.
(if (and matlab-prompt-seen ;; don't pause output if prompt not seen
gud-matlab-dbhotlink ;; pause output if waiting on debugger
;; We could be collecting debug info. Wait before output.
;; Finish off this part of the output. None of our special stuff
;; ends with a \n, so display those as they show up...
(while (string-match "^[^\n]*\n" gud-marker-acc)
(setq output (concat output (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-end 0)))
gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
(if (string-match (concat gud-matlab-marker-regexp-plain-prompt "\\s-*$") gud-marker-acc)
(setq output (concat output gud-marker-acc)
gud-marker-acc ""))
;; Check our output for a prompt, and existence of a frame.
;; If this is true, throw out the debug arrow stuff.
(if (and (string-match (concat gud-matlab-marker-regexp->> "\\s-*$") output)
(setq overlay-arrow-position nil
gud-last-last-frame nil
gud-overlay-arrow-position nil)
(sit-for 0)
;; Check for any text that would be embarrasing to display partially.
;; If we don't see any, feel free to dump the rest of the accumulation buffer
(unless (or (string-match (regexp-quote "<a href=") gud-marker-acc)
(string-match (regexp-quote "<EMACSCAP") gud-marker-acc)
(string-match (regexp-quote "<ERROR") gud-marker-acc))
(setq output (concat output gud-marker-acc)
gud-marker-acc "")
(if frame (setq gud-last-frame frame))
(when matlab-shell-io-testing
(message "-->[%s] [%s]" output gud-marker-acc))
;;(message "Looking for prompt in %S" output)
(when (and (not matlab-shell-suppress-prompt-hooks)
(string-match gud-matlab-marker-regexp-plain-prompt output))
;; Now that we are about to dump this, run our prompt hook.
;;(message "PROMPT!")
(setq matlab-shell-prompt-hook-cookie t))
;;; Stack tracking
(defclass mlg-stack-frame ()
((file :initarg :file
:type string
"The filename this frame belongs to.")
(name :initarg :name
:type string
"The name of the location of this frame")
(line :initarg :line
:type integer
"The line number for this frame"))
"A single stack frame from MATLAB.")
(cl-defmethod mlg-print ((frame mlg-stack-frame) longestname)
"Use print to output this stack frame."
(let* ((namefmt (concat "%" (number-to-string (or longestname 10)) "s"))
(str (concat (propertize (format namefmt (oref frame name)) 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
" "
(propertize (format "%3d" (oref frame line)) 'face 'bold)
" "
(propertize (oref frame file) 'face 'font-lock-constant-face))))
(setq str (propertize str 'object frame))
(defvar mlg-stack nil
"The last stack sent to us from MATLAB.")
(defvar mlg-frame nil
"The last frame sent to use from MATLAB.")
(defun mlg-set-stack (newstack)
"A new stack provided by MATLAB."
(setq mlg-stack nil)
(dolist (L newstack)
(push (mlg-stack-frame ""
:file (nth 0 L)
:name (nth 1 L)
:line (nth 2 L))
(setq mlg-stack (nreverse mlg-stack))
(defun mlg-set-stack-frame (newframe)
"A new stackframe provided by MATLAB."
(setq mlg-frame newframe)
(mlg-show-frame newframe)
(defun mlg-show-frame (&optional frame)
"Setup windows to show FRAME from the current stack frame."
(let ((newframe (or frame mlg-frame)))
(if (and mlg-stack (< newframe (length mlg-stack)))
;; Make sure we have a stack window.
(let* ((buff (get-buffer "*MATLAB stack*"))
(win (get-buffer-window buff)))
(if (or (not buff) (not win))
;; else, do refresh stuff.
(select-window win))
;; Still around, go do it.
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- frame))
;; Else no frame. Look for the window, and close it.
(let* ((buff (get-buffer "*MATLAB stack*"))
(win (get-buffer-window buff)))
(when win (delete-window win)))
(defun mlg-refresh-stack-buffer ()
"Refresh the buffer displaying stack"
(let ((buff (get-buffer-create "*MATLAB stack*"))
(namelen 5)
(inhibit-read-only t))
(dolist (S mlg-stack)
(when (> (length (oref S name)) namelen)
(setq namelen (length (oref S name)))))
(set-buffer buff)
(let ((cnt 1))
(dolist (F mlg-stack)
(insert (format "%2d" cnt))
(if (and mlg-frame (= cnt mlg-frame))
(insert " >> ")
(insert " -- "))
(insert (mlg-print F namelen) "\n")
(setq cnt (1+ cnt))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(defun mlg-show-stack ()
"Display the MATLAB stack in an interactive buffer."
(let ((buff (mlg-refresh-stack-buffer)))
(inhibit-same-window . t)
(window-height . fit-window-to-buffer))
(select-window (get-buffer-window buff))
(goto-char 3)
(defvar mlg-stack-mode-map
(let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key km [return] 'mlg-stack-choose)
(define-key km "q" 'delete-window)
(define-key km "n" 'mlg-stack-next)
(define-key km "p" 'mlg-stack-prev)
(define-key km [mouse-2] 'mlg-stack-click)
(define-key km [mouse-1] 'mlg-stack-click)
"Keymap used in MATLAB stack mode.")
;; Need this to fix wierd problem in define-derived-mode
(defvar mlg-stack-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)
"Syntax table used in matlab-shell-help-mode.")
(define-derived-mode mlg-stack-mode
fundamental-mode "MStack"
"Major mode for viewing a MATLAB stack.
:syntax-table mlg-stack-mode-syntax-table
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(defun mlg-stack-next ()
"Visit stack on next line"
(forward-line 1)
(forward-char 2)
(defun mlg-stack-prev ()
"Visit stack on next line"
(forward-line -1)
(forward-char 2)
(defun mlg-stack-click (e)
"Click on a stack frame to visit it.
Must be bound to event E."
(interactive "e")
(mouse-set-point e)
(defun mlg-stack-choose ()
"Choose the stack the under the cursor.
Visit the file presented in that stack frame."
(let ((topic nil) (fun nil) (p (point)))
(forward-char 10)
(let* ((sf (get-text-property (point) 'object))
(f (oref sf file))
(l (oref sf line))
(buff (find-file-noselect f t)))
'((display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-use-some-window)
(inhibit-same-window . t))
(let ((win (selected-window)))
(select-window (get-buffer-window buff))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- l))
(select-window win))
;;; Breakpoint Trackers
(defclass mlg-breakpoint ()
((file :initarg :file
:type string
"The filename this brekpoint belongs to.")
(line :initarg :line
:type integer
"The line number for this breakpoint")
(overlay :documentation
:default nil
"The overlay indicating the preense of this breakpoint.")
"Representation of a breakpoint.
Used to track active breakpoints, and how to show them.")
(defvar matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints nil
"List of breakpoints MATLAB has sent to us.")
(defun mlg-reset-breakpoints ()
"Remove all cached breakpoints."
(dolist (BP matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints)
(mlg-deactivate BP))
(setq matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints nil))
(defun mlg-add-breakpoint (file line)
"Add a visible breakpoint to FILE at LINE."
(let ((found nil))
(dolist (BP matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints)
(when (and (string= (oref BP file) file)
(= (oref BP line) line))
(setq found t)))
(when (not found)
(setq matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints
(cons (mlg-breakpoint "" :file file
:line line)
(mlg-activate (car matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints))
;; The first time breakpoints are added, make sure we can activate breakpoints
;; when new files are opened in a buffer.
(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'mlg-breakpoint-activate-buffer-opened-hook)
(defun mlg-del-breakpoint (file line)
"Add a visible breakpoint to FILE at LINE."
(let ((BPS matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints)
(NBPS nil))
(while BPS
(if (and (string= (oref (car BPS) file) file)
(= (oref (car BPS) line) line))
;; Deactivate
(mlg-deactivate (car BPS))
;; Not being removed, add to list.
(setq NBPS (cons (car BPS) NBPS)))
(setq BPS (cdr BPS)))
(setq matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints
(nreverse NBPS))))
(defface mlg-breakpoint-face
(list t
(list :background nil
:foreground nil
:underline "red1")))
"*Face to use to highlight breakpoints."
:group 'matlab-shell)
(cl-defmethod mlg-activate ((bp mlg-breakpoint))
"Activate breakpoint BP if needed."
;; yes overlay, but inactive
(when (and (slot-boundp bp 'overlay)
(oref bp overlay)
(not (overlay-buffer (oref bp overlay))))
(oset bp overlay nil))
(let ((buff (find-buffer-visiting (oref bp file))))
;; No overlay, and we can make one.
(when (and (or (not (slot-boundp bp 'overlay))
(not (oref bp overlay)))
(with-current-buffer buff
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- (oref bp line)))
(let ((ol (matlab-make-overlay (save-excursion
(point-at-eol) buff nil nil)))
;; Store it
(oset bp overlay ol)
;; Setup cool stuff
(matlab-overlay-put ol 'face 'mlg-breakpoint-face)
(matlab-overlay-put ol 'before-string
(propertize "#"
(cl-defmethod mlg-deactivate ((bp mlg-breakpoint))
"Deactivate this breakpoint."
(when (slot-boundp bp 'overlay)
(with-slots (overlay) bp
(when (and overlay (overlayp overlay))
(delete-overlay overlay)
(setq overlay nil)))))
(defun mlg-breakpoint-activate-buffer-opened-hook ()
"Activate any breakpoints in a buffer when that buffer is read in."
(if (not (matlab-shell-active-p))
;; Still going, activate.
(dolist (BP matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints)
(mlg-activate BP)
(defun mlg-breakpoint-flush-and-reactivate ()
"Flush existing breakpoint markers, and reactivate."
(dolist (BP matlab-gud-visible-breakpoints)
(mlg-deactivate BP)
(mlg-activate BP))
;;; K prompt state and hooks.
(defun gud-matlab-debug-tracker ()
"Function called when new prompts appear.
Call debug activate/deactivate features."
(let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
((and gud-matlab-debug-active (looking-at gud-matlab-marker-regexp->>))
(setq gud-matlab-debug-active nil)
(when (boundp 'tool-bar-map) ; not --without-x
(with-current-buffer (matlab-shell-active-p) (kill-local-variable 'tool-bar-map)))
(global-matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode -1)
(run-hooks 'gud-matlab-debug-deactivate-hook))
((and (not gud-matlab-debug-active) (looking-at gud-matlab-marker-regexp-K>>))
(setq gud-matlab-debug-active t)
(when (boundp 'tool-bar-map) ; not --without-x
(with-current-buffer (matlab-shell-active-p)
(setq-local tool-bar-map gud-matlab-tool-bar-map)))
(global-matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode 1)
(run-hooks 'gud-matlab-debug-activate-hook))
;; All clear
;; When K prompt is active, this minor mode is applied to frame buffers so
;; that GUD commands are easy to get to.
(defvar matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode-map
(let ((km (make-sparse-keymap))
(key ?\ ))
(while (<= key ?~)
(define-key km (string key) 'matlab-shell-gud-mode-help-notice)
(setq key (1+ key)))
(define-key km "h" 'matlab-shell-gud-mode-help)
;; gud bindings.
(define-key km "b" 'gud-break)
(define-key km "r" 'gud-remove)
(define-key km "c" 'gud-cont)
(define-key km "s" 'gud-step)
(define-key km "n" 'gud-next)
(define-key km "f" 'gud-finish)
(define-key km "q" 'gud-finish)
(define-key km "u" 'gud-up)
(define-key km "d" 'gud-down)
(define-key km "<" 'gud-up)
(define-key km ">" 'gud-down)
(define-key km "p" 'matlab-shell-gud-show-symbol-value)
;; (define-key km "p" gud-print)
(define-key km "e" 'matlab-shell-gud-mode-edit)
(define-key km "\C-x\C-q" 'matlab-shell-gud-mode-edit) ; like toggle-read-only
"Keymap used by matlab mode maintainers.")
matlab-shell-gud-menu matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode-map "MATLAB Maintainer's Minor Mode"
["Edit File (toggle read-only)" matlab-shell-gud-mode-edit
:help "Exit the MATLAB debug minor mode to edit without exiting MATLAB's K>> prompt."]
["dbstop in FILE at point" gud-break
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, set break point at current M-file point"]
["dbclear in FILE at point" gud-remove
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, clear break point at current M-file point"]
["dbstep in" gud-step
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, step into line"]
["dbstep" gud-next
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, step one line"]
["dbup" gud-up
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active and at break point, go up a frame"]
["dbdown" gud-down
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active and at break point, go down a frame"]
["dbcont" gud-cont
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, run to next break point or finish"]
["Show symbol value" matlab-shell-gud-show-symbol-value
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, show value of the symbol under point."]
["dbquit" gud-finish
:active (matlab-shell-active-p)
:help "When MATLAB debugger is active, stop debugging"]
(define-minor-mode matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode
"Minor mode activated when `matlab-shell' K>> prompt is active.
This minor mode makes MATLAB buffers read only so simple keystrokes
activate debug commands. It also enables tooltips to appear when the
mouse hovers over a symbol when debugging.
Debug commands are:
\\[gud-break] - Set a breakpoint on the current line
\\[gud-remove] - Clear breakpoint on line
\\[gud-cont] - Continue till next breakpoint
\\[gud-step] - Step into next functions
\\[gud-next] - Next line in current function
\\[gud-finish] - Exit debug mode
\\[gud-up] - Navigate up the call stack
\\[gud-down] - Navigate down the call stack
\\[matlab-shell-gud-mode-edit] - Exit gud minor mode so you can edit
you file without causing MATLAB to exit debug mode."
nil " MGUD" matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode-map
;; Make the buffer read only
(if matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode
;; Enable
(when (buffer-file-name) (setq buffer-read-only t))
(when matlab-shell-debug-tooltips-p
(gud-tooltip-mode 1)
(add-hook 'tooltip-functions 'gud-matlab-tooltip-tips)
;; Replace gud's toolbar which keeps stomping
;; on our toolbar.
(make-local-variable 'gud-tool-bar-map)
(setq gud-tool-bar-map gud-matlab-tool-bar-map)
;; Disable
(when (buffer-file-name)
(setq buffer-read-only (not (file-writable-p (buffer-file-name)))))
;; Always disable tooltips, in case configured while in the mode.
(gud-tooltip-mode -1)
(remove-hook 'tooltip-functions 'gud-matlab-tooltip-tips)
;; Disable the debug toolboar
(when (boundp 'tool-bar-map) ; not --without-x
(kill-local-variable 'tool-bar-map))
(define-global-minor-mode global-matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode
(lambda ()
"Should we turn on in this buffer? Only if in a MATLAB mode."
(when (eq major-mode 'matlab-mode)
(matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode 1)))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-show-symbol-value (sym)
"Show the value of the symbol under point from MATLAB shell."
(if (use-region-p)
;; Don't ask user anything, just take it.
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))
(let ((word (matlab-read-word-at-point)))
(read-from-minibuffer "MATLAB variable: " (cons word 0))))))
(let ((txt (matlab-shell-collect-command-output
(concat "disp(" sym ")"))))
(if (not (string-match "ERRORTXT" txt))
(matlab-output-to-temp-buffer "*MATLAB Help*" txt)
(message "Error evaluationg MATLAB expression"))))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-mode-edit ()
"Turn off `matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode' so you can edit again."
(global-matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode -1))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-mode-help-notice ()
"Default binding for most keys in `matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode'.
Shows a help message in the mini buffer."
(error "MATLAB shell GUD minor-mode: Press 'h' for help, 'e' to go back to editing."))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-mode-help ()
"Show the default binding for most keys in `matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode'."
(describe-minor-mode 'matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode)
;;; Tooltips
;; Using the gud tooltip feature for a bunch of setup, but then
;; just override the tooltip fcn (see the mode) with this function
;; as an additional piece.
(defun gud-matlab-tooltip-tips (event)
"Implementation of the tooltip feture for MATLAB.
Much of this was copied from `gud-tooltip-tips'.
This function must return nil if it doesn't handle EVENT."
(when (and (eventp event) (tooltip-event-buffer event))
(with-current-buffer (tooltip-event-buffer event)
(when (and gud-tooltip-mode
(buffer-name gud-comint-buffer) ; might be killed
(let ((expr (matlab-shell-gud-find-tooltip-expression event))
(txt nil))
(when expr
(setq txt (matlab-shell-collect-command-output
(concat "emacstipstring(" expr ")")))
(when (not (string-match "ERRORTXT" txt))
(tooltip-show (concat expr "=\n" txt)
(or gud-tooltip-echo-area
(not tooltip-mode)))
(defun matlab-shell-gud-find-tooltip-expression (event)
"Identify an expression to output in a tooltip at EVENT.
Unlike `tooltip-expr-to-print', this looks at the symbol, and
if it looks like a function call, it will return nil."
(with-current-buffer (tooltip-event-buffer event)
;; Only do this for MATLAB stuff.
(when matlab-shell-gud-minor-mode
(let ((point (posn-point (event-end event))))
(if (use-region-p)
(when (and (<= (region-beginning) point) (<= point (region-end)))
(buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
;; This snippent copied from tooltip.el, then modified to
;; detect matlab functions
(goto-char point)
(let* ((origin (point))
(start (progn
(skip-syntax-backward "w_")
;; find full . expression
(while (= (preceding-char) ?.)
(forward-char -1)
(skip-syntax-backward "w_"))
(pstate (syntax-ppss)))
(unless (or (looking-at "[0-9]")
(nth 3 pstate)
(nth 4 pstate))
(goto-char origin)
(skip-syntax-forward "w_")
(when (> (point) start)
;; At this point, look to see we are looking at (. If so
;; we need to grab that stuff too.
(if (not (looking-at "\\s-*("))
(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))
;; Also grab the arguments
(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)))
(provide 'matlab-shell-gud)
;;; matlab-shell-gud.el ends here