Eric Ludlam 978c44e74b Patch from John Ciolfi for MAC support for matlab-shell.
Improve how emacsclient is found across platforms.
Add support for MACOS.

New script.  For MAC, use this to use the correct parameters with emacsclient
when called from MATLAB.  See comments for details.

For unix case, use environment variables to setup how MATLAB will call emacsclient
instead of using Java & Preferences.

Spelling and typo fixes.
2020-01-05 10:44:25 -05:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

function emacsinit()
% EMACSINIT Initialize the current MATLAB session for matlab-shell-mode
me = mfilename('fullpath');
% This command can also update the path for the emacs Toolbox directory.
% This will make it possible to use this one command from a standalone
% MATLAB and setup netshell.
[ myDir ] = fileparts(me);
if ~contains(path, myDir)
disp(['Updating MATLAB Path to support Emacs toolbox: addpath(' myDir ')']);
if usejava('jvm')
% Leaving in old hot-link code and description (see below)
% in case someone with older MATLAB's need to use this.
v = ver('MATLAB');
if str2double(v.Version) < 8.5
% In 8.5 (R2015b) the MATLAB removed the ability to display hot link's when
% debugging in -nodesktop mode. In R2015a (8.4) MATLAB would display in -nodesktop
% mode something like:
% >> dbstop in testit
% >> testit
% >> <a href="matlab: opentoline('/path/to/testit.m',3,1)">3 </a> a = 10 * 10;
% K>>
% and emacs then would use the hot link to drive debugging from within emacs.
% Given that R2015b and later does not have hot links, we use the graphical debugging
% by leaving EditorGraphicalDebugging set to true.
% Use the desktop hotlinking system in MATLAB Shell. matlab-shell
% will interpret them, and provide clickable areas.
% NOTE: This doesn't work in all cases where HotLinks are used.
% Disable built-in editor showing up for debugging
com.mathworks.services.Prefs.setBooleanPref('EditorGraphicalDebugging', false);
% Starting in matlab-emacs v 4.0, we can simulate debugging
% hot links, so we should always disable graphical
% debugging.
% Disable built-in editor showing up for debugging
com.mathworks.services.Prefs.setBooleanPref('EditorGraphicalDebugging', false);
% Disable wrapping of text lines. Emacs will wrap or not based on user preference.
% Check if we're running inside emacs. If we are NOT, then force the enablement of
% the netshell interface to Emacs.
emacs_env = getenv('INSIDE_EMACS');
if isempty(emacs_env)
startnetshell = true;
startnetshell = false;
% If requested, start the Emacs netshell interface.
if startnetshell
nso = emacsnetshell('init');
nso = [];
% Initialize Emacs breakpoint handler.
bp = emacs.Breakpoints(nso);
setappdata(groot, 'EmacsBreakpoints', bp);
% Initialize Emacs stack handler.
st = emacs.Stack(nso);
setappdata(groot, 'EmacsStack', st);
% LocalWords: netshell nodesktop testit hotlinking