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Este cometimento está contido em:
Jai Flack 2020-09-16 17:52:05 +10:00
ascendente 267a247745
cometimento 2559132a1b
Assinados por: jflack
ID da chave GPG: 1337AEA30052317F
1 ficheiros modificados com 13 adições e 4 eliminações

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@ -25,11 +25,20 @@
;;; Commentary
;; This package provides an `mu' backend for Gnus' nnir as an alternative to notmuch or any other
;; backends. It relies on the `mu' executable and thus can only search local mail and requires `mu'
;; to be configured for your mail setup. Tested with an nnmaildir backend synced with mbsync.
;; This package provides an `mu' backend for Gnus' nnir as an
;; alternative to notmuch or any other backends. It relies on the `mu'
;; executable and thus can only search local mail and requires `mu' to
;; be configured for your mail setup. Tested with an nnmaildir backend
;; synced with mbsync.
;; TODO: configuration
;;; Configuration:
;; Generally the defaults will work find but first mu must be
;; installed and configured, see mu(1) and mu-init(1).
;; Available options:
;; - `nnir-mu-program'
;; - `nnir-mu-remove-prefix'
;;; Code: