finish initial implementation

it works but we could probably do better because mu also returns the
mail directory, removing the need for an explicit prefix.
This commit is contained in:
Jai Flack 2020-09-16 16:27:17 +10:00
parent ac9aaa4d50
commit ea43bd12e7
Signed by: jflack
GPG Key ID: 1337AEA30052317F
1 changed files with 56 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
;; backends. It relies on the `mu' executable and thus can only search local mail and requires `mu'
;; to be configured for your mail setup. Tested with an nnmaildir backend synced with mbsync.
;; TODO: configuration
;;; Code:
(require 'nnir)
@ -44,22 +46,72 @@
:type '(repeat (string))
:group 'nnir)
(defcustom nnir-mu-remove-prefix
(regexp-quote (or (getenv "MAILDIR") (expand-file-name "~/Mail")))
(defcustom nnir-mu-remove-prefix nil
"The prefix to remove from each file name returned by notmuch
in order to get a group name. Generally this should be set to
your path to your mail directory. This is a regular expression.
If it is `nil' then the maildir returned from mu will be used instead.
This is very similar to `nnir-notmuch-remove-prefix' and
:type '(regexp)
:group 'nnir)
(defcustom nnir-mu-filter-group-names-function nil)
;; TODO: part of notmuch engine
;; (defcustom nnir-mu-filter-group-names-function nil)
(defun nnir-run-mu (query server &optional groups)
"Run QUERY against mu.")
"Run QUERY against mu."
(message "nnir-run-mu: ")
(let* (artlist
(qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
(prefix (nnir-read-server-parm 'nnir-mu-remove-prefix server))
(article-pattern (if (string-prefix-p "nnmaildir:"
(gnus-group-server server))
(when (string-equal "" qstring)
(error "mu: You need a search term"))
(set-buffer (gnus-get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
(let ((cp-list `(,nnir-mu-program
,@(nnir-read-server-parm 'nnir-mu-additional-switches
(apply #'call-process cp-list))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (point-start objcons filenam artno dirnam)
(while (not (looking-at "\n$"))
(setq objcons (car
(1- (search-forward-regexp "^(" nil t))
(search-forward-regexp "^)" nil t))
'utf-8 t))))
(setq filenam (plist-get objcons :path)
artno (file-name-nondirectory filenam)
dirnam (file-name-directory filenam))
(when (and (string-match article-pattern artno)
(not (null dirnam)))
(print (list dirnam artno "" prefix server artlist))
(nnir-add-result dirnam artno "" prefix server artlist))))
(message "Getting massaged by mu...done")
(add-to-list 'nnir-engines '(mu nnir-run-mu