ComputationalPhysics/1- Fractals.jl

345 lines
9.1 KiB

### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.25
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# ╔═╡ 9be49371-fcb2-4434-8377-e9c4702a04d3
using PyPlot
# ╔═╡ c0a23ac6-f4df-11ed-10d7-e5ce8a11a112
# 1- Fractals
The first excersice is to draw Koch's curve. In the function `segPoints(startPoint, endPoint, n = 3)`, we divide the given into `n` equal segments.
Then we need a third point to make a equilateral triangle (for now. But we will generalise this algorithm to make other forms of Koch's curve-like fractals.). The function `polygon(startPoint, endPoint, n=3)` will make the triangle (by default).
# ╔═╡ 07bae7e7-a136-428f-ad80-91f63c7c5d90
# To divide a line into n segments
function seg_points(startPoint, endPoint, n=3)
mids = []
for i in 1:n-1
push!(mids, (1-i/n) * startPoint + i/n * endPoint)
return mids
# To define triangle in the mid segment
function polygon(p1, p2, n=3)
x = p2[1]-p1[1]
y = p2[2]-p1[2]
P3 = p1 + [x * cos(pi/3) - y * sin(pi/3), x * sin(pi/3) + y * cos(pi/3)]
return P3
# ╔═╡ 56faf886-32df-4621-92be-742eb1e94a79
# Draw!
function koch_curve(order::Int, startPoint = [0.0,0.0], endPoint = [1.0,0.0])
pts=[startPoint, endPoint]
for i in 1:order
order_points =[]
for j in 2:length(pts)
a = pts[j-1]
b = pts[j]
c, d = seg_points(a, b)
e = polygon(c, d)
push!(order_points, a, c, e, d)
push!(order_points, pts[end])
pts = order_points
return pts
# ╔═╡ faf602cf-9c69-45b7-9a0a-6168ad9ca02b
points = koch_curve(5)
X = [pt[1] for pt in points]
Y = [pt[2] for pt in points]
plot(X, Y, linewidth=0.5)
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
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# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
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