upg bison jobo-setup python gettext
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 239 additions and 153 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
pkgdesc="The GNU general-purpose parser generator"
@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ validpgpkeys=('7DF84374B1EE1F9764BBE25D0DDCAA3278D5264E') # Akim Demaille
sha256sums=(9bba0214ccf7f1079c5d59210045227bcf619519840ebfa80cd3849cff5a5bf2 # bison-3.8.2.tar.xz
aeff6fd7d7d7cad905ba3bc5228a2ccb95500c0f51fb4483e229c47c7c50f835) # bison-3.8.2.tar.xz.sig
## 697e537f644657e36f1df1c6452d800160f16bea33c4521fb728f11c287593a5 bison-3.8.2-07-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
## e111a6209e3257b439b14f62f10bcddb4ab5c54436344c4751e7801ac2f3b872 bison-3.8.2-08-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
@ -4,15 +4,20 @@
pkgdesc="The GNU general-purpose parser generator"
depends=('glibc' 'm4' 'sh' 'gettext')
validpgpkeys=('7DF84374B1EE1F9764BBE25D0DDCAA3278D5264E') # Akim Demaille
build() {
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
pkgrel=01 ## built with icu 74
pkgdesc="GNU internationalization library"
#depends=(gcc-libs acl sh glib2 libunistring libcroco)
@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ source=(https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz{,.sig}
prepare() {
cd $pkgname-$pkgver
# Do not build libtextstyle, as it depends on libcroco
# which is now unmaintained and has known security bugs.
# patch from Fedora
patch -p1 -i $srcdir/gettext-0.22.2-disable-libtextstyle.patch
autoreconf -f
build() {
@ -70,5 +72,5 @@ sha256sums=(ec1705b1e969b83a9f073144ec806151db88127f5e40fe5a94cb6c8fa48996a0 #
5829b36cdf582df81ca2ec0919b9a671f5cab7bb09adb23c96ada32e9b20168f # gettext-0.22.5.tar.gz.sig
a28a27192f336f0b0908bdbf840d3b19d7b587c4ac52cad635cb43e95eb3c78d) # gettext-0.22.2-disable-libtextstyle.patch
## e75d48b6110788c050fcda91052dc7d4503618bf71b4c8a96051f5ce70312e67 gettext-0.22.5-01-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
## 9801ed90b860f0e3dc2f9936408383c94a3957fff2569a63ad36b1170512d5d2 gettext-0.22.5-02-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
@ -1,36 +1,50 @@
# Maintainer:
# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa@archlinux.org>
pkgdesc="GNU internationalization library"
license=('GPL-2.0-only' 'LGPL-2.0-only' 'GFDL-1.2-only' 'GPL-2.0-or-later')
depends=(gcc-libs acl sh libunistring libxml2)
makedepends=(gettext emacs git)
optdepends=('git: for autopoint infrastructure updates')
validpgpkeys=('462225C3B46F34879FC8496CD605848ED7E69871' # Daiki Ueno
'9001B85AF9E1B83DF1BDA942F5BE8B267C6A406D') # Bruno Haible (Open Source Development)
prepare() {
cd $pkgname-$pkgver
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
# Do not build libtextstyle, as it depends on libcroco
# which is now unmaintained and has known security bugs.
# patch from Fedora
patch -p1 -i $srcdir/gettext-0.22-disable-libtextstyle.patch
patch -p1 -i $srcdir/gettext-0.22-disable-libtextstyle.patch
autoreconf -f
build() {
cd $pkgname-$pkgver
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--enable-csharp \
@ -43,11 +57,11 @@ build() {
check() {
cd $pkgname-$pkgver
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
make check
package() {
cd $pkgname-$pkgver
cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
pkgdesc='Post Install joborun setup script - The script will not alter your system, you will!'
source=( 'README.txt'
@ -57,16 +57,15 @@ sha256sums=(5c57b7e372ce103afa24acfd4479a85c80c6980e06d580d5bee6c6b3f24174ab #
53a968efacc805e2b8ea7e7d717f67909fba975e587612bc4accd83cba8edf32 # 66-user-up
d8abf5f581779d53eb2f81dd9f5f68596867eddbf76edcf79c6de5873abbac86 # 66-user-down
18ef4f0e1cbb60f90a6aa6456f24aec7eea990f6f3f220288303d4dc4b95dc93 # add.66
73e4e2cf4608f43eded85369c8cf4dd4cb220902620ef28fc19cc7eb73e46775 # installX
33de4e4329d0e4c8f2a278e2bd726db5ee5fff59e943fb07004278d4a0d1d20a # joborun-setup
54f10f5d7d479e9a091fb0052809c07f85e23338f2b269eb727d9fa188008426 # installX
9c4831546db1b856a3c52b3a074d1d74a442d8a3e881d2278c957a123723e703 # joborun-setup
a3994c515f0129ed7a6d88e9de01e7fc64dacbc5f7ca2e29e2377f16461a1bee # removeX
e078695327e40790c675d04ed9d8144840ee64a90b8d9d782a7d843109eb9d52 # rm.66
ebe9b3a2b690aab6633e7cc20a3042e0104b63a1b802c2e0d3505298ea93e145 # X.list
e3ebae67ce2be67beef600532e816078a9ff8c6fc777ca77c6ab728feb08aa9a # install.labwc
088763058d11eaf9c46ab4819ba6ce7cf2585c3190c7a076981ce057b5ebb2c2 # remove.labwc
98a622ca31bfb0eab82ef0e8ffaabe9052534bcd70c6be080ee3934bfa1e5fa1 # labwc.list
04461fad912793799e3f11e7f8acf2ad1e184c3585ddd20ea66b89b2d3e2a41d # X.list
1946f08b46763c66c648d865e2bc1e786fffc3882f68325636e81277bdad3ba2 # install.labwc
062af41711ef13db302e253aa69abc77d4b4cb0b919ce259210310a1b3a8ad72 # remove.labwc
c2fa5d37f7310be151836c7b1cd6121cb2e3e6d5a10b162647a63e7d0ef7f88e # labwc.list
981716977ddb54d9b5c7e965a555336250bac40dc9816698007ac9407cb49e78) # add-gfx
## 575e923dd5124a3723ad087014dba546012de5a386096b727337db5990244f17 jobo-setup-0.6-04-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
## 4c4cf9a57061d870e139c58f7de4475ab3884bb376d3efe4ab938856afc52d73 jobo-setup-0.7-01-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ xf86-input-evdev
@ -25,12 +24,11 @@ obconf
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
sudo pacman -Syu $(cat /usr/local/bin/labwc.list) --noconfirm
# sudo /usr/local/bin/cldoc # use if you want documentation/help remove to save space
echo "You may wish to add labwc to your .zlogin or .bashrc if you want it to start up after login"
echo "If you already have an X server running or xinit/startx in your .zlogi both may start"
echo "hit Enter to get to labwc, Ctrl-C to remain in console"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " You may wish to add labwc to your .zlogin or .bashrc if you want it to start up after login"
echo " If you already have an X server running or xinit/startx in your .zlogin both may start"
echo " hit Enter to get to labwc, Ctrl-C to remain in console"
echo " "
echo " "
sudo 66-enable -t root -FS seatd >/dev/null
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/runit/sv/seatd /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ >/dev/null
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
echo "Press enter if you want openbox and jwm to be installed in the system"
echo "using joborun linux recommended setup"
echo " Press enter if you want openbox and jwm to be installed in the system"
echo " using joborun linux recommended setup"
sudo pacman -Suy $(cat /usr/local/bin/X.list) --noconfirm
echo "sudo /usr/local/bin/cldoc - if you want documentation/help removed to save space"
echo "exec openbox-session" >>~/.xinitrc
echo "type xinit to start your openbox session"
echo "add xinit to your ~/.zlogin or ~/.bashrc to have an X session start after login"
echo "edit ~/.xinitrc and switch by comment/uncomment openbox-session or jwm"
echo "depending which one of the two you prefer to have started."
echo "hit Enter to get to openbox, Ctrl-C to remain in console"
echo " exec openbox-session" >>~/.xinitrc
echo " type xinit to start your openbox session"
echo " add xinit to your ~/.zlogin or ~/.bashrc to have an X session start after login"
echo " edit ~/.xinitrc and switch by comment/uncomment openbox-session or "
echo " depending which one of the two you prefer to have started."
echo " hit Enter to get to openbox, Ctrl-C to remain in console"
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
mkdir -p /tmp/jobo-subshell
cd /tmp/jobo-subshell
cat /etc/fstab >/tmp/state.0
cat /etc/locale.gen >>/tmp/state.0
cat /etc/timezone >>/tmp/state.0
ls -l /etc/localtime >>/tmp/state.0
cat /etc/hostname >>/tmp/state.0
grep -i hostname /etc/rc.conf >>/tmp/state.0
ls -l /boot >>/tmp/state.0
ls -l /boot/grub >>/tmp/state.0
ls -l /etc/runit/runsvdir/default >>/tmp/state.0
cd /tmp/jobo-subshell/
cat /etc/fstab >/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
cat /etc/locale.gen >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
cat /etc/timezone >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
ls -l /etc/localtime >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
cat /etc/hostname >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
grep -i hostname /etc/rc.conf >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
ls -l /boot >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
ls -l /boot/grub >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
ls -l /etc/runit/runsvdir/default >>/tmp/jobo-subshell/state.0
cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
@ -31,54 +31,64 @@ read
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Steps of the script "
echo " Steps of the script - skip as you wish"
echo " _________________________________________________ "
echo " 1 fstab"
echo " 2 locale"
echo " 3 timezone"
echo " 4 hostname"
echo " 5 password"
echo " 1 fstab "
echo " 2 locale "
echo " 3 timezone "
echo " 4 hostname "
echo " 5 password "
echo " 6 pacman --init and update/upgrade "
echo " 7 kernel and headers"
echo " 8 bootloader"
echo " 9 configure runit"
echo " 9.1 add s6 and 66"
echo " 10 configure .xinitrc"
echo " 11 reboot"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " 7 kernel and headers "
echo " 8 bootloader "
echo " 9 configure runit "
echo " 10 add graphic environment (optional) "
echo " 11 reboot "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " This is a script so you can go from installing the minimal Joborun tarball image"
echo " to a complete bootable installation."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Hit enter to continue, hit Ctrl-C to abort script "
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " This script should run as root so on each step where a subshell opens to give you"
echo " the chance to configure the system you will not have to use sudo on each command."
echo " the chance to configure the system you will not have to use sudo or doas on each command."
echo " The script itself makes no changes to the system at all, no matter how many times"
echo " it runs. It only takes you step by step to the minimal configurations you should"
echo " make to have a bootable system."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " As we do not believe in handholding automation, we suggest and explain the minimal"
echo " necessary steps, but we do not make automatic/default choices for you, beyond what"
echo " comes from upstream and arch-linux."
echo " "
echo " "
echo "Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 1 fstab "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " First and most crucial step after chrooting into the installation (system partition),"
echo " is to create a good fstab map of mounted systems. We assume you have setup your /boot"
echo " efi partition if used, a swap partition, and all other mountable filesystems, like"
echo " /home /var or /var/cache, etc."
echo " "
echo " 1 fstab "
echo " "
echo "cat /etc/fstab"
cat /etc/fstab
echo " "
@ -86,50 +96,70 @@ echo " this is your current /etc/fstab and below is your current state of mounte
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " This is your current list of partition UUIDs and their labels, if they have any"
echo " "
echo " 'ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid'"
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "ls -lh /dev/disk/by-label"
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-label
echo " "
echo " "
echo " '% mount /dev/sdc13 /home' will mount sdc13 partition to /home directory,"
echo " '% swapon /dev/sdd32 ' will begin swapping memmory at /dev/sdd32"
echo " You can do this within this sub-shell, enter exit when you are done to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " .... to continue press enter "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Now that you have mounted everything you wanted mounted at boot time, run the"
echo " following command: "
echo " "
echo " % genfstab -U / | grep -v resolv >/tmp/fstab"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Note that if you are in a chroot session /etc/resolv.conf is mounted from the"
echo " host system, and this should not be included in your fstab. "
echo " "
echo " % genfstab -U / | grep -v resolv >/tmp/fstab"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " you can point the output to /etc/fstab directly as you are running as root but"
echo " it is best to examine the output before you enter it. To make life easier "
echo " (without flipping from tty to tty or teminal tab to terminal tab), we created"
echo " /tmp/fstab for you"
echo " hit enter to see it!"
echo " "
echo " "
genfstab -U / | grep -v resolv >/tmp/fstab
echo " "
cat /tmp/fstab
echo " "
echo " "
echo " you can edit and then as root 'cp /tmp/fstab /etc/fstab' but we are not going"
echo " to assume everything is well, since you know better. When done copy it from tmp"
echo " to etc and then enter ' % mount -a ' to verify you get no errors, '% df ' "
echo " afterwards to see what is mounted, ' % free ' to see that your swap memmory is working."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " You can do this within this sub-shell, enter exit when you are done to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " .... to continue press enter "
echo " "
mount -a
echo " "
echo " "
echo " If the 2nd line of data for command free shows memmory size your swap is enabled"
echo " "
echo " .... if everything seems ok to you and you get no errors after 'mount -a' press"
echo " enter or Ctrl-C to interrupt the script."
@ -143,50 +173,71 @@ echo " Now we can set the locale of the system."
echo " edit the '/etc/locale.gen' and enter your choice as found in ' /etc/locale.gen.pacnew '"
echo " The current default value is 'cat /etc/locale.gen' :"
echo " "
echo " "
cat /etc/locale.gen
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Run /usr/bin/locale-gen to establish your choice into the system. You can do it within"
echo " this sub-shell, enter exit when you are done to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " .... to continue press enter "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 3 timezone "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " We will now select the timezone of the system. Even though that both runit have a"
echo " boot rc configuration file to do so, and 66 has its boot module, it is good practice"
echo " to have the traditional unix timezone set before first boot, if runit or 66 miss doing so."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " You will find a file in /etc/timezone where you can enter your choice."
echo " This is old-school, a practice eliminated by systemd-ish msWin-ish automation."
echo " The new fashion is to link /etc/localtime to a /usr/share/zoneinfo/ choice such as "
echo " the default below"
echo " "
echo " "
echo "/etc/localtime :"
ls -l /etc/localtime
echo " "
echo " enter the sub-shell now and create the link by example root command:"
echo " ' # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid /etc/localtime ' "
echo " for example and verify the results by ' ls -l /etc/localtime ' "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Again, editing /etc/rc.conf or /etc/runit/rc.conf and filling the fields available"
echo " for runit should take care of all these, but we can t assume you are not trying "
echo " something else as init and service supervision, like minit or sinit. "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " exit the shell to return to the script"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 4 hostname"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " For Hostname, simply edit /etc/hostname, or fill the /etc/rc.conf, or enter the "
echo " following command ' # hostname <the systems hostname goes here> ' "
echo " Your current hostname is: "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue in a sub-shell or Ctrl-C to abort the script, or exit to exit"
echo " the sub-shell and return to the script."
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
@ -194,18 +245,23 @@ echo " "
echo " "
echo " 5 passwords"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " To set passwords you simply use the passwd command"
echo " ' % passwd ' as root to set roots password"
echo " ' % passwd make ' as root to set user makes password,"
echo " if you havent added other users or changed the name of 'make', do the same"
echo " for your other users."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " To do so now, within this sub-shell enter, then execute the commands by entering"
echo " your password twice when asked, then exit to return to the script."
echo " You should get the output 'your password has been changed' each time"
echo " if you executed passwd correctly."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " "
echo "Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
@ -213,69 +269,94 @@ echo " "
echo " "
echo " 6 pacman"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Your system should be up to date, and to have this done as a first time setup you"
echo " need to initialize pacman"
echo " 1st command is ' % pacman-key --init ' "
echo " 2nd comman is ' % pacman -Suy ' "
echo " To do so, do it here, then type exit to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 7 Kernel choice"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Choose kernel from joboruns list or from arch by entering on of those as on the list"
echo " 'linux-lts' (5.10 joborun) recommended previous LTS"
echo " 'linux' (5.15 joborun) current linux LTS "
echo " 'linux-lts54' (5.4 joborun older LTS)"
echo " 'core/linux' (arch current) "
echo " 'core/linux-lts' (arch LTS 5.15)"
echo " 'linux-lts' (5.10 joborun) recommended light LTS"
echo " 'linux' (5.15 joborun) linux LTS 5.15 - best running overall in most machines 5-15y old"
echo " 'linux6.6 (6.6 joborun) linux-lts 6.6 - for v2 or newer machines with similar joborun choices"
echo " Or use arch kernels where ipv6 is enabled, zstd is doing the compression, facilitates systemd choices :) "
echo " 'core/linux' (arch current 6.10?) "
echo " 'core/linux-lts' (arch LTS 6.6)"
echo " 'extra/linux-hardened'"
echo " 'extra/linux-zen'"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " The command to add one kernel and its corresponding header would be such as the 3 examples below: "
echo " 'pacman -S linux-lts54 linux-lts54-headers' "
echo " 'pacman -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers' "
echo " or "
echo " 'pacman -S extra/linux-zen extra/linux-zen-headers' "
echo " or for kernel and no headers"
echo " 'pacman -S linux-lts' "
echo " To do so, do it here, then type exit to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 8 Bootloader "
echo " First install the bootloader of choice syslinux, limine, or grub are on our repositories,"
echo " lilo and lilo-git are on AUR, you can use cower to download and build 'cower -d lilo-git'"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " First install the bootloader of choice syslinux, lilo, limine, or grub"
echo " are on our repositories."
echo " We will describe a common legacy grub installation here, for anything else go to"
echo " wiki.archlinux.org and follow the instructions there."
echo " Note: if you are not using ext4 as a filesystem, (ie btrfs, xfs, ..), make sure the "
echo " bootloader of choice supports this filesystem. If not you may need an EFI solution."
echo " wiki.archlinux.org and follow the instructions there, obarun.org wiki, or our own"
echo " "
echo " Note: if you are not using ext4 as a filesystem, (ie btrfs, xfs, ..), make sure the "
echo " bootloader of choice supports this filesystem. If not you may need an EFI solution"
echo " where the bootloader is on vfat and the system is in you fs of choice. "
echo " "
echo " '% pacman -S grub' "
echo " "
echo " Make sure you have installed a kernel properly by looking at the contents of "
echo " /boot for an initrd image"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Edit /etc/default/grub if you want specialized configuration, os-prober is pre-installed"
echo " and configured via hook to run during grub configuration. OS-prober scans for other"
echo " installations on the same system, linux/unix or otherwise, and adds an entry on the "
echo " boot screen after Joborun. It is not 100% reliable but mostly works for other systems."
echo " os-prober also works much faster if the systems to be discovered are already mounted."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " '% makedir -p /boot/grub ' "
echo " '% grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' "
echo " To install grub s binary in the MBR of disk 'example: /dev/sda ' simply enter the command: "
echo " '% grub-install /dev/sda' "
echo " To do so, do it here, then type exit to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 9 Runit setup"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " It is best to follow the links on our wiki and the links to Void s wiki and/or "
echo " Artix to learn more about how runit works".
echo " For now, and for those that know runit, what is found linked to "
@ -283,87 +364,63 @@ echo " /etc/runit/runsvdir/default directory will be initiated after boot (stage
echo " To deactivate/disable a service you simply remove the link, this stops supervision,"
echo " doesnt necesseraly end the service, but also look up runsv -d functionality."
echo " To start a service supervision other than an extra tty (/etc/runit/sv/) look up"
echo " the service scripts in /usr/lib/runit/sv. Link a service from there to the above"
echo " the service scripts in /usr/lib/runit/sv Link a service from there to the above"
echo " mentioned .../runsvdir/default/ directory and service supervision for this service"
echo " will immediately start."
echo " will immediately start. Void and Artix will tell you to link to /run/runit/..."
echo " which works on a running system but not on a chroot, since /run either does not exist"
echo " or is mounted ro so you can not link anything, or have the system remember what was "
echo " linked in a temporary filesystem. When the system boots what is on the default "
echo " /etc/runit/runsvdir/default will be linked to /run/..."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " For example:"
echo " ' % ln -s /usr/lib/runit/sv/ntpd /etc/runit/runsvdir/default' "
echo " This example shows how you activate/enable service supervision for"
echo " ntpd in runit."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Runit has a minimalist configuration boot script stored in /etc/rc/rc.conf"
echo " linked for ease of access to /etc/rc.conf. Simply edit /etc/rc.conf to customize"
echo " your runit boot settings."
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " 9.1 add s6 & 66 "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " To add 66 run the add.66 script then setup.66 to setup the system. "
echo " If you reboot and decide you don t want it, execute rm.66 and "
echo " s6/66 will be removed "
echo " Runit will still be there unaffected when you finish playing with 66, and you can"
echo " boot either system if 66 is installed. "
echo " "
echo " It is best you add s6/66 after your first successful boot with runit, unless you"
echo " are really proficient with both systems."
echo " After you boot 66 and if you ever need dbus and maybe consolekit for applications"
echo " see 66-user 66-user-up 66-user-down scripts that will help a minimal setup."
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 10 Your .xinitrc "
echo " "
echo " Whether you use the xinit command, or startx, to start"
echo " your X session your ~/.xinitrc should have at least one"
echo " executable command in it."
echo " exec jwm &"
echo " for starting a jwm session "
echo " exec openbox-session"
echo " for starting an openbox session"
echo " exec vtwm"
echo " for starting a vtwm session "
echo " exec icewm-session"
echo " for starting an icewm session "
echo " "
echo " To do so, do it here, simply edit as user ~/.xinitrc then type exit to continue this script."
echo " "
echo " Now, next time you login to your shell type xinit or startx and your favorite window"
echo " manager will start up."
echo " Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort the script"
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to finally get to the last step of your configuration."
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 10 To add a graphic environment either X11 openbox, jwm, vtwm, etc. "
echo " or a wayland window manager openbox equivalent (labwc) run the "
echo " add-gfx script when you finish setup"
echo " "
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " 11 Exit chroot and Reboot "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " You should now be able to exit the chroot, reboot the system, and try a true joborun system."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " If you are unsure of everything done here re-run the script as many times as you like,"
echo " it doesn t hurt anything, it only guides you to do what you have to do. As user also "
echo " look at the scripts stored in the home directory ~/ or /home/make on how to have X wm"
echo " environment installed if you want it, or have s6 and 66 installed and set up."
echo " it doesn t hurt anything, it only guides you to do what you want to do. As user also "
echo " look at the scripts stored in the home directory ~/ or /home/make on how to have an X11"
echo " window manager or wayland environment installed, if you that is what you want."
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Enter to finally exit"
echo " "
clear && cat /etc/motd | grep -v joborun
echo " "
echo " "
echo " Thank you for trying Joborun"
echo " "
echo " "
cat /etc/fstab
echo " ______________________ "
cat /etc/locale.gen
@ -382,9 +439,12 @@ ls -l /boot/grub
echo " ______________________ "
ls -l /etc/runit/runsvdir/default
echo " ______________________ "
echo " This is what the system s configuration looks like now "
echo " Hit enter to see the picture before you started "
echo " This is what the system configuration looks like now "
echo " Hit enter to see how it was before you started "
echo " "
echo " "
echo " __________________________________________________ "
cat /tmp/state.0
echo " __________________________________________________ "
echo " "
@ -19,4 +19,6 @@ package-query
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
sudo pacman -Rnsu $(cat /usr/local/bin/labwc.list) --noconfirm
# sudo /usr/local/bin/cldoc # use if you want documentation/help remove to save space
echo "hit Enter to exit X or Ctrl-C to remain in graphic session that remains in Ram"
echo "hit Enter to exit your wayland session or Ctrl-C to remain in graphic session that remains in Ram"
labwc -exit
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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pkgdesc="The Python programming language - ipv6 disabled "
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'7169605F62C751356D054A26A821E680E5FA6305') # Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.nl>
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pkgname=(python python-tests)
pkgdesc="The Python programming language"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ depends=('bzip2' 'expat' 'gdbm' 'libffi' 'libnsl' 'libxcrypt' 'openssl' 'zlib' '
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Reference in a new issue