#!/usr/bin/bash # JOBoRun : Jwm OpenBox Obarun RUNit # Maintainer : Joe Bo Run # PkgSource : url="https://gittea.disroot.org/joborun-pkg/jobcore/$pkgname" # Website : https://pozol.eu #-----------------------------------------| DESCRIPTION |--------------------------------------- pkgname=groff pkgver=1.23.0 pkgrel=01 pkgdesc='GNU troff text-formatting system' url='https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/groff.html' groups=( jobbot ) depends=('perl' 'gcc-libs') makedepends=('netpbm' 'psutils' 'libxaw' 'perl-file-homedir') optdepends=('netpbm: for use together with man -H command interaction in browsers' 'psutils: for use together with man -H command interaction in browsers' 'libxaw: for gxditview' 'perl-file-homedir: for use with glilypond') options=('!docs' '!emptydirs' '!makeflags') source=("https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz"{,.sig} display-utc-times.patch 'site.tmac') prepare() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver # always use UTC times for display - using localtime is problematic for reproducible builds # fixes FS#69123 - patch taken from Debian patch -Np1 -i ../display-utc-times.patch } build() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-x \ --with-appresdir=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults make } check() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver make check } package() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # add compatibility symlinks ln -s eqn "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/geqn ln -s tbl "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gtbl ln -s soelim "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/zsoelim # FS33760 - TERMCAP variables not followed # TODO: everyone is doing this - find out why upstream does not... ## so they (arch devs) built 1.22.4-8 without it and -9 with it again. ## now they know why everyone else is doing it? Not very trust encouraging approach, ## this is like fixing a farm tractor in the barn. cat "$srcdir"/site.tmac >> \ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/groff/site-tmac/man.local cat "$srcdir"/site.tmac >> \ "$pkgdir"/usr/share/groff/site-tmac/mdoc.local } #---- arch license gpg-key & sha256sums ---- arch=(x86_64) license=('GPL') validpgpkeys=('2D0C08D2B0AD0D3D8626670272D23FBAC99D4E75') # Bertrand Garrigues sha256sums=(6b9757f592b7518b4902eb6af7e54570bdccba37a871fddb2d30ae3863511c13 # groff-1.23.0.tar.gz 7ec23a8550fba8d942da06b1f84a090d80538ac062e8c73de6a4ad7a4f69e09f # groff-1.23.0.tar.gz.sig 489bb32bbd1c7bced33bf187611219527914ae46ce05238fe80dc11c4b1bb909 # display-utc-times.patch a2f4c5657595c5961c2c2b80e77b1126a2fc0a0caea5c0660b36255b3d85b7ff) # site.tmac ## 0f8cdc59a4db0ad329938c1fbd172310eb79ad7b1161e7fbcf6445061f00cfed groff-1.23.0-01-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz