post_install() { if ! getent group log >/dev/null; then groupadd -r -g 19 log fi if ! getent passwd s6log >/dev/null; then useradd -u 919 -g 19 -d / -c "S6 log user" -s /usr/bin/nologin s6log fi if ! ls -l /var/log | grep 66 1>/dev/null; then mkdir -m 0755 /var/log/66 fi } post_upgrade() { post_install printf "%s\n" "==> WARNING: According to the skarnet recommendations about the s6-svscan and skalibs library changes, you need to reboot after your 66 package upgrade." } pre_remove() { echo "/var/log/66 66's logging directory will now ne removed and s6log user removed" rm -rf /var/log/66 userdel s6log }