#!/usr/bin/bash # JOBoRun : Jwm OpenBox Obarun RUNit # Maintainer : Joe Bo Run # PkgSource : url="https://git.disroot.org/joborun-pkg/jobcore/src/branch/main/$pkgname" # Website : https://pozol.eu #-----------------------------------------| DESCRIPTION |--------------------------------------- pkgname=efivar pkgdesc="Tools and libraries to work with EFI variables" pkgver=39 _commit=a77a4ffec000ad5dfc5d6394d208784672acda82 # refs/tags/39 pkgrel=01 url="https://github.com/rhboot/efivar" depends=(glibc) makedepends=(git mandoc) provides=(libefiboot.so libefisec.so libefivar.so) options=(!lto) source=("git+$url#tag=$_commit?signed") pkgver() { cd $pkgname git describe --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd $pkgname # fix issues with linker scripts: https://github.com/rhboot/efivar/pull/201 # patch -Np1 -d $pkgname -i ../$pkgname-38-ld_t.patch } build() { # disable -Werror by default by setting ERRORS to empty string make ERRORS='' all -C $pkgname } check() { make GRUB_PREFIX=grub test -k -C "${pkgname}" || echo "grub related tests are flaky" # make GRUB_PREFIX=grub test -k -j1 -C $pkgname } package() { make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" \ libdir=/usr/lib/ \ bindir=/usr/bin/ \ mandir=/usr/share/man/ \ includedir=/usr/include/ \ install -j1 V=1 \ -C "${pkgname}" install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}/"{README.md,TODO} -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" } #---- arch license gpg-key & sha256sums ---- arch=(x86_64) license=(LGPL-2.1-or-later) validpgpkeys=('B00B48BC731AA8840FED9FB0EED266B70F4FEF10') # Peter Jones sha256sums=(SKIP) ## 4fe134bd4ae4dc9268b4d6187c6617f72b61f0b1d2c20b9ded2e5ba278db1ffd efivar-39-01-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz