#!/usr/bin/bash # JOBoRun : Jwm OpenBox Obarun RUNit # Maintainer : Joe Bo Run # PkgSource : url="https://gittea.disroot.org/joborun-pkg/jobextra/$pkgname" # Website : https://pozol.eu #-----------------------------------------| DESCRIPTION |--------------------------------------- pkgname=xdg-desktop-portal pkgver=1.14.4 pkgrel=01 pkgdesc="Desktop integration portals for sandboxed apps w/o systemd pipewire and flatpak" url="https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal" arch=(x86_64) depends=(glib2 fuse3 geoclue2 rtkit) makedepends=(python xmlto docbook-xsl git libportal) #options=(debug) ## uncomment this to produce the debug pkg _commit=7a442e6133a931e66b2dd7cad2a13b73a112f010 # tags/1.14.4 source=("git+https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal#commit=$_commit") pkgver() { cd $pkgname git describe --tags | sed 's/[^-]*-g/r&/;s/-/+/g' } prepare() { cd $pkgname NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh } build() { cd $pkgname ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --enable-pipewire=no \ --with-systemduserunitdir=no \ --with-systemd=no make } package() { depends+=(xdg-desktop-portal-impl) cd $pkgname make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install } #---- license gpg-key sha256sums ---- license=(LGPL) sha256sums=('SKIP')