#!/usr/bin/bash # JOBoRun : Jwm OpenBox Obarun RUNit # Maintainer : Joe Bo Run # PkgSource : url="https://gittea.disroot.org/joborun-pkg/jobextra/$pkgname" # Website : https://pozol.eu #-----------------------------------------| DESCRIPTION |--------------------------------------- pkgbase=at-spi2-core pkgname=(at-spi2-core) # at-spi2-core-docs) # uncomment the docs sections and modify this pkg list to build the docs documents pkgver=2.48.0 pkgrel=02 # Arch replaced makedependency from libsystemd to systemd, the reason for the rerun 2.44.0-2 # Let's see if it makes a difference to us :) :P pkgdesc="Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi w/o systemd" url="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/at-spi2-core" depends=(dbus glib2 libxtst libx11 libxml2 gsettings-desktop-schemas) makedepends=(gobject-introspection git meson gi-docgen python-sphinx) checkdepends=(at-spi2-core) _commit=d963aff7f6977e50517fb2ffe8b31f1db142107d # tags/AT_SPI2_CORE_2_48_0^0 # options=(debug) ## uncomment this to have the debug package built source=("git+$url.git#commit=$_commit") pkgver() { cd $pkgbase git describe --tags | sed 's/^AT_SPI2_CORE_//;s/_/./g;s/-/+/g' } prepare() { cd $pkgbase } build() { local meson_options=( -D default_bus=dbus-broker -D docs=true ) arch-meson at-spi2-core build "${meson_options[@]}" meson compile -C build } check() { # memory test fails without desktop # broker fails to launch without journald # # Aaahhh journald must be running for the check to pass --- yawn yawn and again! dbus-run-session meson test -C build --print-errorlogs } package_at-spi2-core() { optdepends=('dbus-broker: Alternative bus implementation') provides=( "at-spi2-atk=$pkgver-$pkgrel" "atk=$pkgver-$pkgrel" libatk-1.0.so libatk-bridge-2.0.so libatspi.so ) conflicts=( 'at-spi2-atk<=2.38.0-2' 'atk<=2.38.0-2' ) replaces=( 'at-spi2-atk<=2.38.0-2' 'atk<=2.38.0-2' ) meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" mkdir -p doc/usr/share mv {"$pkgdir",doc}/usr/share/doc rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/user/at-spi-dbus-bus.service rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd } #package_at-spi2-core-docs() { # pkgdesc+=" (documentation)" # depends=() # # mv doc/* "$pkgdir" # # meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir" #} #---- arch license gpg-key & sha256sums ---- arch=(x86_64) license=(GPL2) sha256sums=('SKIP') ## b49d51de057aa34607559fb9f7242d52a03b3dc25ece7fc33709e363c52d2261 at-spi2-core-2.48.0-02-x86_64.pkg.tar.lz