remember to uncheck the check section XFAIL setuptools/tests/ - Byte code disabled XFAIL setuptools/tests/ - reason: #3260 XFAIL setuptools/tests/[Metadata Version 1.2: Project-Url-attrs5] - Issue #1578: project_urls not read XFAIL setuptools/tests/[Metadata Version 2.1: Provides Extra-attrs9] - provides_extras not read XFAIL setuptools/tests/[extras_require_with_marker_in_setup_cfg] XFAIL setuptools/tests/config/[international-email] - CPython's only supports RFC 5322, as of Nov 10, 2022 and latest Python 3.11.0 XPASS setuptools/tests/ #710 and #712 ======== 30 failed, 1078 passed, 27 skipped, 31 deselected, 6 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 248.80s (0:04:08) ======== ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().