2023-01-22 16:03:17 +02:00

21 lines
1.1 KiB

post_install() {
echo "*"
echo "* Hint: There was an interrim arch-testing version of this edition"
echo "* built just like the past ones, then a day later Arch decided"
echo "* to build the pkg with pipewire. Pipewire is nothing more than"
echo "* a disguised new pulseaudio made by the same gang that brought"
echo "* systemd, gnome, pulseaudio, ..etc. "
echo "* You may hear about all this additional and much needed"
echo "* functionality it may bring, but it is our opinion all this is"
echo "* extra fluff and unwelcomed automation, in the cost of additional"
echo "* resources, space, bandwidth, and required machinery."
echo "* The reason Joborun exists is to resist this fluff and garbage"
echo "* mega-corporations have brought to linux to make yet another"
echo "* system just like Microsoft Windows"
echo "* So we will keep building with less fat, fluff, and garbage."
echo "* For everyone else there is Arch, Manjaro, and the like."
echo "* "
echo "* Therefore: No pipewire in our fluidsynth"
echo "*"