
Jwm OpenBox Obarun Runit - linux

This will serve as the root for all documentation relating to the project.
The goals are simple:

We thank disroot for providing a public space and service for our project, especially for not being a commerical service, which even as free (as in beer) comes at enormous cost, maybe higher than a purchased dedicated service. Since at this stage we have no cost (as in beer) any intention to donate to this project should transfer to support for supporting us. Help to help us. If costs do arise in the future for more resources we will discuss and decide as a community at that stage in how to deal with them.

Copyleft from below© 2021-2022 joborun-linux

Obarun Linux Copyright © 2015-2022 Eric Vidal

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The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world-wide basis.