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joborun packages
What each one does and why
Minimal set of packages to define a basic JOBORun Linux installation
Minimal set of packages to define a basic JOBORun Linux installation. By installing base into a new partition you have a joborun bootstrap, in which you can chroot and modify your new system installation. Pretty similar but different than Arch or Obarun, in the sense of runit pkgs being added while systemd, s6, 66 are not present.
Base Joborun Linux file system. This is the structure of the base system, files and directories, where pacman can place package files and construct the system.
Minimal set of packages to maintain the building chroot for JOBORun Linux. This is a very specific group of packages, a metapackage with the exact dependencies, in which ALL packages in joborun are built. In each repository packages' subdirectory there exists a file named deps, which contains the additional to "jobbot" packages required to build the specific package, and after building you remove the "deps" list, and return to an absolute "jobbot" building base system. This is how the process of building all the packages can me accelerated, simplified, and precise. This environment is more minimal than what Arch is using, to begin with systemd and libraries don't exist, but also some building tools that are not always necessary are not there, but they can be added "only" whan they are necessary. In addition to absolute necessities of maintaining this functional chroot, may be utilities that help you scan and download packages from repositories such as AUR or Obarun's OUR. Like cower and package-query, which can not possibly affect the building of software in any way.
jobcore/jobo-setup 0.1-01 (jobbase)
Post Install joborun setup script - currently a dummy empty pkg. This is blank at the moment and will be populated by scripts that assist the setup to complete a new installation. Scripts that can modify init and service management, configure the system's fstab, passwords, locales, time zone, etc. Since joborun appeals to above average experienced users, it received low priority as the alpha-phase of the project was release. Meanwhile on the wiki there exist installation instructions that make this process unnecessary. It will be ready and present in the beta phase of releases.
jobcore/jobo66 0.1.0-04 (s6-suite)
installs minimal s6 & 66 needed software equivalent to the runit setup on joborun to boot w/ s6/66. This metapackage ensures a smooth transition of adding s6 and 66 systems to joborun without affecting the runit setup. After the installation either one of the systems can boot joborun, and through this process you can try and compare which suits your needs better.
jobcore/joborun-keyring 20220202-02 (base jobbot)
joborun PGP keyring. This keyring package holds the single packaging team's GPG key for signing packages and repository databases. Not yet implemented in the alpha phase, and not as of high importance in a distribution intended to be source based and packages built by each sys-admin. The initial binaries you utilize are meant to assist and accelerate the process of making your own system, from then on there is no need to download any binary, even from Arch or Obarun, you can built your own.
jobcore/joborun66 0.1-04 (base)
for runit and 66 to coexist the 4 conflicting power functions must be separate in /usr/bin/s6 and /usr/bin/run. This package ensures that both runit and s6/66 can coexist in the same system, they don't overlap, and while you can boot either one, you can reboot, shutdown, halt, poweroff without issues. It may seem as a hack and not a complicated coding solution, but it works reliably.