2023-10-01 23:49:24 -07:00

223 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file

# Generates example dataset and does some stuff
SCRIPT_PATH=$(realpath $0)
OWNER=$(ls -ld $SCRIPT_PATH | cut -d' ' -f3)
cargo build --quiet "$@"
# GHEE="sudo -u $OWNER $GHEE_CMD"
if [ ! -d "snapshot" ]; then
mkdir snapshot
cd snapshot
set -x
main() {
# Create a personnel dataset with three people
# The name, ID, and state of residence are known for each person
mkdir $1/people
touch $1/people/Sandeep $1/people/Sofia $1/people/Wulfrum
$GHEE set -s name=Sandeep -s id=2 -s state=CA $1/people/Sandeep
$GHEE set -s name=Sofia -s id=1 -s state=WA $1/people/Sofia
$GHEE set -s name=Wulfrum -s id=0 -s state=CA $1/people/Wulfrum
Check how Ghee sees the files we just set up 2> /dev/null
$GHEE get $1/people
Tell Ghee what key the data is indexed by 2> /dev/null
$GHEE init -k name $1/people
Index the dataset by ID 2> /dev/null
$GHEE idx -v -k id $1/people $1/people:id
# Index the dataset by state and ID, placing the index in the default path 2> /dev/null
$GHEE idx -v -k state -k id $1/people
# Add more people to the table and its indices 2> /dev/null
$GHEE ins -v $1/people < $REPO_PATH/people.json
# Get all of ./people, seen as a table
$GHEE get -a $1/people
# # Get all of ./people without sorting in the walk of the folder hierarchy 2> /dev/null
# ghee get -a --nosort $prefix/people
# Get the name of everybody from California; include all subpaths (don't ignore indices) 2> /dev/null
$GHEE get -a -w state=CA -f name $1/people
# Remove Sofia
$GHEE del -v $1/people -w name=Sofia
# Equivalently: ghee del -v ./people Sofia 2> /dev/null
# Remove Lilly from the :id index and all related indices 2> /dev/null
$GHEE del -v $1/people:id 3
# Equivalently: ghee del -v ./people -w id=3
# Equivalently: ghee del -v ./people Lilly
# Remove Wulfrum from the :state:id index and all related indices 2> /dev/null
$GHEE del -v $1/people/:state:id CA 0
# Equivalently: ghee del -v ./people -w state=CA -w id=0
# Equivalently: ghee del -v ./people Wulfrum
# Get the name of everybody from California still remaining, 2> /dev/null
# taking advantage of the state index 2> /dev/null
# This will avoid traversing irrelevant portions of the index 2> /dev/null
$GHEE get -a -w state=CA -f name $1/people/:state:id
# Create a table directly 2> /dev/null
$GHEE create -v $1/direct -k blah
# Create people2 in one go using `create' 2> /dev/null
$GHEE create -v $1/people2 -k id < $REPO_PATH/people.json
$GHEE status $1/people2
mkdir $1/empty
$GHEE status $1/empty
$GHEE get $1/empty
$GHEE get -a $1/empty
btrfs() {
Sanity check status and log on an empty directory 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1
$GHEE log
Create a pizza table 2> /dev/null
$GHEE create -v -k toppings $1/pizza
Make sure the status is empty 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1/pizza
Create a record representing an olive pizza 2> /dev/null
$GHEE touch $1/pizza/olive
Check that the new record shows up the status 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1/pizza
Commit the change with a helpful comment 2> /dev/null
commit1=$($GHEE commit -m "Add olive pizza" $1/pizza)
Make sure the new commit shows up in the log 2> /dev/null
$GHEE log $1/pizza
Check that the status is empty again, since there are no pending changes 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1/pizza
Now create a pepperoni pizza 2> /dev/null
$GHEE touch $1/pizza/pepperoni
Set text in the file itself, rather than just xattrs 2> /dev/null
echo "Olives are good on pizza" > $1/pizza/olive
Also set its yumminess level to 5, as an extended attribute 2> /dev/null
$GHEE set -s yumminess=5 $1/pizza/olive
Make sure this all shows up in the status 2> /dev/null
FIXME The xattr changes arent reflected 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1/pizza
Commit the new changes 2> /dev/null
commit2=$($GHEE commit -m "Add pepperoni; add details to olive" $1/pizza)
Make sure status and log reflect this 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status $1/pizza
$GHEE log $1/pizza
Create a buffalo chicken pizza 2> /dev/null
$GHEE touch $1/pizza/buffalo-chicken
pushd $1/pizza
Check status, restore, and status again using the current directory form 2> /dev/null
$GHEE status
$GHEE restore .
$GHEE status
$GHEE ls
$GHEE reset $commit1
$GHEE ls
declare -A PREFIXES
PREFIXES=([relative]="." [absolute]="$EXAMPLE_PATH/FSNAME")
mkdir ./ext4
mkdir ./btrfs
## Initial file hierarchy to clone
mkdir ./empty
for i in "${!PREFIXES[@]}"
Make sure we are in the base path so the relative prefix resolves properly 2> /dev/null
"======= $i prefix: $prefix =======" 2> /dev/null
# --- Ext4 ---
dd if=/dev/zero of=$ext4img bs=1M count=400 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
mkfs.ext4 -L ext4-$i $ext4img 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
sudo mount -o loop $ext4img ext4
sudo chown $OWNER:$OWNER ext4
cd ext4
main $fsprefix
cd ..
sudo umount ext4
# --- BTRFS ---
dd if=/dev/zero of=$btrfsimg bs=1M count=114 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
mkfs.btrfs -L btrfs-$i --rootdir empty $btrfsimg 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
sudo mount -o loop $btrfsimg btrfs
sudo chown $OWNER:$OWNER btrfs
cd btrfs
main $fsprefix
btrfs $fsprefix
cd ..
sudo umount btrfs
# --- /BTRFS ---
cd ..