soome minor changes in notes

This commit is contained in:
Javier Pacheco 2023-08-09 06:27:41 -05:00
parent 806b3ab21c
commit a804cf5d54
2 changed files with 69 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ return {
ft = { "markdown" },
ft = { "markdown", "norg" },
config = function()
-- Bug: changing prefix doesn't work
-- :h table-mode-mappings
@ -80,23 +80,78 @@ return {
-- [[ notes ]]
-- {
-- 'jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim',
-- rocks = 'luautf8', -- Ensures optional luautf8 dependency is installed
-- dependencies = { 'jubnzv/mdeval.nvim' },
-- config = function()
-- require('mkdnflow').setup({
-- links = {
-- style = 'markdown',
-- name_is_source = false,
-- conceal = true,
-- context = 0,
-- implicit_extension = nil,
-- transform_implicit = false,
-- transform_explicit = function(text)
-- text = text:gsub(" ", "-")
-- text = text:lower()
-- text ='%Y-%m-%d_') .. text
-- return (text)
-- end
-- },
-- mappings = {
-- MkdnToggleToDo = { { 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>td' },
-- }
-- })
-- end
-- },
dependencies = {
build = ":Neorg sync-parsers",
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
dependencies = {
config = function()
require("neorg").setup {
load = {
["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour
["core.concealer"] = {}, -- Adds pretty icons to your documents
["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour
["core.concealer"] = {
config = {
folds = false,
icon_present = "varided",
icons = {
code_block = {
conceal = true,
heading = {
icons = { "", "", "", "", "", "", },
}, -- Adds pretty icons to your documents
["core.export.markdown"] = {},
["core.export"] = {},
["core.manoeuvre"] = {},
["core.summary"] = {},
["core.syntax"] = {},
[""] = {},
["core.journal"] = {},
["core.ui"] = {},
["core.tangle"] = {},
["core.queries.native"] = {},
["core.qol.todo_items"] = {
config = {
create_todo_parents = true,
["core.qol.toc"] = {
config = {
close_after_use = true,

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ vim.o.hlsearch = false
-- Make line numbers default
vim.wo.number = true
vim.wo.relativenumber = true
-- vim.wo.conceallevel = 2
-- Enable mouse mode
vim.o.mouse = 'a'
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ local os = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname
vim.keymap.set("n", "<bs>", ":edit #<cr>", { silent = true })
-- Blink cursor:
vim.cmd([[set guicursor+=a:-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175]])
vim.cmd([[let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 2]])
-- vim.cmd([[let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 2]])
vim.cmd([[hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE]])
vim.opt.scrolloff = 5
vim.opt.splitbelow = true
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ vim.opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
vim.opt.autochdir = true
vim.opt.showtabline = 1
vim.opt.conceallevel = 2
-- vim.opt.concealcursor = 'nc'
-- vim.cmd(':hi CursorLineNr gui=None ctermfg=11 guifg=foreground')
vim.opt.cursorline = false
-- Do not load tohtml.vim
@ -104,19 +106,21 @@ map("n", "<A-,>", ":bprevious<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<A-.>", ":bnext<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<A-q>", ":bd<CR>", opts)
-- documents markdown and pdf
-- documents markdown, pdf & norg files.
map("n", "<leader>pdf", ":silent ! latexpdf % <CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>md", ":MarkdownPreview<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>doc", ":silent ! pandoc % --pdf-engine=xelatex --template eisvogel.tex -o %.pdf<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>doc",
":silent ! pandoc ./% --pdf-engine=xelatex --template eisvogel -o ./format/pdf/%.pdf<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ne", ":Neorg export to-file<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>zz", ":ZenMode<CR>", opts)
-- open my main notes file
if os == "Windows_NT" then
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/Appdata/Local/nvim/notes/<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/notes/<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ecf", ":e ~/Appdata/Local/nvim/init.lua<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
elseif os == "Linux" then
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/.config/nvim/notes/<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/notes/<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ecf", ":e ~/.config/nvim/init.lua<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)