change colorscheme

This commit is contained in:
Javier Pacheco 2023-09-13 06:20:39 -05:00
parent f907e03ed0
commit c4f4b76230
3 changed files with 64 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ require('lazy').setup({
show_trailing_blankline_indent = false,
config = function()
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent1 guifg=#E06C75 gui=nocombine]]
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent2 guifg=#E5C07B gui=nocombine]]
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent3 guifg=#98C379 gui=nocombine]]
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent4 guifg=#56B6C2 gui=nocombine]]
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent5 guifg=#61AFEF gui=nocombine]]
vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent6 guifg=#C678DD gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent1 guifg=#E06C75 gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent2 guifg=#E5C07B gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent3 guifg=#98C379 gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent4 guifg=#56B6C2 gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent5 guifg=#61AFEF gui=nocombine]]
-- vim.cmd [[highlight IndentBlanklineIndent6 guifg=#C678DD gui=nocombine]]
vim.opt.list = true
vim.opt.listchars:append "eol:↴"
vim.opt.listchars:append "space: "
@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ require('lazy').setup({
-- vim.g.indent_blankline_char_list = { '|', '¦', '┆', '┊' }
require("indent_blankline").setup {
space_char_blankline = " ",
char_highlight_list = {
-- char_highlight_list = {
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent1",
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent2",
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent3",
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent4",
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent5",
-- "IndentBlanklineIndent6",
-- },

View File

@ -4,65 +4,59 @@ return {
-- [[ Eyecandy & fancy prgramming stuff ]]
-- [[ Colorscheme ]]
-- {
-- "navarasu/onedark.nvim",
-- config = function()
-- require('onedark').setup {
-- style = 'warm',
-- transparent = true,
-- code_style = {
-- comments = 'italic',
-- keywords = 'bold',
-- functions = 'italic',
-- strings = 'italic',
-- variables = 'bold'
-- },
-- }
-- require('onedark').load()
-- end
-- },
name = "catppuccin",
name = "moonfly",
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
flavour = "frappe", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
background = { -- :h background
light = "latte",
dark = "frappe",
transparent_background = true, -- disables setting the background color.
show_end_of_buffer = false, -- shows the '~' characters after the end of buffers
term_colors = false, -- sets terminal colors (e.g. `g:terminal_color_0`)
dim_inactive = {
enabled = false, -- dims the background color of inactive window
shade = "dark",
percentage = 0.15, -- percentage of the shade to apply to the inactive window
no_italic = false, -- Force no italic
no_bold = false, -- Force no bold
no_underline = false, -- Force no underline
styles = { -- Handles the styles of general hi groups (see `:h highlight-args`):
comments = { "italic" }, -- Change the style of comments
conditionals = { "italic" },
loops = {},
functions = { "italic", "bold" },
keywords = {},
strings = { "italic" },
variables = { "italic" },
numbers = {},
booleans = {},
properties = { "italic" },
types = {},
operators = {},
-- setup must be called before loading
vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin"
vim.cmd [[colorscheme moonfly]]
vim.g.moonflytransparent = true
vim.g.moonflyItalics = false
-- {
-- "catppuccin/nvim",
-- name = "catppuccin",
-- priority = 1000,
-- config = function()
-- require("catppuccin").setup({
-- flavour = "frappe", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
-- background = { -- :h background
-- light = "latte",
-- dark = "frappe",
-- },
-- transparent_background = true, -- disables setting the background color.
-- show_end_of_buffer = false, -- shows the '~' characters after the end of buffers
-- term_colors = false, -- sets terminal colors (e.g. `g:terminal_color_0`)
-- dim_inactive = {
-- enabled = false, -- dims the background color of inactive window
-- shade = "dark",
-- percentage = 0.15, -- percentage of the shade to apply to the inactive window
-- },
-- no_italic = false, -- Force no italic
-- no_bold = false, -- Force no bold
-- no_underline = false, -- Force no underline
-- styles = { -- Handles the styles of general hi groups (see `:h highlight-args`):
-- comments = { "italic" }, -- Change the style of comments
-- conditionals = { "italic" },
-- loops = {},
-- functions = { "italic", "bold" },
-- keywords = {},
-- strings = { "italic" },
-- variables = { "italic" },
-- numbers = {},
-- booleans = {},
-- properties = { "italic" },
-- types = {},
-- operators = {},
-- },
-- })
-- -- setup must be called before loading
-- vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin"
-- end
-- },
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },

View File

@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ map("n", "<leader>zz", ":ZenMode<CR>", opts)
-- open my main notes file
if os == "Windows_NT" then
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/notes/<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/zet/<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ecf", ":e ~/Appdata/Local/nvim/init.lua<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
elseif os == "Linux" then
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/notes/<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ww", ":e ~/zet/<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)
map("n", "<leader>ecf", ":e ~/.config/nvim/init.lua<CR> :cd<CR>", opts)