  • Joined on 2022-11-11
jpaulogg created branch testing in jpaulogg/shell-scripts 2022-11-15 23:52:36 +01:00
jpaulogg pushed to testing at jpaulogg/shell-scripts 2022-11-15 23:52:36 +01:00
4152cc07cc scripts em fase de teste
jpaulogg created branch void-musl-x220 in jpaulogg/shell-scripts 2022-11-15 23:52:36 +01:00
jpaulogg pushed to void-musl-x220 at jpaulogg/shell-scripts 2022-11-15 23:52:36 +01:00
jpaulogg created repository jpaulogg/shell-scripts 2022-11-15 20:40:36 +01:00
jpaulogg created repository jpaulogg/vis-fork 2022-11-15 20:28:04 +01:00