Modify /boot 700M, correct printf

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2024-02-10 21:06:02 +02:00
parent e0de0206bf
commit 8db49b2813
1 changed files with 57 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ wipefs -aqf "${inst_dev}" >/dev/null &&
# Format disklabel as DOS, create partition for LUKS
if [ "${inst_boot}" == "yes" ]; then
printf 'label: dos\n, 512M, L, *\n, , L\n' | sfdisk -q "${inst_dev}" &&
printf 'label: dos\n, 700M, L, *\n, , L\n' | sfdisk -q "${inst_dev}" &&
printf "[+] Create disklabel type <DOS> and partition\n"
inst_dev_boot=$(lsblk -pnlo NAME "${inst_dev}" | sed -n 2p)
inst_dev_pool=$(lsblk -pnlo NAME "${inst_dev}" | sed -n 3p)
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ if [ "${inst_boot}" == "yes" ]; then
if echo "${luks_pass}" | cryptsetup -q luksFormat "${inst_dev_pool}"; then
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ else
if echo "${luks_pass}" | cryptsetup -q --type luks1 luksFormat "${inst_dev_pool}"; then
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ printf "[-] Opening volume to </dev/mapper/%s>... " "${luks_name}"
if echo "${luks_pass}" | cryptsetup open "${inst_dev_pool}" "${luks_name}"; then
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ vgcreate ${lvm_name} /dev/mapper/${luks_name} >/dev/null &&
# Reading size for LVs
inst_dev_size=$(lsblk -pdno SIZE "${inst_dev_pool}" | sed 's/ \+//g')
printf "[+] Max size for LV partition - <%s>\n" "${inst_dev_size}"
read -rp "[?] Size{G,T,P} for lv-root (empty - all space): " lvm_root_size
read -rp "[?] Size{M,G,T,P} for LV-root (empty - all space): " lvm_root_size
# Check if size is correct
if [ -n "${lvm_root_size}" ]; then
echo "${lvm_root_size}" | grep -qE "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9])?[GTP]$"
echo "${lvm_root_size}" | grep -qE "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9])?[MGTP]$"
if [ $? == 1 ]; then
printf "%s[!] Not correct size%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ printf "[-] Downloading rootfs tarball, wait... "
if curl -s -o void.tar.xz ${rootfs_link}; then
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ printf "[-] Extract files from archive, wait... "
if tar xf void.tar.xz -C /mnt; then
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ printf "[-] Syncing system and update xbps, wait..."
if chroot /mnt xbps-install -Suy xbps >/dev/null; then
printf "OK\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ printf "[-] Updating system, wait..."
if chroot /mnt xbps-install -uy >/dev/null; then
printf "OK\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ printf "[-] Installing base system, wait..."
if chroot /mnt xbps-install -y base-system lvm2 cryptsetup grub >/dev/null; then
printf "OK\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
exit 1
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ printf "[-] Removing package base-voidstrap, wait... "
if chroot /mnt xbps-remove -y base-voidstrap >/dev/null; then
printf "OK\n"
printf "%s\n[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[!] ERROR!!%s\n" "${cl_red}" "${cl_normal}"
# Add and set passwords for users
@ -362,8 +362,7 @@ printf "[+] Set language <%s>\n" "${sys_language}"
# libc-locales are only applicable for glibc installations
echo "${sys_locale}" >>/mnt/etc/default/libc-locales
printf "[-] Reconfiguring locale to <%s>, wait... " "${sys_locale}"
chroot /mnt xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales >/dev/null
printf "OK!\n"
chroot /mnt xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales >/dev/null && printf "OK!\n"
# Modify file /etc/fstab in chroot
if [ "${inst_boot}" == "yes" ]; then
@ -388,6 +387,50 @@ printf "[+] Enable LUKS in GRUB\n"
dd bs=1 count=64 if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/root/volume.key status=none
echo "${luks_pass}" | cryptsetup -q luksAddKey "${inst_dev_pool}" /mnt/root/volume.key
# Change the permissions to protect generated the keyfile
chmod 000 /mnt/root/volume.key
chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /mnt/root/volume.key
printf "%s\tUUID=%s\t/root/volume.key\tluks\n" "${luks_name}" "${luks_uuid}" >> \
# Configure for dracut
printf "install_items+=\" /root/volume.key /etc/crypttab \"\n" > \
# Install GRUB bootloader
printf "[-] Installing GRUB to <%s>, wait...\n" "${inst_dev}"
chroot /mnt grub-install "${inst_dev}" >/dev/null
# Ensure an initramfs is generated
printf "[-] Reconfigure system, wait...\n"
chroot /mnt xbps-reconfigure -fa >/dev/null
printf "[+] Done!\n"
printf "%s=======================%s\n" "${cl_green}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s[*] Swap file configure%s\n" "${cl_green}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s=======================%s\n" "${cl_green}" "${cl_normal}"
read -rp "[?] Use swap file: (y/n) " _key
if [ "${_key}" == "y" ]; then
# Adding swap file
printf "[-] Creating swap file 2Gb..."
if dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swapfile bs=2048 count=1000000; then
printf "OK\n"
printf "[!] Error creating swap file\n"
exit 1
# Set up a Linux swap area
mkswap -q /mnt/swapfile
chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile
printf "[+] Set up a swap file"
# Adding swap file to /etc/fstab
swap_uuid=$(swaplabel /mnt/swapfile | sed 's/:\s*/=/')
printf "%s none swap sw 0 0\n" "${swap_uuid}" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
printf "[+] Adding swap file to /etc/fstab"
printf "[+] Skipping swap file configure\n"
# Adding swap file
read -rp "[?] Use swap file: (y/n) " _key
if [ "${_key}" == "y" ]; then
@ -411,25 +454,6 @@ else
printf "[+] Skipping swap file configure\n"
# Change the permissions to protect generated the keyfile
chmod 000 /mnt/root/volume.key
chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /mnt/root/volume.key
printf "%s\tUUID=%s\t/root/volume.key\tluks\n" "${luks_name}" "${luks_uuid}" >> \
# Configure for dracut
printf "install_items+=\" /root/volume.key /etc/crypttab \"\n" > \
# Install GRUB bootloader
printf "[-] Installing GRUB to <%s>, wait... " "${inst_dev}"
chroot /mnt grub-install "${inst_dev}" >/dev/null
printf "OK!\n"
# Ensure an initramfs is generated
printf "[-] Reconfigure system, wait... "
chroot /mnt xbps-reconfigure -fa >/dev/null
printf "OK!\n"
printf "%s#######################%s\n" "${cl_blue}" "${cl_normal}"
printf "%s# Finish install Void #%s\n" "${cl_blue}" "${cl_normal}"