textLayout: only set min width if we aren't breaking lines
Fixes the problem where the vertical scrollbar wouldn't get enough width when the window was being resized to have smaller total width. TextLayoutWidget doesn't have a normal min width or height (when breaking lines). Given a width it will calculate it's min height. This change makes it not set it's min width (when breaking lines).
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 105 additions and 30 deletions
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .min_size_content = .{ .w = 50, .h = 100 } });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{}, .{ .min_size_content = .{ .w = 50, .h = 100 } });
defer scroll.deinit();
var vbox = try gui.box(@src(), .vertical, .{ .expand = .both });
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ pub fn main() !void {
Sel.sel.cursor -= 1;
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .min_size_content = .{ .w = 150, .h = 100 } });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .horizontal = .auto }, .{ .min_size_content = .{ .w = 150, .h = 100 } });
var tl = try gui.textLayout(@src(), .{ .selection = &Sel.sel, .break_lines = false }, .{ .expand = .both });
//if (try gui.button(@src(), "Win Up .1", .{})) {
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .expand = .both });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{}, .{ .expand = .both });
defer scroll.deinit();
var tl = gui.TextLayoutWidget.init(@src(), .{}, .{ .expand = .both });
try tl.install(.{ .process_events = false });
@ -210,12 +210,30 @@ pub const Options = struct {
pub fn horizontal(self: *const Expand) bool {
return (self.* == .horizontal or self.* == .both);
pub fn horizontal(self: Expand) bool {
return (self == .horizontal or self == .both);
pub fn vertical(self: *const Expand) bool {
return (self.* == .vertical or self.* == .both);
pub fn vertical(self: Expand) bool {
return (self == .vertical or self == .both);
pub fn removeHorizontal(self: Expand) Expand {
return switch (self) {
.none => .none,
.horizontal => .none,
.vertical => .vertical,
.both => .vertical,
pub fn removeVertical(self: Expand) Expand {
return switch (self) {
.none => .none,
.horizontal => .horizontal,
.vertical => .none,
.both => .horizontal,
@ -240,6 +258,10 @@ pub const Options = struct {
// used to adjust widget id when @src() is not enough (like in a loop)
id_extra: ?usize = null,
// used in debugging to give widgets a name, especially in compound widgets
name: ?[]const u8 = null,
debug: ?bool = null,
// null is normal, meaning parent picks a rect for the child widget. If
// non-null, child widget is choosing its own place, meaning its not being
// placed normally. w and h will still be expanded if expand is set.
@ -365,6 +387,10 @@ pub const Options = struct {
return self.id_extra orelse 0;
pub fn debugging(self: *const Options) bool {
return self.debug orelse false;
pub fn expandGet(self: *const Options) Expand {
return self.expand orelse .none;
@ -424,6 +450,7 @@ pub const Options = struct {
return Options{
// reset to defaults of internal widgets
.id_extra = null,
.name = null,
.rect = null,
.min_size_content = null,
.expand = null,
@ -449,6 +476,7 @@ pub const Options = struct {
.color_style = self.color_style,
.font_style = self.font_style,
.rotation = self.rotation,
.debug = self.debug,
@ -580,8 +608,7 @@ pub const Font = struct {
// always include the first codepoint
if (ei > 0 and (maxx - minx) > mwidth) {
if ((maxx - minx) > mwidth) {
switch (end_metric) {
.before => break, // went too far
.nearest => {
@ -3117,7 +3144,7 @@ pub const Window = struct {
dum = !dum;
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .expand = .both, .background = false });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{}, .{ .expand = .both, .background = false });
defer scroll.deinit();
var iter = std.mem.split(u8, self.debug_under_mouse_info, "\n");
@ -4975,7 +5002,9 @@ pub const TextLayoutWidget = struct {
// scroll area)
self.insert_pt.x += s.w;
const size = Size{ .w = self.insert_pt.x, .h = self.insert_pt.y + s.h };
self.wd.min_size.w = math.max(self.wd.min_size.w, self.wd.padSize(size).w);
if (!self.break_lines) {
self.wd.min_size.w = math.max(self.wd.min_size.w, self.wd.padSize(size).w);
self.wd.min_size.h = math.max(self.wd.min_size.h, self.wd.padSize(size).h);
txt = txt[end..];
self.bytes_seen += end;
@ -4986,7 +5015,9 @@ pub const TextLayoutWidget = struct {
self.insert_pt.x = 0;
if (newline) {
const newline_size = Size{ .w = self.insert_pt.x, .h = self.insert_pt.y + s.h };
self.wd.min_size.w = math.max(self.wd.min_size.w, self.wd.padSize(newline_size).w);
if (!self.break_lines) {
self.wd.min_size.w = math.max(self.wd.min_size.w, self.wd.padSize(newline_size).w);
self.wd.min_size.h = math.max(self.wd.min_size.h, self.wd.padSize(newline_size).h);
@ -5418,7 +5449,7 @@ pub const BoxWidget = struct {
pub fn install(self: *Self, opts: struct {}) !void {
_ = opts;
try self.wd.register("Box", null);
try self.wd.register(self.wd.options.name orelse "Box", null);
try self.wd.borderAndBackground(.{});
// our rect for children has to start at 0,0
@ -5573,9 +5604,9 @@ pub const BoxWidget = struct {
pub fn scrollArea(src: std.builtin.SourceLocation, opts: Options) !*ScrollAreaWidget {
pub fn scrollArea(src: std.builtin.SourceLocation, init_opts: ScrollAreaWidget.InitOpts, opts: Options) !*ScrollAreaWidget {
var ret = try currentWindow().arena.create(ScrollAreaWidget);
ret.* = ScrollAreaWidget.init(src, null, opts);
ret.* = ScrollAreaWidget.init(src, init_opts, opts);
try ret.install(.{});
return ret;
@ -5591,6 +5622,12 @@ pub const ScrollAreaWidget = struct {
.color_style = .content,
pub const InitOpts = struct {
scroll_info: ?*ScrollInfo = null,
vertical: ?ScrollInfo.ScrollType = null,
horizontal: ?ScrollInfo.ScrollType = null,
hbox: BoxWidget = undefined,
vbox: BoxWidget = undefined,
io_scroll_info: ?*ScrollInfo = null,
@ -5598,13 +5635,36 @@ pub const ScrollAreaWidget = struct {
scroll: ScrollContainerWidget = undefined,
focus_id: ?u32 = null,
pub fn init(src: std.builtin.SourceLocation, io_si: ?*ScrollInfo, opts: Options) Self {
pub fn init(src: std.builtin.SourceLocation, init_opts: InitOpts, opts: Options) Self {
var self = Self{};
const options = defaults.override(opts);
self.hbox = BoxWidget.init(src, .horizontal, false, options);
self.io_scroll_info = io_si;
self.scroll_info = if (io_si) |iosi| iosi.* else (dataGet(null, self.hbox.data().id, "_scroll_info", ScrollInfo) orelse ScrollInfo{});
self.hbox = BoxWidget.init(src, .horizontal, false, options.override(.{ .name = "ScrollAreaWidget" }));
self.io_scroll_info = init_opts.scroll_info;
if (self.io_scroll_info) |iosi| {
self.scroll_info = iosi.*;
if (init_opts.vertical) |_| {
std.debug.print("gui: ScrollAreaWidget {x} init_opts.vertical ignored because given init_opts.scroll_info\n", .{self.hbox.wd.id});
if (init_opts.horizontal) |_| {
std.debug.print("gui: ScrollAreaWidget {x} init_opts.horizontal ignored because given init_opts.scroll_info\n", .{self.hbox.wd.id});
} else if (dataGet(null, self.hbox.data().id, "_scroll_info", ScrollInfo)) |si| {
self.scroll_info = si;
} else {
self.scroll_info = ScrollInfo{};
if (init_opts.vertical) |iov| {
self.scroll_info.vertical = iov;
} else {
self.scroll_info.vertical = .auto;
if (init_opts.horizontal) |ioh| {
self.scroll_info.horizontal = ioh;
} else {
self.scroll_info.horizontal = .none;
return self;
@ -5664,7 +5724,7 @@ pub const ScrollAreaWidget = struct {
var vbar = ScrollBarWidget.init(@src(), .{ .scroll_info = si, .focus_id = self.focus_id orelse self.scroll.data().id }, .{ .gravity_x = 1.0 });
var vbar = ScrollBarWidget.init(@src(), .{ .scroll_info = si, .focus_id = self.focus_id orelse self.scroll.data().id }, .{});
vbar.install(.{}) catch {};
@ -5675,14 +5735,14 @@ pub const ScrollAreaWidget = struct {
pub const ScrollInfo = struct {
pub const ScrollType = enum(u8) {
pub const ScrollType = enum {
none, // no scrolling
auto, // virtual size calculated from children
given, // virtual size left as given
vertical: ScrollType = .auto,
horizontal: ScrollType = .auto,
horizontal: ScrollType = .none,
virtual_size: Size = Size{},
viewport: Rect = Rect{},
@ -5881,13 +5941,21 @@ pub const ScrollContainerWidget = struct {
pub fn rectFor(self: *Self, id: u32, min_size: Size, e: Options.Expand, g: Options.Gravity) Rect {
var child_size = minSize(id, min_size);
var expand = e;
const y = self.next_widget_ypos;
const h = self.si.virtual_size.h - y;
const w = self.si.virtual_size.w;
const rect = Rect{ .x = 0, .y = y, .w = math.min(w, child_size.w), .h = math.min(h, child_size.h) };
const ret = placeIn(rect, minSize(id, child_size), e, g);
switch (self.si.horizontal) {
.none => {},
.auto => expand = expand.removeHorizontal(), // can't expand when virtual size depends on child size
.given => {},
switch (self.si.vertical) {
.none => {},
.auto => expand = expand.removeVertical(), // can't expand when virtual size depends on child size
.given => {},
const rect = Rect{ .x = 0, .y = y, .w = self.si.virtual_size.w, .h = h };
const ret = placeIn(rect, minSize(id, min_size), expand, g);
self.next_widget_ypos = (ret.y + ret.h);
return ret;
@ -7369,7 +7437,7 @@ pub const TextEntryWidget = struct {
const oldclip = clipGet();
self.scroll = ScrollAreaWidget.init(@src(), null, self.wd.options.strip().override(.{ .expand = .both }));
self.scroll = ScrollAreaWidget.init(@src(), .{}, self.wd.options.strip().override(.{ .expand = .both }));
// scrollbars process mouse events here
try self.scroll.install(.{ .focus_id = self.wd.id });
@ -8874,7 +8942,7 @@ pub const examples = struct {
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .expand = .both, .background = false });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{}, .{ .expand = .both, .background = false, .debug = true });
defer scroll.deinit();
var scaler = try gui.scale(@src(), scale_val, .{ .expand = .horizontal });
@ -9380,7 +9448,7 @@ pub const examples = struct {
const num_icons = @typeInfo(gui.icons.papirus.actions).Struct.decls.len;
const height = @intToFloat(f32, num_icons) * IconBrowser.row_height;
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{ .expand = .both });
var scroll = try gui.scrollArea(@src(), .{}, .{ .expand = .both });
scroll.setVirtualSize(.{ .w = 0, .h = height });
defer scroll.deinit();
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
test textlayout when it's too narrow for a single character
- it needs to always render at least 1 character to progress
add horizontal scrolling
- ScrollArea: don't make boxes and bars if there's no scrolling in that direction
- also need option to have scrolling but not show bars? For single line text entry
make horizontal scrolling default to none
- ScrollInfo
test a scrollArea with horizontal scrolling but no vertical scrolling
- can you expand vertically?
TODO in ScrollArea.install about corner_radius
remove setVirtualSize in favor of init options
Reference in a new issue