import logging import re import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Any from aiogram import types, Bot from aiogram.exceptions import TelegramRetryAfter, TelegramNotFound from sqlalchemy import select, insert, Select, Insert, Update from aiogram.filters import CommandObject from aiogram.types import ChatPermissions from aiogram.enums import ChatMemberStatus from aiogram.types import ChatPermissions, ChatAdministratorRights from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import async_sessionmaker from bozenka.database import get_user, Users from bozenka.database.tables.telegram import get_settings, ChatSettings async def basic_ban(msg: types.Message, user: types.User, config: dict[str, None | str | bool], session: async_sessionmaker) -> None: """ Bans a user by user_id and writes everything in database. Protects from getting limited as flood :param msg: Message telegram object :param user: User telegram object to ban :param config: Dictionary with information about ban :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: Nothing """ try: await, config["ban_time"], config["revert_msg"]) logging.log( msg=f"Banned user @{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.full_name} id={}", level=logging.INFO) if not await get_user(,, session=session): new_user = Users(,, is_banned=True, ban_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"], is_muted=None, mute_reason=None ) async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.merge(new_user) else: async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.execute( Update(Users) .values(is_banned=True, ban_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"]) .where(Users.user_id == and Users.chat_id == except TelegramRetryAfter as ex: time.sleep(ex.retry_after) await, config["ban_time"], config["revert_msg"]) logging.log( msg=f"Banned user @{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.full_name} id={}", level=logging.INFO) user = await get_user(,, session=session) if not user: new_user = Users(,, is_banned=True, ban_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"], is_muted=None, mute_reason=None ) async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.merge(new_user) else: async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.execute( Update(Users) .values(is_banned=True, ban_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"]) .where(Users.user_id == and Users.chat_id == except TelegramNotFound: logging.log( msg=f"Can't ban user, something was not avaible or got disabled", level=logging.INFO) def count_time(counted_time: str) -> int: """ Counts unix time, for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks :param counted_time: Time, needs to be converted :return: """ mute_times = {"d": int(time.time()) + int(counted_time[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24, "s": int(time.time()) + int(counted_time[0]), "m": int(time.time()) + int(counted_time[0]) * 60, "h": int(time.time()) + int(counted_time[0]) * 60 * 60, "w": int(time.time()) + int(counted_time[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7} return mute_times[counted_time[1]] class SolutionSimpler: """ Making feature 'result in your direct message' easy and cleaner to complete. Including logging and debugging. """ @staticmethod async def ban_user(msg: types.Message, cmd: CommandObject, session: async_sessionmaker) -> dict[str, None | str | bool]: """ Bans user or user, returns config, by config you can send special message. Support multibans & antiflood telegram protection :param msg: Message telegram object :param cmd: Object of telegram command :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: """ config = { "revert_msg": None, "ban_time": None, "reason": "" } if cmd.args: data = re.split(" ", cmd.args, 2) for item in data: if re.match(r"^n\w", item) and not config["revert_msg"]: config["revert_msg"] = False elif re.match(r"^ye\w", item) and not config["revert_msg"]: config["revert_msg"] = True elif re.match(r"^\d[wdysmh]", item) and not config["ban_time"]: config["ban_time"] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(count_time(item)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: config["reason"] += item + " " if msg.reply_to_message.text: await basic_ban(msg, msg.reply_to_message.from_user, config, session) return config @staticmethod async def unban_user(msg: types.Message, session: async_sessionmaker) -> None: """ Unbans user by reply, returns nothing :param msg: Message telegram object :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: """ await logging.log( msg=f"Unbanned user @{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.full_name} id={}", level=logging.INFO) if await get_user(,, session=session): async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.execute( Update(Users) .values(is_banned=False, ban_reason=None) .where(Users.user_id == and Users.chat_id == ) @staticmethod async def get_status(msg: types.Message, session: async_sessionmaker) -> dict[str, bool | None | Any]: """ Get status of user, is it muted or banned. :param msg: Message telegram object :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: """ config = { "is_banned": None, "ban_reason": None, "is_muted": None, "mute_reason": None, } user_tg = await user_db = await get_user(,, session=session) config["is_banned"] = True if user_tg.status == ChatMemberStatus.KICKED else False config["ban_reason"] = user_db.ban_reason if user_db.ban_reason else None config["is_muted"] = True if not user_tg.can_send_messages else False config["mute_reason"] = user_db.mute_reason if user_db.mute_reason else None return config @staticmethod async def mute_user(msg: types.Message, cmd: CommandObject, session: async_sessionmaker): """ Mutes user, returns config, by config you can send special message. :param msg: Message telegram object :param cmd: Object of telegram command :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: """ config = { "mute_time": None, "reason": "" } if cmd.args: data = re.split(" ", cmd.args, 2) for item in data: if re.match(r"^\d[wdysmh]", item) and not config["mute_time"]: config["mute_time"] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(count_time(item)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: config["reason"] += item + " " perms = ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False) await, until_date=config["mute_time"], permissions=perms) logging.log( msg=f"Muted user @{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.full_name} id={}", level=logging.INFO) user = await get_user(,, session=session) if not user: new_user = Users(,, is_banned=None, ban_reason=None, is_muted=True, mute_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"] ) async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.merge(new_user) else: async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.execute( Update(Users) .values(is_muted=True, mute_reason=None if config["reason"] == "" else config["reason"]) .where(Users.user_id == and Users.chat_id == ) return config @staticmethod async def unmute_user(msg: types.Message, session: async_sessionmaker): """ Unmutes user, returns nothing :param msg: Message telegram object :param session: Session maker object of SqlAlchemy :return: """ perms = ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=True) await, permissions=perms) user = await get_user(,, session=session) logging.log( msg=f"Unmuted user @{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.full_name} id={}", level=logging.INFO) async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.execute( Update(Users) .values(is_muted=False, mute_reason=None, ) .where(Users.user_id == and Users.chat_id == ) @staticmethod async def pin_msg(msg: types.Message) -> None: """ Pins replied message, returns nothing :param msg: Message telegram object :return: """ await logging.log( msg=f"Pinned message id={msg.reply_to_message.message_id} chat_id={}", level=logging.INFO) @staticmethod async def unpin_msg(msg: types.Message) -> None: """ Unpins replied message, if it pinned, always returns nothing. :param msg: Message telegram object :return: """ await logging.log( msg=f"Unpinned message id={msg.reply_to_message.message_id} chat_id={}", level=logging.INFO) @staticmethod async def unpin_all_msg(msg: types.Message) -> None: """ Unpins all pinned messages, returns nothing :param msg: Message telegram object :return: """ logging.log( msg=f"Unpinned all messages chat_id={}", level=logging.INFO) await @staticmethod async def create_invite(msg: types.Message, cmd: CommandObject): """ Creating invite, returning invite link :param msg: Message telegram object :param cmd: Object of telegram command :return: """ if cmd.args and re.match(r"^\d[wdysmh]", cmd.args): link = await link = await logging.log( msg=f"Created invite into chat by @{msg.from_user.full_name} chat_id={}", level=logging.INFO) return link.invite_link @staticmethod async def auto_settings(msg: types.Message, session: async_sessionmaker): """ Creating settings related to chat automaticly after adding :param msg: Message telegram object :param session: Object of telegram command """ chat_data = await get_settings(, session) if not chat_data: new_chat_data = ChatSettings( async with session() as session: async with session.begin(): await session.merge(new_chat_data)