2021-08-27 02:35:33 +03:00

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Lieferhund is a (the most?) hackable news-reading utility.

To use it, first make sure you have a configuration file in place - the default location is in $HOME/.config/lieferhund/config.scm. Then, the first step would be to pulling the news from the sources.

lieferhund -x pull
lieferhund -c $CONFIG_FILE -b $DB_FILE -x pull

Next, one can invoke the read command (which is quite basic at this moment), to go through the news:

lieferhund -x read

Supported protocols

Currently, only RSS and Atom feeds are supported, but mailing lists are on their way.

Configuration hacking

An example configuration can be found in examples/.

One just needs to add entries.

The hackability comes into attention, when writing the 'post-hook field in the configuration. A post hook is defined as:

  • #f - no action, just add to the database
  • a lambda, which takes as argument, a list of the form '((config-entry news-items) ...)
  • an exp of the form ('process-each hook-fn), which applies the lambda with the signature (lambda (config-entry item) ...), to each news item, in a sorted manner
  • an exp of the form ('process-each-channel hook-fn), which applies the lambda with the signature (lambda (config-entry news-items) ...), to each channel and its entries
  • ('hook-gen make-hook args ...) applies the hook generator, with the arguments specified (i.e: (hook-gen make-send-mail-to "xxx@yyy.zzz"))
  • ('hook-cons hooks ...) which means that multiple hooks can be combined

There are already 2 hooks already implemented:

  • make-printer-hook - takes no argument, prints each item
  • make-each-script-hook - takes two arguments - a string describing the command, and a list with strings which describe the content of the message, which is written to a temporary file and can be used in the command; to make the process useful, the following string interpolations are defined: ~~CONTENT~~ - the content file, ~~NAME~~ - config entry name, ~~TITLE~~ - item's title, ~~DATE~~ - item's date, ~~DESCRIPTION~~ - the item's description, and ~~OPT(option_name)~~ for accessing a user defined option

To be able to write and use custom hooks, each configuration entry has a field opts, which is an association list.

Additionally, in lieferhund/interpolator.scm, one can find functions that can interpolate different type of information, including the entry options.

Treating your delivery doggo well

lieferhund -x give-treat

The Daemon

If you'd prefer running this as a daemon, there is lieferwelpe.scm, which only periodically pulls and processes the news. This can be used either on a server (in case you wouldn't prefer crontabs), or locally (i.e: send notifications via dbus). The news ofc can be read with the lieferhund.scm tool.


For active TODOs, please check the issue tab.

Building and installing

Please the the HACKING, INSTALL.

Eventually, this will be packaged for guix when v1.0 comes out and hopefully, the channel will be merged into the official Guix upstream.