A static site generator that runs in emacs
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Kristell Lymilark 80ad606350 modified readme
2024-08-29 23:26:32 -04:00
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README.org modified readme 2024-08-29 23:26:32 -04:00

Kristell's Org-mode Static Site Generator

It's a static site generator, made for org-mode in Emacs. I went with hacking together a custom one because I didn't like that most existing ones were either focused around documentation, or blogs, and I wanted to make one that functioned how I wanted it to.

Also, I'm one person making a project for myself. If there are any changes you want to see made, fork the repo. If there are any changes made that you don't like, fork the repo.

If you like what I do here, check out my other stuff: My blog

And consider donating Ko-fi

How to install

How to use

Open the build-site.el file and customize the author line near the start of the org-project-alist section, then fill in your site's name and description near the bottom.

After that you'll want to customize the header.org and footer.org to your liking. These will need to be included in every file (I have capture templates set up, I may end up updating this to run with a custom emacs config file so that it includes those as well) using the #+INCLUDE: tag at the start of the file for header.org, and end of the file for footer. The index.org files are included to make an example of this.

Once that's done, you can now make your pages and posts! Include any posts in the content/blog folder, and all pages in the content folder. You just write them using regular markdown syntax.

After that, just run the build.sh file using ./build.sh and it'll turn all of the files into html files, and upload the public folder to whatever website you want to.


If you delete the public folder you do need to re-create the blog sub-folder, as the generator can't do that.


The project was started using the System Crafters config, and expanded from there using pieces I found in the org-mode manual.