2003-04-27 03:34:15 +02:00
# New ports collection makefile for: aspathtree
# Date created: 06.05.2002
# Whom: Janos Mohacsi <janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME = aspathtree
2005-04-24 15:34:46 +02:00
2004-02-23 05:42:13 +01:00
CATEGORIES = net-mgmt ipv6
2003-04-27 03:34:15 +02:00
MASTER_SITES = #http://carmen.ipv6.cselt.it/ipv6/tools/ASpath-tree/index.html
MAINTAINER = Janos.Mohacsi@bsd.hu
COMMENT = Checks IPv6 routes' stability and correctness on IPv6 internet
2003-10-24 14:05:09 +02:00
RUN_DEPENDS = ${ SITE_PERL } /Net/Telnet.pm:${ PORTSDIR } /net/p5-Net-Telnet \
2005-04-24 15:34:46 +02:00
whois3:${ PORTSDIR } /net/ripe-whois
2003-04-27 03:34:15 +02:00
WRKSRC = ${ WRKDIR } /ASpath-tree-v${ PORTVERSION } /
RESTRICTED = "not redistributable, license agreement required"
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p r e . m k >
. i f ! e x i s t s ( $ { D I S T D I R } / $ { D I S T N A M E } $ { E X T R A C T _ S U F X } )
IGNORE = " You need to read the license and disclaimer on http://carmen.ipv6.tilab.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?pkg=ASpath-tree and download ${ DISTFILES } into ${ DISTDIR } "
. e n d i f
NO_BUILD = yes
USE_PERL5 = yes
PKGMESSAGE = ${ WRKDIR } /pkg-message
CONFIG_FILES = ASpath-tree.config
ICON_FILES = bnew.gif bold.gif e.gif h.gif l.gif p.gif t.gif v.gif
LIB_FILES = bgp-tree-changes.pl bgp-tree.pl create-homepage.pl elaborate-aspaths.pl getbgptable.pl history.pl ipv6prefix.pl odd-as.pl odd-routes.pl route-stability.pl utility.pl ASmain.pl
DATA_FILES = 6bone.db force.as.name rirs.db
DOC_FILES = DISCLAIMER readme.txt changes.txt
pre-configure :
@${ REINPLACE_CMD } -e ' s#%%PATHPERLBIN%%#${ PERL5 } #; \
s#%%PREFIX%%#${ PREFIX } #' ${WRKSRC}/update-rtree \
${ WRKSRC } /etc/ASpath-tree.config
do-install :
#installing main script
${ INSTALL_SCRIPT } ${ WRKSRC } /update-rtree ${ PREFIX } /bin
#installing lib files
${ MKDIR } ${ PREFIX } /libexec/aspathtree/
. f o r f i l e i n $ { L I B _ F I L E S }
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /lib/${ file } ${ PREFIX } /libexec/aspathtree
. e n d f o r
#installing htdocs files
${ MKDIR } ${ PREFIX } /var/aspathtree/htdocs/icons/
. f o r f i l e i n $ { I C O N _ F I L E S }
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /htdocs/icons/${ file } ${ PREFIX } /var/aspathtree/htdocs/icons/
. e n d f o r
#installing data files
${ MKDIR } ${ PREFIX } /var/aspathtree/data
. f o r f i l e i n $ { D A T A _ F I L E S }
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /data/${ file } ${ PREFIX } /var/aspathtree/data/
. e n d f o r
#installing log directory
${ MKDIR } ${ PREFIX } /var/aspathtree/log
#installing config files
. f o r f i l e i n $ { C O N F I G _ F I L E S }
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /etc/${ file } ${ PREFIX } /etc/${ file } .dist
. e n d f o r
#installing docs
. i f n d e f ( N O P O R T D O C S )
. f o r f i l e i n $ { D O C _ F I L E S }
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /${ file } ${ DOCSDIR }
. e n d f o r
. e n d i f
post-install :
@${ SED } -e " s:%%PREFIX%%: ${ PREFIX } :g " ${ .CURDIR } /pkg-message >${ PKGMESSAGE }
. i f ! d e f i n e d ( B A T C H )
@${ ECHO }
@${ ECHO }
. e n d i f
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p o s t . m k >