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Tiny Tiny RSS is now installed, but it requires some additional setup.
You now need to create the DB used by Tiny Tiny RSS as its back-end:
create a database and a user, and source the script
%%WWWDIR%%/schema/ttrss_schema_%%DB%%.sql .
Then, you need to edit the configuration file
You also need to add appropriate configuration directives to your apache
configuration file (%%PREFIX%%/etc/apache(2)/httpd.conf).
E.g., you could copy %%DATADIR%%/httpd-tt-rss.conf
to %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/apache22/Includes/ if using apache22.
Then, you should be able to check <http://localhost/tt-rss/> and
<http://localhost/tt-rss/mobile/> with a browser.
(the first time, the user is "admin", with the password "password")
And to update your feeds, you have to enable the daemon ttrssd in
/etc/rc.conf and start %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/ttrssd . You may also add an entry
for /var/log/ttrssd.log in your /etc/newsyslog.conf .
Please read <http://tt-rss.org/redmine/wiki/tt-rss/InstallationNotes> and
<http://tt-rss.org/redmine/wiki/tt-rss/UpdatingFeeds> for important points.