2003-06-16 15:37:04 +02:00
# New ports collection makefile for: Simplicity for Java
# Date created: 13 November 2002
# Whom: Scott Lambert <lambert@lambertfam.org>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME = simplicity
2008-06-06 16:17:21 +02:00
2003-06-16 15:37:04 +02:00
CATEGORIES = java devel
MASTER_SITES = # http://www.datarepresentations.com/products/simplicity/
DISTNAME = simpjava
2010-08-09 01:02:30 +02:00
DEPRECATED = sources not available
EXPIRATION_DATE = 2010-09-01
2003-06-16 15:37:04 +02:00
MAINTAINER = ports@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT = Extremely powerful and extremely simple RAD IDE for Java
BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ JAVAVM } :${ PORTSDIR } /java/jdk13
RUN_DEPENDS = ${ JAVAVM } :${ PORTSDIR } /java/jdk13
JDK13DIR ?= ${ LOCALBASE } /jdk1.3.1
JAVAVM = ${ JDK13DIR } /bin/java
2004-04-10 19:26:55 +02:00
RESTRICTED = "Restrictive license"
2003-06-16 15:37:04 +02:00
NO_BUILD = yes
WRKSRC = ${ WRKDIR } /Simplicity
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p r e . m k >
. i f ! e x i s t s ( $ { D I S T D I R } / $ { D I S T N A M E } $ { E X T R A C T _ S U F X } )
IGNORE = You must manually fetch the source distribution ( ${ DISTFILES } ) from http://www.datarepresentations.com/products/simplicity/download.shtml ( registration required) , place it in ${ DISTDIR } and then run make again
. e n d i f
post-patch :
@${ REINPLACE_CMD } -e " s,%%%PREFIX%%%, ${ PREFIX } \/share\/java, " -e " s,%%%JAVAVM%%%, ${ JAVAVM } , " ${ WRKSRC } /Simplicity
do-install :
@${ CP } -r ${ WRKDIR } /Simplicity ${ PREFIX } /share/java
@${ INSTALL_SCRIPT } ${ WRKDIR } /Simplicity/Simplicity ${ PREFIX } /bin/Simplicity
post-install :
. i f ( N O N - P U R E _ J A V A _ O K )
#@install the NotPureJava/datarep_common.jar in place of datarep_common.jar
#@{CP} ${PREFIX}/share/java/Simplicity/datrep_common.jar ${PREFIX}/share/java/Simplicity/datarep_common.jar.purejava.backup
#@{CP} ${PREFIX}/share/java/Simplicity/NotPureJava/datrep_common.jar ${PREFIX}/share/java/Simplicity/datarep_common.jar
. e n d i f
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p o s t . m k >