2008-07-08 23:03:42 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $FreeBSD$
# This script is used to automatically generate the CVSROOT-ports/modules
# file, based on the content of the ports INDEX file and the modules files
# of the other CVSROOT-* directories.
# Created by Edwin Groothuis <edwin@FreeBSD.org>
# This script lives on hub in /home/gnats-aa and is called from a crontab
# once per day.
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $portsdir = "";
my $index = "";
my $header = "";
my $modules = "";
my $modules_src = "";
my $modules_doc = "";
my $modules_proj = "";
my $outdir = "modules.dir";
my $outmod = "modules.out";
GetOptions( "portsdir=s" => \$portsdir,
"index=s" => \$index,
"modules=s" => \$modules,
"modules-src=s" => \$modules_src,
"modules-doc=s" => \$modules_doc,
"modules-proj=s"=> \$modules_proj,
"header=s" => \$header,
"outdir=s" => \$outdir,
"outmod=s" => \$outmod
# Get all directories in /usr/ports, and see if there is a PKGNAMEPREFIX to
# be worried about
my %dirs = ();
opendir(DH, $portsdir);
my @dirs = readdir(DH);
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
next if (! -d "$portsdir/$dir");
next if ($dir =~ /^\./);
next if ($dir eq "distfiles");
next if ($dir eq "packages");
$dirs{$dir} = "";
next if (! -f "$portsdir/$dir/Makefile.inc");
my $prefix =
`make -C $portsdir/$dir -f Makefile.inc -V PKGNAMEPREFIX`;
$dirs{$dir} = $prefix;
# Write the modules.dir file in the following format: "ports_" + DIR
open(FOUT, ">$outdir");
print FOUT "\n#\n# Ports directories\n#\n";
printone("ports", "ports");
foreach my $d (sort(keys(%dirs))) {
my $d_ = $d;
$d_ =~ s/\-/_/g;
printone("ports_" . $d_, "ports/$d");
# Import the modules file from CVSROOT-src and friends.
my %src_mods = ();
my $line;
foreach my $mod (($modules_src, $modules_doc, $modules_proj)) {
my $foundMERGE = 0;
next if ($mod eq "");
open(FIN, $mod);
while (defined($line = <FIN>)) {
if ($line =~ /!!MERGE!!/) {
$foundMERGE = 1;
next if (!$foundMERGE);
next if ($line =~ /^\#/);
my @a = split(" ", $line);
next if ($#a != 1);
$src_mods{$a[0]} = $a[1];
# Import the modules from modules.head
my $line;
open(FIN, $header);
while (defined($line = <FIN>)) {
next if ($line =~ /^\#/);
my @a = split(" ", $line);
next if ($#a <= 0);
$src_mods{$a[0]} = $a[1];
# Read the INDEX file and store it as a hash with the key modname
# (PKGNAMEPREFIX + portname) in %mods.
# If a duplicate is found with CVSROOT-src/modules, rename the modname
# to "ports_" + modname.
2011-12-27 04:32:25 +01:00
# If a duplicate modname is found, copy the original to DIR + modname
2008-07-08 23:03:42 +02:00
# and continue for these modnames (and any future ones) as DIR + modname.
my %mods = ();
my %dupes = ();
my $line;
open(FIN, "$portsdir/$index");
while (defined($line = <FIN>)) {
my @a = split(/\|/, $line);
@a = split(/\//, $a[1]);
my %names = ( lc($a[4]) => 1, $a[4] => 1 );
my $path = "$a[2]/$a[3]/$a[4]";
my $dir = $a[3];
# next if ($a[4] ne "p5-Chemistry-Elements");
if (!defined $dirs{$dir}) {
print "Unknown dir: $dir\n";
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%names))) {
my $modname = $dirs{$dir} . $name;
$modname = "ports_" . $modname
if (defined($src_mods{$modname}));
if (defined $dupes{$modname}) {
$modname = $dir . "_" . $modname;
} else {
if (defined($mods{$modname})) {
$dupes{$name} = 1;
# save earlier one
my $dupemodname = $mods{$modname}{dir} .
"_" . $modname;
my $newmodname = $dir . "_" . $modname;
$mods{$dupemodname}{dir} =
$mods{$dupemodname}{name} =
$mods{$modname}{dir} . "_" .
$mods{$dupemodname}{path} =
$mods{$modname}{ignore} = 1;
$modname = $dir . "_" . $modname;
$mods{$modname}{dir} = $dir;
$mods{$modname}{name} = $modname;
$mods{$modname}{path} = $path;
$mods{$modname}{ignore} = 0;
open(FOUT, ">$outmod");
print FOUT "\n#\n# Ports modules\n#\n";
foreach my $mod (sort(keys(%mods))) {
next if ($mods{$mod}{ignore});
printone($mods{$mod}{name}, $mods{$mod}{path});
sub printone {
my $name = shift;
my $path = shift;
print FOUT "$name ", " " x (30 - length($name)), " $path\n";