
84 lines
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--- lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl.orig
+++ lib/kernel/test/file_SUITE.erl
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
-export([ read_not_really_compressed/1,
read_compressed_cooked/1, read_compressed_cooked_binary/1,
- write_compressed/1, compress_errors/1, catenated_gzips/1]).
+ write_compressed/1, compress_errors/1, catenated_gzips/1,
+ compress_async_crash/1]).
-export([ make_link/1, read_link_info_for_non_link/1, symlinks/1]).
@@ -133,7 +134,8 @@
{compression, [],
[read_compressed_cooked, read_compressed_cooked_binary,
read_cooked_tar_problem, read_not_really_compressed,
- write_compressed, compress_errors, catenated_gzips]},
+ write_compressed, compress_errors, catenated_gzips,
+ compress_async_crash]},
{links, [],
[make_link, read_link_info_for_non_link, symlinks]}].
@@ -2271,6 +2273,57 @@
+compress_async_crash(suite) -> [];
+compress_async_crash(doc) -> [];
+compress_async_crash(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ ?line Path = filename:join(DataDir, "test.gz"),
+ ExpectedData = <<"qwerty">>,
+ ?line _ = ?FILE_MODULE:delete(Path),
+ ?line {ok, Fd} = ?FILE_MODULE:open(Path, [write, binary, compressed]),
+ ?line ok = ?FILE_MODULE:write(Fd, ExpectedData),
+ ?line ok = ?FILE_MODULE:close(Fd),
+ % Test that when using async thread pool, the emulator doesn't crash
+ % when the efile port driver is stopped while a compressed file operation
+ % is in progress (being carried by an async thread).
+ ?line ok = compress_async_crash_loop(10000, Path, ExpectedData),
+ ?line ok = ?FILE_MODULE:delete(Path),
+ ok.
+compress_async_crash_loop(0, _Path, _ExpectedData) ->
+ ok;
+compress_async_crash_loop(N, Path, ExpectedData) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(
+ fun() ->
+ ?line {ok, Fd} = ?FILE_MODULE:open(
+ Path, [read, compressed, raw, binary]),
+ Len = byte_size(ExpectedData),
+ Parent ! {self(), continue},
+ ?line {ok, ExpectedData} = ?FILE_MODULE:read(Fd, Len),
+ ?line ok = ?FILE_MODULE:close(Fd),
+ receive foobar -> ok end
+ end),
+ receive
+ {Pid, continue} ->
+ exit(Pid, shutdown),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ ?line shutdown = Reason
+ end;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason2} ->
+ test_server:fail({worker_exited, Reason2})
+ after 60000 ->
+ exit(Pid, shutdown),
+ erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
+ test_server:fail(worker_timeout)
+ end,
+ compress_async_crash_loop(N - 1, Path, ExpectedData).
altname(doc) ->
"Test the file:altname/1 function";
altname(suite) ->