- Add p5-Hash-FieldHash 0.10

Hash::FieldHash provides the field hash mechanism which supports the inside-out

You may know Hash::Util::FieldHash. It's a very useful module, but too complex
to understand all the functions and only available in 5.10. H::U::F::Compat is
available for pre-5.10, but it seems too slow to use.

This is an alternative to H::U::F with following features:

Simpler interface
- Hash::FieldHash provides a few functions: fieldhash() and fieldhashes().
  That's enough.

Higher performance
- Hash::FieldHash is faster than Hash::Util::FieldHash, because its internals
  use simpler structures.

Relic support
- Although Hash::FieldHash uses a new feature introduced in Perl 5.10, the uvar
  magic for hashes described in "GUTS" in Hash::Util::Fieldhash, it supports
  Perl 5.8 using the traditional tie-hash layer.

WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Hash-FieldHash/
This commit is contained in:
Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh 2011-08-10 12:24:48 +00:00
parent 24e2dd9b5b
commit b515624c9f
Notes: svn2git 2021-03-31 03:12:20 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=279409
5 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -1763,6 +1763,7 @@
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AsObject
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-AutoHash
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Case
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-FieldHash
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Flatten
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-Merge-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Hash-MoreUtils

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# New ports collection makefile for: p5-Hash-FieldHash
# Date created: 2011-08-01
# Whom: Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= Hash-FieldHash
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
MAINTAINER= sunpoet@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= A lightweight field hash implementation
TEST_DEPENDS= p5-Test-LeakTrace>=0.07:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Test-LeakTrace
MAN3= Hash::FieldHash.3
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 500808
TEST_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Simple>=0.62:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Test-Simple
.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 501000
RUN_DEPENDS+= p5-MRO-Compat>=0.10:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-MRO-Compat
.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 501001
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Devel-PPPort>=3.19:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Devel-PPPort
RUN_DEPENDS+= p5-parent>=0.221:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-parent
.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 501200
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS>=2.21:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
SHA256 (Hash-FieldHash-0.10.tar.gz) = 08d5398624a275888924061f26e83b2eba62ae530fffe32f919e74f1b396b2ea
SIZE (Hash-FieldHash-0.10.tar.gz) = 35918

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Hash::FieldHash provides the field hash mechanism which supports the inside-out
You may know Hash::Util::FieldHash. It's a very useful module, but too complex
to understand all the functions and only available in 5.10. H::U::F::Compat is
available for pre-5.10, but it seems too slow to use.
This is an alternative to H::U::F with following features:
Simpler interface
- Hash::FieldHash provides a few functions: fieldhash() and fieldhashes().
That's enough.
Higher performance
- Hash::FieldHash is faster than Hash::Util::FieldHash, because its internals
use simpler structures.
Relic support
- Although Hash::FieldHash uses a new feature introduced in Perl 5.10, the uvar
magic for hashes described in "GUTS" in Hash::Util::Fieldhash, it supports
Perl 5.8 using the traditional tie-hash layer.
WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Hash-FieldHash/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/Hash/FieldHash
@dirrmtry %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/Hash
@dirrmtry %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/Hash