It is possible to set port OPTIONS so that nothing "else" picks up
LOCALBASE, and Musescore itself just links to -lvorbis without
doing any CMake footwork for it, so we need to add it explicitly.
PR: 251589
Reported by:
audio/sratom: back to pool
audio/lilv: back to pool
audio/suil: back to pool
audio/lv2: back to pool
audio/ardour6: back to pool
Submitted by: Michael Beer <>
Upstream announce:
This XFCE release dropped support for GTK2 plugins and also dropped
GTK2 from all components.
WARNING: please check UPDATING before upgrading your packages. In
case of problems also read the libexo pkg-message.
Due to this some panel plugins and libraries will be removed since
they cannot compile anymore:
- print/xfce4-print
- x11/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
- x11/xfce4-wmdock-plugin
- x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui
These further components also fail to build or work and are being
marked BROKEN, deprecated and marked for removal:
- science/xfce4-equake-plugin
- x11/xfce4-embed-plugin
- deskutils/orage
- deskutils/xfce4-volumed [1]
deskutils/xfce4-notes-plugin will be also marked BROKEN, but there
is active development in it's upstream repository and a fixed release
is expected soon.
deskutils/xfce4-generic-slider will also be marked broken, since
it fails to compile. [2]
Thanks also to riggs, Olivier Duchateau <>
and the people in Approved and Reviewed lines below for help and
Reviewed by: woodsb02
Approved by: (maintainer) [1],
ehaupt [2]
Differential Revision:
2020-12-31 audio/ardour: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 audio/mixxx21: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb32: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb33: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/bzr: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/chromium-gn: Uses deprecated version of python, use devel/gn instead
2020-12-31 devel/mongo-cxx-driver: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
Exceptions are:
- mail/mailman, our listservers still use it
- www/chromium, solely because of popular demand,
upstream is (slowly) working on porting it to Python 3
- ports that have actual patches for Python 3 against
them (Cinnamon and a few unrelated other ports)
- llvm70 and qt5-webengine because they seem to have a lot
of dependencies which need further analysis
- sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve because bhyve seems to use them
- python2 and python27 themselves
I'm sure there will be complaints, but the nice thing about
a version control system is that we can revert and adjust things.
2020-12-31 audio/ardour: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 audio/mixxx21: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 audio/xmms2: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 chinese/sunpinyin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb32: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb33: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/bzr: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/chromium-gn: Uses deprecated version of python, use devel/gn instead
2020-12-31 devel/electron4: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron5: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron6: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron7: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/gnatpython: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/godot2: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/godot2-tools: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/libhid: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/libosmocore: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/llvm60: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/mongo-cxx-driver: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-06-30 devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback: Use devel/p5-Log-Any (Log::Any::Adapter::Capture) instead
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.functools_lru_cache: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.os: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports_abc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-cheetah: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-dis3: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-enum34: Will be removed along with python27
2020-12-31 devel/py-functools32: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-futures: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-more-itertools5: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-pathlib: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-selectors2: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-should_dsl: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-singledispatch: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-subprocess32: Python 2 only, following EOL of lang/python27
2020-12-31 devel/py-total-ordering: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-typing: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-weakrefmethod: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/rbtools: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/subversion-lts: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/viewvc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 dns/py-dns: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 editors/atom: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/fceux: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/gem5: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/nonpareil: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/0ad: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 games/dangerdeep: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/freera: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/glob2: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/marsnomercy: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/netpanzer: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/pingus: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/renpy: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 graphics/goxel: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/py-pillow6: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/sk1libs: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/uniconvertor: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 lang/julia10: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/pypy: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/pypy3: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey185: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey24: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey52: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey60: Requires python2 to build
2020-12-31 lang/tolua++: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 mail/getmail: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 math/gringo: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 multimedia/ffmpeg2theora: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 multimedia/mimms: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 net/py-ipaddress: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 net-p2p/linuxdcpp: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/broccoli: Depends lang/python27 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/orthrus: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/py-backports.ssl_match_hostname: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/sandsifter: Uses deprecated version of python, see
2020-12-31 sysutils/cinnamon-control-center: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/ori: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/osquery: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/py-shutilwhich: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/cliqz: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 www/iridium: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/moinmoin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/node10: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/node12: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-OhlohWidgetsMacro: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-TracGoogleAnalytics: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-accountmanager: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-advancedticketworkflow: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-autocomplete: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ccselector: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-customfieldadmin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-datefield: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-defaultcc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-devel: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-discussion: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-downloads: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-email2trac: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-email2trac-postfix: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-estimator: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fivestarvote: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fullblog: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fullblognotification: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-graphviz: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-iniadmin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-keywords: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-keywordsecretticket: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ldap: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ldapauthstore: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-math: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-mercurial: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-navadd: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-permredirect: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-privatetickets: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-pydotorgtheme: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-scrumburndown: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-spam-filter: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-subtickets: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tags: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-themeengine: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ticketimport: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tickettemplate: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-timingandestimation: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tocmacro: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tweakui: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-vote: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikigoodies: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikinotification: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikitemplates: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikitopdf: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wysiwyg: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-xmlrpc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
New plugin:
- Deezer cover art (fetches cover art from
Only display pkg-message when the BMP option is enabled as it only pertains
to this option.
* Make port concurrent safe as it installs scripts outside of Python's
site-lib directory.
* Remove no longer required dependency of devel/py-twine and obsolete parts
for Python < 3.6 after r559056 .
Changelogs since 2.1.1: