- The chapters about predefined statements and the foreign function
interface in the manual, were improved.
- An explanation, why the div operator is used for integer divisions,
was added to the FAQ.
- The FAQ about garbage collection was improved.
- Links to EBNF syntax descriptions and exceptions were added to the
HTML version of the manual.
- EBNF syntax descriptions in the manual were improved.
- Interpreter and compiler were improved to support the actions
- The library shell.s7i was improved to define the functions
getSearchPath and environment.
- The function path(PROGRAM) was improved to return the accurate
value under all circumstances.
- Several preprocessor defines were moved from "common.h to the new
include file "config.h".
- In cmdlib.c the function toArraytype() was introduced and used in
cmd_environment() and cmd_getSearchPath().
- In cmd_rtl.c the functions add_stri_to_array() and
complete_stri_array() were introduced and used in read_dir(),
getSearchPath() and cmdEnvironment().
- Parameter names in drw_win.c, drw_x11.c and drw_dos.c were changed
to fit to the names used in graph.s7i.
- Parameter names in clib_file.s7i, keybd.s7i, sockbase.s7i,
socket.s7i, utf8.s7i, fil_rtl.c, gkb_rtl.c, kbd_rtl.c, soc_dos.c,
soc_rtl.c and ut8_rtl.c were changed to fit to each other.
- The function conv_from_os_stri() was added to striutl.c .
- The function concat_path in str_rtl.c was improved to work
correctly, when the relative path contains "..".
- In several makefiles defines for SEARCH_PATH_DELIMITER and
os_environ were added and defines for
- A description of several C preprocessor macros used in "version.h"
and "config.h" was added to the file "src/read_me.txt".
- Parameter names were added to function definitions in various
- Documentation comments were added or improved in the files
"clib_file.s7i", "external_file.s7i", "socket.s7i", "fil_rtl.c" and
- The function determineEnvironDefines was added to "chkccomp.c".
- A chapter, which explains the foreign function interface, was added
to the manual.
- Syntax descriptions, code examples and tables in the HTML version
of the manual were improved.
- Documentation comments were added to the file "striutl.c".
- A description of several C preprocessor macros used in "version.h"
was added to the file "src/read_me.txt".
* The new library image.s7i was added. The contents of this library
was extracted from the program "carddemo.sd7".
* The new library make.s7i was added. The contents of this library
was extracted from the program "make7.sd7".
* The function 'str' and the 'parse' operator were added to the
library bstring.s7i.
* The function readDir was added to the library tar.s7i.
* A documentation comment was improved in the library bigint.s7i.
* The generation of bstring constants in the compiler (comp.sd7) was
* The function intStrHex was renamed to intStrPow2Base in the files
"int_rtl.c", "int_rtl.h" and in the compiler. The new function is
used to convert an integer to a string, when the number base is a
power of two.
* The function stri_export was renamed to stri_export_utf8 in the C
source files.
* The function cp_to_cstri was renamed to cp_to_cstri8 in the C
source files.
* Documentation comments were added and improved in the file
* The makefile mk_msvc.mak was changed to write a definition of
* Documentation comments were improved in the libraries idxarray.s7i,
array.s7i, dir.s7i, external_file.s7i, osfiles.s7i, duration.s7i
and time.s7i.
* Parameter names were added to function definitions in the
libraries array.s7i, bigfile.s7i, hash.s7i and idxarray.s7i.
* The compiler was improved to generate better inline code for set
membership (operator: in).
* The functions 'cmdFileType' and 'cmdFileTypeSL' in "cmd_rtl.c" were
improved to return FILE_ABSENT, when the file name is too long
(stat() respectively lstat() return an error and errno has the
value ENAMETOOLONG) or when the file name is an empty string.
* The new libraries subrange.s7i, ref_list.s7i and reference.s7i were
added. The contents of this libraries were extracted from the
seed7_05.s7i library.
* The "ftpserv.sd7" example program was improved to support the
commands RNFR and RNTO and to work correctly, when the listener
cannot open a passive data port.
* The font support was improved, such that caching of character
pixmaps works.
* Some characters in the standard bitmap fonts were added or
* The functions 'socSend' and 'socSendto' in "soc_rtl.c" were
improved to work correctly under 64-bit systems.
* The function 'fltSci' in "flt_rtl.c", was improved to avoid
a C compiler warning about the change of a constant value.
* The function 'redraw' in "drw_x11.c" was changed, such that it
does not use a parameter of type 'XExposeEvent'.
* The functions 'drwHeight', 'drwWidth', 'drwXPos' and 'drwYPos'
in "drw_x11.c" were improved to raise RANGE_ERROR when the
window does not exist.
* The function 'handleExpose' was introduced in "gkb_x11.c", to
handle the job of calling 'redraw'.
* The type 'unsigned int' was replaced by 'sysizetype' in
'findid.c', 'findid.h', 'identutl.c', 'identutl.h', 'literal.c',
'numlit.c', 'scanner.c' and 'symbol.h'.
* Some improvements were done in 'prg_comp.c', 'reflib.c',
'analyze.c', 'exec.c', 'infile.c', 'info.c' and 'typlib.c' to
reduce the number of warnings.
* Support for the unused action "ENU_SIZE" was removed.
- The chapter explaining exception handling in the manual was improved.
- The support for bitmap fonts was improved to use fontProperties as base type.
- The '-' function, which computes the differance of two 'time' values (with a
'duration' result) in "time.s7i", was improved.
- The function cmdConfigValue in "cmd_rtl.c" was improved to support the config
- In the file "fil_rtl.c" the functions myLseek, myFseek and myFtell were
renamed to os_lseek, os_fseek and os_ftell respectively.
- The makefiles were changed to define os_fseek, os_ftell, C_COMPILER_VERSION
- Documentation comments were added to the function alternate_utime in the file
- The first steps towards support of bitmap fonts were done.
- The standard bitmap font was defined for the sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 24.
- A new example program (testfont.sd7), which writes with the standard font
in various sizes, was added.
- The initialisation of the random number generator in the function
uint_rand in "int_rtl.c" was improved.
- The function timMycroSec was defined in "tim_unx.c" and "tim_win.c".
- The chapter explaining string indexing in the manual was improved.
- The compiler (comp.sd7) and the hi interpreter were improved to support the
actions "ITF_CMP" and "ITF_HASHCODE".
- The parameter names of the functions arc, chord and pieslice in the
"draw.s7i" library were changed to startAngle and sweepAngle.
- The compiler was improved such that compiled programs which use SIGALARM
(the functions 'wait' and 'await' from the "time.s7i" library may use
SIGALARM) can be terminated with ctrl-c followed by * and enter.
- Parameter names were added to the prototypes in the file "drw_drv.h".
- The function drwPFArcPieSlice in "drw_win.c" was implemented.
- The functions drwFCircle and drwPFCircle in "drw_x11.c were improved.
- The chapter explaining the type 'time' in the manual was improved.
- The support for source level debugging in the compiler (comp.sd7) was
improved. Now the option -g generates better #line directives and the 'main'
function was arranged such that the current line shown by a debugger is
correct when the program is started.
- In the "seed7_05.s7i" library the function "rpos" was overloaded to do a
reverse search for a character in a string starting from a given position.
- The files "str_rtl.c", "strlib.c", "primitiv.c" and the compiler were
improved to support the primitive action STR_RCHIPOS (which implements the
new overloaded 'rpos' function).