There's a small problem with the ftp-mirrors with the mindterm-ssh.html
file. My and other mirrors of have a different filesize
of this file than the original file (1085 vs. 1106 bytes).
This is only in amount of whitespace, diff -b shows no difference at all.
(It's not a tab problem, I manually couldn't find the difference btw)
This is also why I never could reproduce the checksum mismatch on bento, as
I never fetch from but a local mirror. Neither could
other people who just asked me why this port is marked broken and scheduled
for removal.
The distinfo file will now use the filesize from the master FTP server.
Thanks to the SIZE data, "make fetch" will try different mirrors until
it'll find one with the correct size and thus the correct checksum.
So hopefully this will fix this port for the future.
SSH client (full VT220/xterm compatible!!)
This is the binary-only version without a dependency to JDK but
including a sample HTML-file instead (for use in webbrowsers).