See for the general
release notes. On the FreeBSD front, this release introduces Fuse support
in HAL, adds multi-CPU support to libgtop, WebKit updates, and fixes some
long-standing seahorse and gnome-keyring bugs. The documentation updates
to the website are forthcoming.
This release features commits by adamw, ahze, kwm, mezz, and myself. It would
not have been possible without are contributors and testers:
Alexander Loginov
Craig Butler [1]
Dmitry Marakasov [6]
Eric L. Chen
Joseph S. Atkinson
Kris Moore
Lapo Luchini [7]
Nikos Ntarmos
Pawel Worach
Romain Tartiere
TAOKA Fumiyoshi [3]
Yasuda Keisuke
aZ [4]
bf [2] [5]
Florent Thoumie
Peter Wemm
PR: 125857 [1]
126993 [2]
130031 [3]
127399 [4]
127661 [5]
124302 [6]
129570 [7]
PyMe's development model is GPGME + Python + SWIG (just like m2crypto is
an OpenSSL + Python + SWIG) combination which means that most of the
functions and types are converted from C into Python automatically by SWIG.
In short, to be able to use PyMe you need to be familiar with GPGME.
system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside
security related information it will also scan for general system
information, installed packages and configuration mistakes.
This software aims in assisting automated auditing, software patch
management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix based systems.
It can be run without prior installation, so inclusion on read only
storage is no problem (USB stick, cd/dvd).
Author: Michael Boelen
PR: 128909
Submitted by: Cory McIntire <loon at noncensored dot com>
for C programmers. This format provides a reasonable level of
security by utilizing SHA-256 in addition to a random salt to
mitigate dictionary and rainbow table attacks.
PR: ports/128328
Submitted by: Matt D. Harris <>
Reworked by: myself
through the OpenVPN Management Interface.
Main features
* Simple & lightweight just a client GUI to start/stop your OpenVPN tunnels
and nothing more
* Integrated with the Gnome Desktop (support for the Keyring and notification
* Support for Auth and Private-Key OpenVPN authentication methods
PR: ports/128097
Submitted by: Anderson S. Ferreira <anderson at>
using JavaScript on the client side.
This is very useful to prevent spam robots collecting email addresses from your
site, included is a method to add mailto links to the text being generated.
the best crypto algorithms from the Crypto++ library.
PR: ports/126977
Submitted by: Wen Heping <wenheping at>
QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform crypto
API, using Qt datatypes and conventions. QCA separates the API from
the implementation, using plugins known as Providers. The advantage
of this model is to allow applications to avoid linking to or
explicitly depending on any particular cryptographic library. This
allows one to easily change or upgrade crypto implementations
without even needing to recompile the application. QCA should work
everywhere Qt does, including Windows/Unix/MacOSX.
TLS, CMS, X.509, RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, PKCS#7, PKCS#12, SHA0,
SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160,
Blowfish, DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256, CAST5, HMAC(SHA1, MD5,
to the OpenSSL programs.
ssl-admin will help you do the following tasks with SSL certificates:
* Create your own CA certificate.
* Create new Certificate Signing Requests
* Sign existing Certificate Signing Requests
* Manage Certificate Revokation Lists
* Export configurations and certificates for OpenVPN.
PR: ports/125875
Submitted by: Eric Crist <ecrist at>
The Crypt::OpenSSL::AES module implements a wrapper around
OpenSSL's AES (Rijndael) library.
PR: ports/125387
Submitted by: John Ferrell <jdferrell3 at>
tool. It is meant to complement active crawlers and manual proxies more
commonly used for this task, and is optimized specifically for an accurate and
sensitive detection, and automatic annotation, of potential problems and
security-relevant design patterns based on the observation of existing,
user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments.
PR: ports/125249
Submitted by: Steven Kreuzer <>
servers via a single "gateway" host. It is useful for establishing Net::SSH
connections to servers behind firewalls, but can also be used to forward ports
and establish connections of other types, like HTTP, to servers with i
restricted access.
* Easily manage forwarded ports
* Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls
PR: ports/125053
Submitted by: Philip M. Gollucci <>
SSH (and requires the Net::SSH library), and allows files and directory trees
to copied to and from a remote server.
* Transfer files or entire directory trees to or from a remote host via SCP
* Can preserve file attributes across transfers
* Can download files in-memory, or direct-to-disk
* Support for SCP URI's, and OpenURI
PR: ports/125052
Submitted by: Philip M. Gollucci <>
The port is deprecated since it is not supported by the FreeBSD
Security Officer anymore. The reason for this is that the ca-roots
port makes promises with regard to CA verification which the current
Security Officer (and deputy) do not want to make.
For people who need a general root certificate list see the
security/ca_root_ns, but note that the difference in guarantees with
regard to which CAs are included in ca_root_ns vs. ca-roots. The
ca_root_ns port basically makes no guarantees other than that the
certificates comes from the Mozilla project.
Note that the ca-roots MOVED file entry on purpose does not point at
ca_root_ns due to the change in CA guarantees.
With hat: security-officer
Single Packet Authorization (SPA).
fwknop stands for the "FireWall KNock OPerator", and
implements an authorization scheme called Single Packet
Authorization (SPA). This method of authorization is based
around a default-drop packet filter (fwknop supports both
iptables on Linux systems and ipfw on FreeBSD and Mac OS X
systems) and libpcap.
SPA requires only a single encrypted packet in order to
communicate various pieces of information including desired
access through an iptables policy and/or complete commands
to execute on the target system. By using iptables to
maintain a "default drop" stance, the main application of
this program is to protect services such as OpenSSH with
an additional layer of security in order to make the
exploitation of vulnerabilities (both 0-day and unpatched
code) much more difficult. With fwknop deployed, anyone
using nmap to look for sshd can't even tell that it is
listening; it makes no difference if they have a 0-day
exploit or not. The authorization server passively monitors
authorization packets via libcap and hence there is no
"server" to which to connect in the traditional sense.
Access to a protected service is only granted after a valid
encrypted and non-replayed packet is monitored from an
fwknop client (see the following network diagram; the SSH
session can only take place after the SPA packet is monitored):
PR: ports/118229
Submitted by: Sean Greven <>
are hosting browser exploits that can infect visiting users with
malware. It functions as an HTTP proxy server and intercepts all
browser requests. SpyBye uses a few simple rules to determine if
embedded links on your web page are harmlesss, unknown or maybe
even dangerous.
SpyBye analyzes all downloads in the background and provides you
with a warning notification whenever it encounters content that
is potentially malicious. At that point, you can click on the link
in the notification and receive a more detailed analysis of the web page.
PR: ports/123945
Submitted by: Paul Schmel <pauls>
Approved by: tabthorpe (mentor)
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and
is a network security scanner with associated tools like a
graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with
a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect
security problems in remote systems and applications.
PR: ports/123128
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and
is a network security scanner with associated tools like a
graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with
a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect
security problems in remote systems and applications.
PR: ports/123130
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and
is a network security scanner with associated tools like a
graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with
a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect
security problems in remote systems and applications.
PR: ports/123127
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and
is a network security scanner with associated tools like a
graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with
a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect
security problems in remote systems and applications.
PR: ports/123129
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and
is a network security scanner with associated tools like a
graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with
a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect
security problems in remote systems and applications.
PR: ports/123131
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
passphrases. An object of this type is a passphrase recogniser: its
job is to recognise whether an offered passphrase is the right one.
For security, such passphrase recognisers usually do not themselves
know the passphrase they are looking for; they can merely recognise it
when they see it. There are many schemes in use to achieve this
effect, and the intent of this class is to provide a consistent
interface to them all, hiding the details.
The CPAN package Authen::Passphrase contains implementations of
several specific passphrase schemes in addition to the base class.
Approved by: erwin (mentor)