2007-08-22 www/mapedit: Depends on obsolete version of jdk
2007-08-22 www/hotjava: Depends on obsolete version of jdk
2007-08-29 sysutils/cd9660_unicode: is obsolete. See mount_cd9660(8)
2007-09-11 net-mgmt/p5-Net-SNMP3: only runs with old, unsupported Perl versions
Spectral Band Resonation + Parametric Stereo, or AAC + SBR + PS), also known as
HE-AAC+ (High Efficiency AAC+). Developed by Coding Technologies, based on the
reference code obtained from 3GPP, repackaged to compile on contemporary Linux
by Matteo Croce.
WWW: http://teknoraver.campuslife.it/
2006-12-01 audio/xmms-rateplug: Project disappeared from the internet
2006-12-01 chinese/iiimf-le-chewing: fails to install (dependency problem)
2006-12-01 deskutils/mhc-xemacs21-mule: hangs during build
2006-12-01 devel/alleyoop: Does not compile
2006-12-01 devel/hs-crypto: is incompatible with current GHC, needs updating
2006-12-01 editors/gedit-autocomplete-plugin: Not compatible with gedit versions >= 2.14
2006-12-01 emulators/basiliskII: Does not compile
2006-12-01 emulators/vmware-tools2: Unfetchable
2006-12-01 emulators/vmware2: Unfetchable
2006-12-03 finance/ccard: Project disappeared from the internet
2006-11-05 deskutils/offix-trash: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-04 devel/mingw: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-binutils: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-bin-msvcrt: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-gcc: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-04 devel/mingw-opengl-headers: use mingw32-* ports instead
2006-11-05 editors/offix-editor: developement ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 print/offix-printer: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 sysutils/wmmon: no longer available from mastersite
2006-11-04 sysutils/xsysinfo: no longer available from mastersite
2006-11-04 textproc/xmlada: no longer available from mastersite; 2.0 is available
2006-11-05 www/p5-CGI-Application-ValidateRM: no longer available from mastersites
2006-11-05 x11/offix-clipboard: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11/offix-execute: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11-fm/offix-files: development ceased in 1996
2006-11-05 x11-wm/icepref: is for IceWM version 1.04 (6 years old)
This one has been renamed:
games/linux-q3ademo|games/linux-quake3-demo|sync name with other Quake ports
And these had been deleted:
devel/bitkeeper||Project was discontinued
java/bugseeker-demo||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
java/bugseeker||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
java/forte||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
x11-themes/metacity-theme-alloy-c||Obsolete by x11-themes/gnome-art
x11-themes/metacity-theme-hacked-2||Obsolete by x11-themes/gnome-art
x11-themes/metacity-theme-iridium-rounded||Obsolete by x11-themes/gnome-art
www/netscape3||security vulnerability
www/netscape3-gold||security vulnerability
www/netscape4-communicator|www/netscape48-communicator|security vulnerability
www/netscape4-communicator.us|www/netscape48-communicator|security vulnerability
www/netscape4-navigator|www/netscape48-navigator|security vulnerability
www/netscape47-communicator|www/netscape48-communicator|security vulnerability
www/netscape47-navigator|www/netscape48-navigator|security vulnerability
www/netscape7||security bugs
www/netscape-remote||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
www/netscape-wrapper||Port depended on another that was removed.
misc/nwrite||Project dead and disappeared
net/pim6dd||Deleted since it's succeeded by net/mcast-tools
www/tasks||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
graphics/xbarcode||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
games/xothello||Port passed expiry date and was removed.
Autopano analyses two or more images and automatically generates control
points - coordinates in the images where the views overlap. This can be fed
to hugin which then stitches the files together and enblend which combines
the colors to remove seam lines.
WWW: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
- Add entry to LEGAL:
The use of this software is restricted by certain conditions. See the
"LICENSE" file distributed with the program for details.
The University of British Columbia has applied for a patent on the SIFT
algorithm in the United States. Commercial applications of this software
may require a license from the University of British Columbia.
PR: 95746
Submitted by: J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com>
Maintained by: Carlos E. G. Carvalho <cartola@openit.com.br>
OptimFROG is a lossless audio compression program. Its main goal is to
reduce at maximum the size of audio files, while permitting bit identical
restoration for all input. It is similar with the ZIP compression, but it
is highly specialized to compress audio data.
OptimFROG obtains asymptotically the best lossless audio compression
ratios. It has Windows, Linux, and Mac versions, fully featured input
plug-ins for the Windows Media Player, foobar2000, Winamp2/3/5, dBpowerAMP,
XMPlay, QCD, and XMMS audio players (with bitstream error resilience,
ID3v1.1 and APEv2 read tagging support, ID3v2 compatible), optimal support
for all integer PCM wave formats up to 32 bits and an extensible streamable
(error tolerant) compressed format. It is also fast, the default mode
encodes CD quality audio data at 12.4x real-time and decodes at 17.4x real-
time on AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (the fastest mode encodes at 28.1x real-time
and decodes at 24.7x real-time). Self-extracting (sfx) archives can also be
created with a small overhead of just 54 KB.
WWW: http://www.losslessaudio.org/
Author: Florin Ghido <FlorinGhido@yahoo.com>
LPAC is a codec (coder / decoder) for lossless compression of digital audio
files. "Lossless" means that any compressed file can be decompressed in a way
it will be bit-wise identical with the original. This is the main advantage
of LPAC compared to lossy formats like MP3, WMA or RealAudio. On the other
hand, lossy codecs can achieve higher compression ratios. For example, MP3 at
128 kbit/s achieves a (fixed) compression ratio of 11, whereas LPAC's
compression ratios range from 1.5 to 4, strongly depending on the audio
material. Typically they are around 2 for pop music and 2.5 for classical
music. This may not seem much, but remember you will get back every single
bit, no matter how often you subsequently compress and decompress a file. It
is true that general archivers (Zip, LZH, gzip) are lossless, too, but they
often achieve nearly no compression on audio files.
WWW: http://www.nue.tu-berlin.de/wer/liebchen/lpac.html
- Update to 20060402
- Remove RESTRICTED field since the author got a permission
- Remove USE_PERL5
- Mark as BROKEN on 4.x
- Remove plan9port entry
PR: 95316
Submitted by: maintainer
(pkg-message tells the user how to get it).
PR: ports/94023
Submitted by: Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acardenas@bsd.org.pe>
Approved by: garga (mentor, implicitly)
The EULA says:
You may not use the Software on ... (D) any operating system that
is not an Authorized Operating System.
and FreeBSD is not an Authorized Operating System which it defines.
Discussed with: maintainer (jamie at bishopston dot net),
portmgr (kris and krion)
- Add an entry in ports/LEGAL;
- Clean up the port;
- Make pkg-descr look pretty and make some sligth adjustments to pkg-plist.
PR: 93879
Submitted by: Daniel Thiele <dthiele (at) gmx.net> (maintainer)
AMCC/3ware ATA RAID Controllers, supported by twe(4) and twa(4) drivers.
It provides controller, logical unit and drive management. tw_cli can
be used in both interactive and batch mode, providing higher-level API
(Application Programming Interface) functionalities.
WWW: http://3ware.com/support/download.asp
PR: 92843
Submitted by: Dmitry Frolov <frolov@riss-telecom.ru>