Net::POP3 provides functionality for retrieving email via POP3, the Post Office
Protocol version 3. For details of POP3, see RFC1939.
Upstream announce:
This XFCE release dropped support for GTK2 plugins and also dropped
GTK2 from all components.
WARNING: please check UPDATING before upgrading your packages. In
case of problems also read the libexo pkg-message.
Due to this some panel plugins and libraries will be removed since
they cannot compile anymore:
- print/xfce4-print
- x11/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
- x11/xfce4-wmdock-plugin
- x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui
These further components also fail to build or work and are being
marked BROKEN, deprecated and marked for removal:
- science/xfce4-equake-plugin
- x11/xfce4-embed-plugin
- deskutils/orage
- deskutils/xfce4-volumed [1]
deskutils/xfce4-notes-plugin will be also marked BROKEN, but there
is active development in it's upstream repository and a fixed release
is expected soon.
deskutils/xfce4-generic-slider will also be marked broken, since
it fails to compile. [2]
Thanks also to riggs, Olivier Duchateau <>
and the people in Approved and Reviewed lines below for help and
Reviewed by: woodsb02
Approved by: (maintainer) [1],
ehaupt [2]
Differential Revision:
lang/julia: metaport, useless without any consumers
2020-12-31 lang/julia10: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey24: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 mail/getmail: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 security/broccoli: Depends lang/python27 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/orthrus: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/ori: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/osquery: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/cliqz: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 www/trac: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-accountmanager: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
Exceptions are:
- mail/mailman, our listservers still use it
- www/chromium, solely because of popular demand,
upstream is (slowly) working on porting it to Python 3
- ports that have actual patches for Python 3 against
them (Cinnamon and a few unrelated other ports)
- llvm70 and qt5-webengine because they seem to have a lot
of dependencies which need further analysis
- sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve because bhyve seems to use them
- python2 and python27 themselves
I'm sure there will be complaints, but the nice thing about
a version control system is that we can revert and adjust things.
2020-12-31 audio/ardour: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 audio/mixxx21: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 audio/xmms2: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 chinese/sunpinyin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb32: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 databases/arangodb33: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/bzr: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/chromium-gn: Uses deprecated version of python, use devel/gn instead
2020-12-31 devel/electron4: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron5: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron6: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/electron7: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/gnatpython: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/godot2: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/godot2-tools: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/libhid: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/libosmocore: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/llvm60: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/mongo-cxx-driver: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-06-30 devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback: Use devel/p5-Log-Any (Log::Any::Adapter::Capture) instead
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.functools_lru_cache: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.os: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-backports_abc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-cheetah: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-dis3: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-enum34: Will be removed along with python27
2020-12-31 devel/py-functools32: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-futures: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-more-itertools5: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-pathlib: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-selectors2: Python 2 is EOL upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-should_dsl: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-singledispatch: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-subprocess32: Python 2 only, following EOL of lang/python27
2020-12-31 devel/py-total-ordering: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/py-typing: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/py-weakrefmethod: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 devel/rbtools: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/subversion-lts: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/viewvc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 dns/py-dns: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 editors/atom: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/fceux: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/gem5: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 emulators/nonpareil: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/0ad: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 games/dangerdeep: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/freera: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/glob2: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/marsnomercy: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/netpanzer: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/pingus: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 games/renpy: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 graphics/goxel: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/py-pillow6: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/sk1libs: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 graphics/uniconvertor: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 lang/julia10: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/pypy: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/pypy3: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey185: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey24: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey52: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 lang/spidermonkey60: Requires python2 to build
2020-12-31 lang/tolua++: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 mail/getmail: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 math/gringo: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 multimedia/ffmpeg2theora: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 multimedia/mimms: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 net/py-ipaddress: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 net-p2p/linuxdcpp: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/broccoli: Depends lang/python27 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/orthrus: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/py-backports.ssl_match_hostname: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 security/sandsifter: Uses deprecated version of python, see
2020-12-31 sysutils/cinnamon-control-center: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/ori: Uses Python 2.7 version of scons, and Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/osquery: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 sysutils/py-shutilwhich: Python 2 only, backport of Python 3
2020-12-31 sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/cliqz: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-31 www/iridium: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/moinmoin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/node10: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/node12: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-OhlohWidgetsMacro: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-TracGoogleAnalytics: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-accountmanager: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-advancedticketworkflow: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-autocomplete: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ccselector: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-customfieldadmin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-datefield: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-defaultcc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-devel: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-discussion: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-downloads: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-email2trac: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-email2trac-postfix: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-estimator: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fivestarvote: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fullblog: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-fullblognotification: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-graphviz: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-iniadmin: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-keywords: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-keywordsecretticket: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ldap: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ldapauthstore: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-math: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-mercurial: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-navadd: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-permredirect: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-privatetickets: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-pydotorgtheme: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-scrumburndown: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-spam-filter: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-subtickets: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tags: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-themeengine: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-ticketimport: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tickettemplate: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-timingandestimation: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tocmacro: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-tweakui: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-vote: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikigoodies: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikinotification: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikitemplates: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wikitopdf: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-wysiwyg: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 www/trac-xmlrpc: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
2020-12-31 devel/arm-none-eabi-gdb: This is an old, obsolete version of gdb
2020-12-31 devel/pecl-weakref2: PHP 7.2 extension
2020-12-31 graphics/py-imageio24: Use graphics/py-imageio instead
2020-12-31 mail/bogofilter-tc: TokyoCabinet is being phased out in favor of KyotoCabinet.
2020-12-31 net/pecl-yaz: PHP 7.2 extension
2020-12-31 print/cloudprint: Google Cloud Print is being shut down by Google by end of 2020
2020-12-31 science/py-eccodes-python: Use science/py-eccodes instead
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles312: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles313: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine312: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine313: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero5: Please use sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero instead
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng325: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng326: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng328: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng329: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 www/flashplayer: Depends on a deprecated port
2020-12-31 www/linux-flashplayer: Deprecated by upstream
2020-12-31 www/mediawiki133: Upstream end of life
2020-12-31 www/mediawiki134: Upstream end of life
2020-12-31 www/py-aiohttp2: Use www/py-aiohttp instead
sysutils/drm-legacy-kmod is left in for now.
2020-12-31 ./net/php72-soap: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./net/php72-sockets: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./net/php72-xmlrpc: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./net/php72-ldap: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-xmlwriter: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-pspell: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-enchant: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-wddx: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-xsl: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-dom: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-ctype: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-xml: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-simplexml: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./textproc/php72-xmlreader: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./graphics/php72-gd: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./graphics/php72-exif: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./mail/php72-imap: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./www/php72-opcache: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./www/mod_php72: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./www/php72-session: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./www/php72-tidy: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./security/php72-filter: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./security/php72-sodium: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./security/php72-hash: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./security/php72-openssl: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-shmop: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-tokenizer: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-sysvshm: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-gettext: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-readline: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-pcntl: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-json: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-sysvmsg: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-sysvsem: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./devel/php72-intl: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_sqlite: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_mysql: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pgsql: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_pgsql: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-odbc: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_odbc: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-mysqli: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-interbase: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_firebird: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-dba: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-pdo_dblib: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./databases/php72-sqlite3: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./ftp/php72-curl: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./ftp/php72-ftp: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./misc/php72-calendar: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./math/php72-bcmath: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./math/php72-gmp: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./archivers/php72-zip: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./archivers/php72-phar: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./archivers/php72-zlib: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./archivers/php72-bz2: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./net-mgmt/php72-snmp: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./lang/php72: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./converters/php72-mbstring: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./converters/php72-recode: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./converters/php72-iconv: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./sysutils/php72-posix: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
2020-12-31 ./sysutils/php72-fileinfo: Security Support ends on 30 Nov 2020
Drop abandonware xmlrpc dependency with php80
PHP80 was introduced more than two month ago,
maintainer had more than enough time to react and fix the port
With hat: ports-secteam
- SECURITY FIX [CVE-2020-35573]: PostSRSd could be tricked into consuming a
lot of CPU time with an SRS address that has a very long time stamp tag
- Fixed a bug where PostSRSd would occasionally create invalid SRS addresses
if the used secret is extremely long
PR: 252007
Submitted by:
Reviewed by: osa (mentor)
Approved by: osa (mentor)
Security: eb2845c4-43ce-11eb-aba5-00a09858faf5
Differential Revision:
Since r558913 Python 3.8 incorporates BPO-42604 [1] which changed the
shared libs naming scheme. This means "EXT_SUFFIX" is now derived from
SOABI and yields with Python 3.8 to "" instead of ".so".
The affected ports strip the libaries in the "post-install" target via
hardcoded path(s) and the build fails at the end because the new extension
is not expected at this place.
Remedy the issue by adding wildcards to these paths. This should also
prepare the ports for future Python releases, which will use the new shared
libs naming scheme.
PR: 252057
Reported by: John Kennedy
Reviewed by: fluffy, koobs
Approved by: koobs (python)
2020-12-12 comms/py-libconcord: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 databases/py-swift: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 devel/py-AddOns: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 devel/py-BytecodeAssembler: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 devel/py-repoze.who-testutil: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 devel/py-riak_pb: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 devel/pythk: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 mail/py-spambayes: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 math/py-numeric: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 math/py-scientific: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 net/py-suds: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 net/pynids: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 security/py-obfsproxy-tor: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 sysutils/syslog-ng324: Agreed upon upstream one year deprecation policy
2020-12-12 www/py-pylons: Uses deprecated version of python
2020-12-12 www/py-qpy: Uses deprecated version of python
* Draw better circles for circle annotations
* Fix annotation line width if no appearance stream or style are given
* Tweak rendering of highlight annotations
* Fix border rendering of some annotations
* Fix rendering of some files. Issue #976 Issue #567
* PSOutputDev: provide options to set the rasterization color space and ICC profile
* PSOutputDev: for splashModeCMYK8 and language level >=2 activate overprint emulation
* PSOutputDev: use the DeviceN8 bitmap for rasterization with CMYK-output + overprint
* Use the font name without subset tag when querying for a system font
* Splash: Fix wrong x adjustment during clipping
* Splash: Fix blitImage in uncolored tiling patterns
* timeToDateString: We forgot the ' after the minutes
* Move psLevel to PSOutputDev creation
* Fix several issues in broken files
* pdftops: provide options to set the rasterization color space and ICC profile
* pdftops: for splashModeCMYK8 and language level >=2 activate overprint emulation
* New fuzzers
* New fuzzers
* New fuzzers
build system:
* gcc: Enable -fno-operator-names
* Remove obsolete bool-to-binary macro
* Remove obsolete version-check macro for pkgconfig
* Remove .pc files for private back-ends
* Remove redundant unit-test macro
PR: 251537
Exp-run by: antoine
PHP 8.0 compatibility, many thanks to @jrf_nl!
Switch from PHP CS Fixer to PHP CodeSniffer for coding standards
Create class constants for the debug levels in the POP3 class
Improve French, Slovenian, and Ukrainian translations
Improve file upload examples so file extensions are retained
Resolve PHP 8 line break issues due to a very old PHP bug being fixed
Avoid warnings when using old openssl functions
Improve Travis-CI build configuration
Sponsored by: Netzkommune GmbH