#!/bin/sh #set -vx PKG_BATCH=${BATCH:=NO} PKG_PREFIX=${PKG_PREFIX:=/usr/local} # # create 'cyrus' user and group before installing # create() { if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/pw ]; then echo "*** Please add a user and a group named \`cyrus' before installing this package." exit 69 fi if ! pw show group cyrus -q >/dev/null; then gid=60 while pw show group -g ${gid} -q >/dev/null; do gid=`expr ${gid} + 1` done if ! pw add group cyrus -g ${gid}; then e=$? echo "*** Failed to add group \`cyrus'. Please add it manually." exit ${e} fi echo "*** Added group \`cyrus' (id ${gid})" else gid=`pw show group cyrus 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f3` fi if [ -x /sbin/nologin ]; then shell=/sbin/nologin else shell=/nonexistent fi if ! pw show user cyrus -q >/dev/null; then uid=60 while pw show user -u ${uid} -q >/dev/null; do uid=`expr ${uid} + 1` done if ! pw add user cyrus -u ${uid} -g ${gid} -d "/nonexistent" \ -c "the cyrus mail server" -s "${shell}" -p "*" \ ; then e=$? echo "*** Failed to add user \`cyrus'. Please add it manually." exit ${e} fi echo "*** Added user \`cyrus' (id ${uid})" else if ! pw mod user cyrus -g ${gid} -d "/nonexistent" \ -c "the cyrus mail server" -s "${shell}" -p "*" \ ; then e=$? echo "*** Failed to update user \`cyrus'." exit ${e} fi echo "*** Updated user \`cyrus'." fi if ! pw group mod cyrus -m daemon; then echo "*** can't add user \`daemon' to group \`cyrus'" fi } checkfile() { diff -bBqw $1 $1.dist >/dev/null 2>&1 case $? in 0) # config file exists, but is the same ;; 1) # config file exists and differs echo "** Make sure $1 is in sync with this version"; echo " of the port. See $1.dist for details."; ;; *) # no config file exists, copy it install -c -m 644 $1.dist $1 ;; esac } # Install timseived's Cyrus.conf file cyrus_conf() { if [ ! -f ${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/sasl/Cyrus.conf ]; then echo "pwcheck_method: pwcheck" > ${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/sasl/Cyrus.conf fi } case $2 in PRE-INSTALL) create ;; POST-INSTALL) cd ${PKG_PREFIX} cyrus_conf checkfile ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/imapd.conf if grep '^imap4' /etc/inetd.conf; then echo "** Please check that your /etc/inetd.conf entry for \`imap4'" echo " is suitable for the Cyrus IMAP server." else echo "** Please add an entry for the imap4 protocol to /etc/inetd.conf." fi echo if grep '^sieve' /etc/inetd.conf; then echo "** Please check that your /etc/inetd.conf entry for \`sieve'" echo " is suitable for the Cyrus timsieved daemon" else echo "** Please add an entry for timseived to /etc/inetd.conf." echo " If you wish to have user's upload their sieve filter" echo " scripts to the server." fi echo echo " An example can be found in ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/inetd.conf.cyrus." if grep 'sieve' /etc/services; then echo else echo echo "** Please add an entry for the sieve protocol (2000/tcp)" echo " to /etc/services" echo fi ;; esac