# New ports collection makefile for: rotorouter # Date created: Sat May 29 01:30:43 EDT 2004 # Whom: Paul Chvostek # # $FreeBSD$ # # This port is self-contained in the src directory. # PORTNAME= rotorouter PORTVERSION= 1.0 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= net-mgmt MASTER_SITES= # nada DISTFILES= # nil MAINTAINER= paul+ports@it.ca COMMENT= Traceroute attempt logger and result spoofer NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes SED_SCRIPT+= -e 's,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},g' \ -e 's,%%RC_SUBR%%,${RC_SUBR},g' .include USE_RC_SUBR= yes do-extract: ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/rotorouter.c ${WRKSRC} do-build: ${CC} -lpcap -o ${WRKSRC}/rotorouter ${WRKSRC}/rotorouter.c ${SED} ${SED_SCRIPT} < ${FILESDIR}/rotorouter.sh > ${WRKSRC}/rotorouter.sh do-install: @${INSTALL_DATA} -m 640 ${FILESDIR}/rotorouter.conf-example ${PREFIX}/etc @${INSTALL_DATA} -m 640 ${FILESDIR}/rotorouter.conf-example ${PREFIX}/etc/rotorouter.conf @${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/rotorouter ${PREFIX}/sbin/ @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} -m 751 ${WRKSRC}/rotorouter.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/rotorouter.sh post-install: @${SED} ${SED_SCRIPT} < ${PKGMESSAGE} .include