# Created by: Hannes Hauswedell # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= kports PORTVERSION= 0.8.2 PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= ports-mgmt kde MASTER_SITES= SF MAINTAINER= h2+fbsdports@fsfe.org COMMENT= Qt4-Version of your favorite frontend to the Ports RUN_DEPENDS= portaudit:${PORTSDIR}/ports-mgmt/portaudit \ uma:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/bsdadminscripts CONFLICTS= kports-0.[0-7]* USE_BZIP2= yes USES= qmake USE_QT4= corelib gui network moc_build uic_build rcc_build OPTIONS_DEFINE= DEBUG OXYGEN KDEBASE OPTIONS_DEFAULT= OXYGEN KDEBASE OXYGEN_DESC= Pull in Oxygen icons (recommended) OXYGEN_USE= KDE4=oxygen KDEBASE_DESC= Pull in kdebase-runtime for kdesu KDEBASE_USE= KDE4=runtime .if defined(WITH_PKGNG) IGNORE= only works with traditional pkg-tools .endif .include post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/local,${LOCALBASE},g' ${WRKSRC}/data/kports.desktop .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDEBUG} pre-configure: @(${ECHO_CMD} "CONFIG += debug" >> ${WRKSRC}/src/src.pro) @(${ECHO_CMD} "CONFIG -= release warn_off" >> ${WRKSRC}/src/src.pro) @(${ECHO_CMD} "CONFIG += debug warn_on" >> ${WRKSRC}/src/src.pro) @(${ECHO_CMD} "DEFINES -= QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT" >> ${WRKSRC}/src/src.pro) .endif .include