# New ports collection makefile for: scilab # Date created: 30 April 2001 # Whom: js@jeannot.org # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= scilab PORTVERSION= 4.1 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= math cad parallel MASTER_SITES= http://www.scilab.org/download/${PORTVERSION}/ EXTRACT_SUFX= -src.tar.gz MAINTAINER= js@jeannot.org COMMENT= A free Matlab clone by INRIA & ENPC LIB_DEPENDS= Xaw3d.${XAWVER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/Xaw3d BUILD_DEPENDS= wish8.4:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk84 \ xsltproc:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxslt RUN_DEPENDS+= wish8.4:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk84 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GETTEXT= yes WANT_GNOME= yes USE_AUTOTOOLS= autoconf:259 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-tk \ --with-tk-library=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-tk-include=${LOCALBASE}/include/tk8.4 \ --with-tcl-library=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-tcl-include=${LOCALBASE}/include/tcl8.4 \ --with-xaw3d \ --x-include=${X11BASE}/include \ --x-libraries=${X11BASE}/lib \ --without-java \ --without-ocaml CONFIGURE_ENV+= X11BASE=${X11BASE} F77=${F77} FFLAGS="${FFLAGS}" PLIST_SUB= PORTVERSION="${PORTVERSION}" DOCSDIR="share/doc/scilab" OPTIONS= GTK2 "Use Gtk+2 interface" off \ PVM "Use PVM" off .include <bsd.port.pre.mk> .if defined(WITH_PVM) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pvm-library=${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --with-pvm-include=${LOCALBASE}/include PVM_ROOT= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/pvm CONFIGURE_ENV+= PVM_ROOT=${PVM_ROOT} RUN_DEPENDS+= pvm:${PORTSDIR}/net/pvm BUILD_DEPENDS+= pvm:${PORTSDIR}/net/pvm MAKE_ENV= PVM_INCLUDE=${LOCALBASE}/include .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-pvm .endif .if defined(WITH_GTK2) USE_GNOME= pkgconfig gtk20 libgtkhtml vte CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-gtk2 PLIST_SUB+= GTK2="" NOGTK2="@comment " .if ${OSVERSION} < 500000 || exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libreadline.so.5) LIB_DEPENDS+= readline.5:${PORTSDIR}/devel/readline .endif .else PLIST_SUB+= GTK2="@comment " NOGTK2="" .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libatlas_r.so) && !defined(WITH_BLAS) WITH_ATLAS= yes .endif .if defined(WITH_ATLAS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-atlas-library=${LOCALBASE}/lib LIB_DEPENDS+= atlas.2:${PORTSDIR}/math/atlas BLAS_LIBS= -lalapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas .else LIB_DEPENDS+= lapack.4:${PORTSDIR}/math/lapack LIB_DEPENDS+= blas.2:${PORTSDIR}/math/blas BLAS_LIBS?= -llapack -lblas .endif MAKE_ENV+= BLAS_LIBS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib ${BLAS_LIBS}" # Scilab broken with GCC 3.3 on FreeBSD 5.3 .if ${OSVERSION} >= 503000 && ${OSVERSION} < 600000 #USE_GCC= 3.2 #override FC and F77 BUILD_DEPENDS+= gcc32:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc32 CC= gcc32 CXX= g++32 .endif WANT_FORTRAN=yes #dummy but future use BUILD_DEPENDS+= gfortran42:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc42 F77= gfortran42 FC= gfortran42 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-gfortran .if ${ARCH} == "alpha" && ${OSVERSION} >= 502102 || ${ARCH} == "ia64" || \ ${ARCH} == "sparc64" || ${ARCH} == "amd64" && ${OSVERSION} >= 700000 BROKEN= does not compile on alpha 5.x, ia64, sparc64 or amd64 -CURRENT .endif post-patch: @# malloc.h -> stdlib.h conversions @${GREP} -lr "<malloc.h>" ${WRKSRC} \ | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's/[<"]malloc.h[>"]/<stdlib.h>/' .if defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/%%PORTDOCS%%/#/' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in .else @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/%%PORTDOCS%%//' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in .endif pre-install: @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name \*.orig -delete @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name \*.bak -delete @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name .cvsignore -delete .include <bsd.port.post.mk>