# Created by: Marco Steinbach PORTNAME= froxlor DISTVERSION= CATEGORIES= sysutils www MASTER_SITES= https://files.froxlor.org/releases/ MAINTAINER= nc@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= PHP-based ISP Server Management Panel LICENSE= GPLv2 USES= cpe php:cli shebangfix USE_PHP= bcmath curl filter ftp json pdo_mysql posix session xml zip SHEBANG_FILES= froxlor/install/scripts/* SUB_FILES= pkg-deinstall pkg-message SUB_LIST= PORTNAME=${PORTNAME} \ WWWGRP=${WWWGRP} \ WWWOWN=${WWWOWN} PLIST_SUB= ${SUB_LIST} NO_ARCH= yes NO_BUILD= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes OPTIONS_DEFINE= DKIM LIBNSS LOGROTATE MYSQLS NLS PCNTL OPTIONS_RADIO= DNS FTP IMAPPOP3 SMTP WEB OPTIONS_RADIO_WEB= APACHE LIGHTTPD NGINX OPTIONS_RADIO_SMTP= EXIM POSTFIX OPTIONS_RADIO_IMAPPOP3= COURIER DOVECOT2 OPTIONS_RADIO_FTP= PROFTPD PUREFTPD OPTIONS_RADIO_DNS= ISCDNS POWERDNS OPTIONS_MULTI= WWWST OPTIONS_MULTI_WWWST= AWSTATS WEBALIZER WWWST_DESC= Web access and traffic statistics dependency WEB_DESC= Web server dependency SMTP_DESC= SMTP server dependency IMAPPOP3_DESC= IMAP/POP3 server dependency DNS_DESC= DNS server dependency FTP_DESC= FTP server dependency APACHE_DESC= Apache as HTTP/HTTPS server LIGHTTPD_DESC= Lighttpd as HTTP/HTTPS server NGINX_DESC= Nginx as HTTP/HTTPS server POSTFIX_DESC= Postfix as SMTP server EXIM_DESC= Exim as SMTP server DKIM_DESC= OpenDKIM for DomainKeys Identified Mail DOVECOT2_DESC= Dovecot 2.x as IMAP/POP3 server COURIER_DESC= Courier as IMAP/POP3 server PROFTPD_DESC= ProFTPd as FTP server PUREFTPD_DESC= Pure-FTPd as FTP server POWERDNS_DESC= Powerdns as DNS server ISCDNS_DESC= ISC BIND 9.11 from ports as DNS server PCNTL_DESC= Use php-pcntl (speeds up statistics creation) LIBNSS_DESC= Libnss-mysql for authentication WEBALIZER_DESC= Webalizer (small, fast, static result pages) AWSTATS_DESC= Awstats (more fancy, dynamic and static result pages) LOGROTATE_DESC= Logrotate for log rotation MYSQLS_DESC= Depend on MySQL server NLS_DESC= Enable NLS support (required for webFTP frontend) OPTIONS_DEFAULT= APACHE DOVECOT2 MYSQLS PCNTL POSTFIX PROFTPD WEBALIZER POSTFIX_RUN_DEPENDS= postfix:mail/postfix EXIM_RUN_DEPENDS= exim:mail/exim DKIM_RUN_DEPENDS= opendkim:mail/opendkim DOVECOT2_RUN_DEPENDS= dovecot>=2:mail/dovecot COURIER_RUN_DEPENDS= courier:mail/courier PROFTPD_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/proftpd/mod_sql_mysql.so:databases/proftpd-mod_sql_mysql PUREFTPD_RUN_DEPENDS= pure-ftpd:ftp/pure-ftpd POWERDNS_RUN_DEPENDS= pdns_control:dns/powerdns ISCDNS_RUN_DEPENDS= bind>= LIBNSS_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/nss_mysql.so:net/libnss-mysql WEBALIZER_RUN_DEPENDS= webalizer:www/webalizer AWSTATS_RUN_DEPENDS= awstats>=6.8:www/awstats LOGROTATE_RUN_DEPENDS= logrotate:sysutils/logrotate LIGHTTPD_RUN_DEPENDS= lighttpd:www/lighttpd NGINX_RUN_DEPENDS= nginx:www/nginx APACHE_USES= apache php:mod MYSQLS_USES= mysql:server PCNTL_USE= PHP=pcntl NLS_USES= gettext-runtime:run NLS_USE= PHP=gettext do-install: cd ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME} && \ ${FIND} . ! -name .gitignore | \ ${CPIO} --quiet -pdm ${STAGEDIR}${WWWDIR} .include