#! /bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ PATH=/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin FBUSER=frontbase DB_DIR=${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Databases backupwarning() { echo " =========== BACKUP YOUR DATA! ============= As always, backup your data before upgrading. This is *NOT* done by the port! Press ctrl-C *now* if you need to backup. =========================================== " sleep 5 } licensestring() { echo " You will need to obtain and install a valid license string. Go to http://www.frontbase.com and request a license Once you have obtained a valid license string, install it as follows: Create a file ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/LicenseString with a single line consisting of the 64-character license string, followed by a colon (:) and the 16-character license check, i.e. a total of 81 characters. Once the license file has been installed, restart FrontBase. To verify that the license string has been installed correctly, run ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/bin/FBInfoCenter " } pre-install() { backupwarning } post-install() { mkdir -p ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Backups mkdir -p ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Databases mkdir -p ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/TransactionLogs chmod 750 ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Backups chmod 750 ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Databases chmod 750 ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/TransactionLogs chown -R frontbase:wheel ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Backups \ ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/Databases \ ${PKG_PREFIX}/FrontBase/TransactionLogs licensestring } case $2 in PRE-INSTALL) pre-install exit 0 ;; POST-INSTALL) post-install exit 0 ;; BACKUPWARNING) backupwarning exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac