.Dd August 22, 1996 .Dt POPPASSD 8 .Os BSD 4.4 .Sh NAME .Nm poppassd .Nd Eudora password change server .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm /usr/local/libexec/poppassd .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a server that allows users of Eudora, PCEudora, NUPOP and similar programs to change their password using their mail agent. .Pp .Nm is invoked by the internet server (see .Xr inetd 8 ) for requests to connect to the pop3pw port as indicated by the .Pa /etc/services file (see .Xr services 5 ) . .Pp .Sh EXAMPLES Assuming the .BB poppassd binary is located in .Pa /usr/local/libexec an entry like: .Pp .Bd -offset left pop3pw stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/libexec/poppassd poppassd .Ed .Pp is required in the .Pa /etc/inetd.conf file. .Pp An entry like: .Pp pop3pw 106/tcp .Pp is required in the .Pa /etc/services file. .Pp Assuming you wish .BB poppassd to log errors to .Pa /var/log/pop.log an entry like: .Pp local2.err /var/log/pop.log .Pp is required in .Pa /etc/syslog.conf . .Pp .Sh FILES .nf /etc/services /etc/syslog.conf logging specifications /etc/inetd.conf poppassd invocation .fi .Sh "SEE ALSO" .Xr inetd 8 , .Xr services 5 , .Xr popper 8