PLT-Scheme is a set of tools for writing and running the PLT scheme programming language. It includes a graphical IDE (drscheme) that features highlighting of the source of syntax and run-time errors, support for multiple language levels, an algebraic stepper, objects, modules, a GUI library, TCP/IP, and much more. It includes an extensive, hyper-linked help system called Help Desk, available from the Help menu, the plt-help command line tool, or through a web browser. mred is the interpreter/JIT compiler that includes the GUI toolkit. drscheme is the GUI ide, and is a mred application. mzscheme is a text-only variant that does not include the GUI toolkit. swindle is a language variant that includes a CLOS-style object system. mzc is a compilation manager that can produce stand-alone executable programs. plt-r5rs and plt-r6rs are front ends for running standards-conforming programms. plt-web-server is a web server. scribble, slatex and tex2page are text formatters. slideshow is a presentation formatter. sirmail is a mail user agent. WWW: